Search pattern :reference -> L

Matches (301 - 340 of 340)

  1. Land barriers and open oceans: effects on gene diversity and population structure in Avecennia germinans L. (Avicenniaceae)
    Dodd, R.S.(REJP0001350)
  2. Leaf decomposition of two species in a mangrove community in Futi Shenzhen (In Clinese)
    Huang, L.(REJP0001410)
  3. Leaf secretion composition of the mangrove species Avicennia germinans (L.) in relation to salinity: a case study by using total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
    Sobrado, M.A.(REJP0001415)
  4. Landscape surrounding human settlements and Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) abundance in Southern Chiapas, Mexico
    Rodriguez, A.D.(REJP0001483)
  5. Leaf protoplast isolation from eight mangrove species of three different families; Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae and Sonneratiaceae
    Kawan, Y.(REJP0001507)
  6. La mangrove a usages multiples de l'estuaire du Salium (Senegal)
    Agbogba, C. (ed.)(REJP0001515)
  7. Land subsidence and sea-level rise in the Port-Adelaide Estuary-implications for monitoring the greenhouse-effect
    Belperio, A.P.(REJP0001521)
  8. Land use - iron pollution in mangrove habitat at Karachi, Indus Delta
    saifullah, S.M.(REJP0001617)
  9. La strate'gie de conservation a' maurice
    Fagoonee, I.(REJP0001763)
  10. Les orientations de la banque mondiale dans le domaine de l'environnement: Le cas de Madagascar
    Falloux, F.(REJP0001770)
  11. Les grands problemes actuels de la conservation des ecosystemes: De'frichement et feux de brousse
    Raymond, R.(REJP0001771)
  12. Les roles et formes du reboisement a' Madagascar
    Radioela, R.(REJP0001772)
  13. Laproduction forestiere et ses impacts surles boisements
    Louis, R.A.(REJP0001773)
  14. Le paysan malgache est-il un paysan de l'arbre?: Perspectives en agroforesterie a' Madagascar
    Rabetaliana, N.H.(REJP0001776)
  15. L'intensification de la production agricole et l'environment
    Ralaivaouinca, P.(REJP0001778)
  16. L'image repre'sentative de la forest en pays betsimisaraka
    Sylvia, Y.(REJP0001780)
  17. La destructionde la foret par l'homme malgache un probleme mal pose
    Esoavelomandroso, M.(REJP0001781)
  18. La carte phytoe"cologique service de la conservation et de l"amenagement
    Ramangason, G.S.H.(REJP0001787)
  19. La biology des sols et la ferlilite'
    Garnier-Sillam, E.(REJP0001789)
  20. Le role morphoge'nique des termites en re'gion tropicale l'exemple de Madagascar
    Petit, M.(REJP0001790)
  21. Le processus de la planification applique' a' la gestion des ressources naturelles
    Maldague, M.(REJP0001800)
  22. Litter dynamics and particulate organic matter out welling from a subtropical mangrove in Okinawa Island, South Japan
    Mfilinge, P.L.(REJP0001863)
  23. Leaf longevity, construction, and maintenance costs of three mangrove species under field conditions
    Suarez, N.(REJP0001908)
  24. Leaf-litter processing by invertebrates in a mangrove forest in Queensland
    Camilleri, J.C.(REJP0001968)
  25. Limonological Features of a Tropical Meromictic lake
    Bozniak, E.G.(REJP0001980)
  26. Location and interseasonal variation in flowering, propagule setting and propagule size in mangrove species of the family Rhizophoraceae
    Tyagi, A.P.(REJP0002028)
  27. Litter degradation and CN dynamics in reforested mangrove plantations at Gazi Bay, Kenya
    Bosire, J.O.(REJP0002115)
  28. Living laboratory in Peril
    Boersma, P.D.(REJP0002140)
  29. Late Quaternary cycles of mangrove development and decline on the north Australian continental shelf
    Grindrod, J. (REJP0002155)
  30. Light gradients and the transverse distribution of chlorophyll fluorescence in mangrove and camellia leaves
    Koizumi, M.(REJP0002157)
  31. Locomotor activity patterns of the mangrove littorinids, Littoraria ardouiniana and L. melanostoma, in Hong Kong
    Lee, O.H.K.(REJP0002159)
  32. Land from the Sea: The Mangrove Afforestation Program of Bangladesh
    Saenger, P.(REJP0002178)
  33. Long-term effect of NaCl on the activity of uridine and uracil salvage for nucleotide synthesis in cultured mangrove (Bruguiera sexangula) cells
    Sato, Y.(REJP0002199)
  34. Linking spatial metrics and fish catch reveals the importance of coastal wetland connectivity to inshore fisheries in Queensland, Australia
    Meynecke, J.-O.(REJP0002205)
  35. Larval fish assemblages in a tropical mangrove estuary and adjacent coastal waters: offshore - inshore flux of marine and estuarine species
    Ooi, A.L.(REJP0003014)
  36. L-asparaginase production by mangrove derived Bacillus cereus MAB5: optimization by response surface methodology
    Thenmozhi, C.(REJP0003030)
  37. Livelihood options for coastal communities. Volume 2
  38. Land use implications in mangrove ecosystems
    Chong, P.W. (ed.)(REJP1100238)
  39. La fauna silvestre de los manglares, el sector incompleto de la investigacion (Spanish), Direccion de Recursos Naturales Renovables
    Aguilar, W.(REJP1100249)
  40. La silvicultura de manglares (Silviculture of mangroves)
    Hussain, M.Z. (REJP1100291)


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