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  1. Pollen Analytical Studies of the Holocene Deposits from Kosrae and Pohnpei Islands, Micronesia.
    Takao, K. (ed.)(REFJ1100074)
  2. Phytogeography of Micronesian Mangroves.
    Fosberg, F.R.(REFJ1100078)
  3. Premières observations sur la faune ichthyologique de la Casamance
    Albaret, J.J.(REGH1000001)
  4. Poissons d'eaux douces et saumâtres de la région du Congo
    Daget, J.(REGH1000044)
  5. Population dynamics and community structure of fish in the mangroves of Pagbilao, Philippines
    Pinto, L.(REGH1000082)
  6. Presentation of the general results of the research programs on the lagoons of the Ivory Coast
    Zabi, S.G. (REGH1000299)
  7. Potentialités et problèmes en aquaculture dans la région de la Casamance au Sénégal
    Gilles, S.(REGH1000326)
  8. Pédogenése et transformations des composés du soufre deans deux sols tropicaux en voie de différenciation (milieu fluvio-marin, milieu continental)
    Vieillefon, J.(REGH1000349)
  9. Participation des bactéries sulfato-réductrices aux processus microbiens de certaines maladies physiologiques du riz inondé (exemple du Sénégal)
    Jacq, V.(REGH1000370)
  10. Projet pilote de gestion des mangroves de la baie de sangareya- Dubreka: résumé du plan d'aménagement forestier des mangroves de la Baie de Sangareya
    CCE et al(REGH1000390)
  11. Potentialités de développement d'une gestion intégrée pour l'écosystème mangrove: aspects écologiques et gestion
    Wilmart, G.(REGH1000399)
  12. Productivité primaire dans les mangroves. Approaches et qualitatives
    Achard, F.(REGH1000400)
  13. Potentials for utilisations of mangrove swamp forests for wildlife resources development in Nigeria
    Ayodele, I.A.(REGH1000410)
  14. Proc. of a Workshop on " Save the mangroves of Tanzania"
    Mainoya, J.R.(REGH1000420)
  15. Potentials for mangrove utilisation in Nigeria
    Okigbo, L.C.(REGH1000456)
  16. Peuplements de foraminiféres marqaunt la transition entre les domaines continental et océanique dans les milieux paraliques du Sénégal
    Debanay, J.P.(REGH1000515)
  17. Priliminary report on the mangrove study on Pamuronko site
    Leung Tack, K.D.(REGH1000541)
  18. Priliminary report in the fish biology on the Bunce River
    Bousso, T.(REGH1000544)
  19. Pêche de crevettes et chevrettes dans le bas-delta du fleuve Sénégal
    Pandare, D.(REGH1000554)
  20. Progression of Mangrove forest over a newly formed Delta in the Umhlatuze Estuary, South Africa
    Bedin, T.(REGH1001000)
  21. Predatory activity and spatial strategies of Epixanthus dentatus (Decapoda, Oziidae): an ambush predator among the mangroves
    Cannicci, S.(REGH1001011)
  22. Predatory activity and spatial strategiesof Epixanthus dentatus (Decapoda, Ozzidae): an ambush predator among the mangroves
    Cannici, S.(REGH1001017)
  23. Propagule predators in Kenyan mangrove and their possible effect on regeneration
  24. Population dynamics of the Mud skipper Periphthalmus barbarus (Gobiidae) in the estuarine swamp of Cross River, Nigeria
    King, R.P.(REGH1001042)
  25. Pesticide and nutrient pollution of ground water outflow to the near shore water of Zanzibar Island, the case of Chwaka bay, Paje, Fumba and Makoba Bay
    Mmochi, A.J.(REGH1001053)
  26. Predation intensities in estuarine soft bottoms: between-habitat comparisons and experimental artifacts
    Micheli, F.(REGH1001059)
  27. Physical factors regulating macrobenthic community structure on the South Africa Estuarine Flood - Tidal Delta
    Bursey, M.L.(REGH1001064)
  28. Primary productivity of the Bot River Estuary
    Bally, R.(REGH1001067)
  29. Participatory approach to sustainable mangrove use in Sierra Leone
    Amadou, C.L.(REGH1001092)
  30. Physical processes in the Rufiji Delta and their possible implications on the mangrove ecosystem
    Francis, J.(REGH1001128)
  31. Preliminary physio-chemical studies of estuaries along the Gulf of Guinea in Ghana.
    Biney, C. A.(REGH1001161)
  32. Paticipatory management of Tanzania's mangrove
    Adams, M.(REGH1001176)
  33. Primary producers sustaining the invertebrate community in interidal mangrove forests.
    Bouillon, S.(REGH1001210)
  34. Phenologies and litter fall of two mangrove trees, Sonneratia alba Sm. and S. caseolaris (L.) Engl., and their putative hybrid, S. x gulngai .
    Duke, N.C.(REGH1001223)
  35. Phenological trends with latitude in mangrove tree Avecenia marina
    Duke, N.C.(REGH1001224)
  36. Plan Directeur de Recherche pour de Parc National du Banc d'Arguin
    Greth, A.(REGH1001239)
  37. Possible directions for shore-based marine biological research in Kenya.
    Rainbow, P.S.(REGH1001451)
  38. Preliminary observations on the copepods of Tudor Creek, Mombassa, Kenya.
    Revis, N.(REGH1001457)
  39. Population dynamics of the mud skipper Periophthalmus barbarus (Gobiidae) in the estuarine swamp of Cross River, Nigeria.
    King, R. P.(REGH1001494)
  40. Programme-cadre II: protection de l'environnement et promotion du developpement durable. Amenagement des forets naturelles "Programme mangroves"[Framework programme II: protection of the environment and promotion of sustainable development. The "Mangrove Programme" for the development of natural forests]
    Doyen, A.(REGH1100028)
  41. Parametres socio-economiques de la peche au crabe liee a REFRIGEPECHE OUEST, Mahajanga
    Hoekstra, T.M. Razafindrainibe, H.(REGH1100039)
  42. Proposed management plan for the Ma-swar mangrove area, 1989-1998
    Loyche, M.(REGH1100048)
  43. Proposed management plan for the mangrove area along Bunce river
    Loyche, M.(REGH1100049)
  44. Preliminary assessment of the demand for and supply of forest products, particularly mangrove fuel wood, in the fishing communities of the Shenge Region
    Loyche, M.(REGH1100053)
  45. Proposed management and integrated utilization of mangrove resource in Sierra Leone
    Chong, P.W.(REGH1100055)
  46. Pentacyclic triterpene profiles of some submerged and normal plant leaves of Sunderban mangrove forest
    Misra, S.(REIN0000157)
  47. Phosphorus distribution in the modern deltaic sediments of the Cauvery River
    Seralathan, P.(REIN0000158)
  48. Photosynthesis in mangroves
    Joshi, G.V.(REIN0000159)
  49. Photosynthetic pigments in coastal ecosystems
    Pannerselvam, A.(REIN0000160)
  50. Photosynthetic pigments in tropical mangroves: Impacts of seasonal flux of UV-B radiation and other environmental attributes
    Moorthy, P.(REIN0000161)

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