Welcome to GLOMIS
Tropical Coastal Ecosystems Portal(TroCEP) is available!
Together with the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan and ISME have been compiling information on coastal ecosystems in the tropics and subtropics. A portion of this information is made available through the newly launched portal site, called
Tropical Coastal Ecosystems Portal (TroCEP). The portal site currently provides information only on mangroves, but it will eventually be extended to coral reefs and seagrasses.
TroCEP includes tables of country-by-country mangrove species distribution and mangrove distribution maps.
The tables are still in progress, and more work is needed for the accuracy, especially where less documentation/information is available.
Your inputs and feedback are welcome.
Please visit the site and send your input to "trocep" (add "@mangrove.or.jp") or "TroCEP"(add "@nies.go.jp").
Please visit: http://www.nies.go.jp/TroCEP/index.html
Now available: |
World Atlas of Mangroves,
English Version(2010), French Version(2011) and Spanish Version(2011)
Click here for more information.
Comments on the Atlas
Easy to plant and Greatly beneficial (MERD/ACTMANG/QMT/MDC)
Click here for PDF (9,780KB)
Restoration of mangrove ecosystems and community development, Ayeyarwady Delta, Myammar(1999-2008) (FREDA/ACTMANG)
Click here for PDF (22.9MB)
- Manual on Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Coastal Forests Damaged by Natural
Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region (ITTO/ISME PPD 134/07 Rev. 1 (F))
Click here for PDF (6,978 KB)
OR, contact ISME Secretariat for a hard copy (US$15 is requested for postage and handling fees).
- Proceedings of the meeting and workshop on Guidelines for the Rehabilitation
of Mangroves and other Coastal Forests damaged by Tsunamis and other Natural
Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region (ITTO/ISME PPD 134/07 Rev. 1 (F))
Click here for PDF (2,424 KB)
OR, contact ISME Secretariat for a hard copy (US$15 is requested for postage and handling fees).
GLOMIS-: "GLObal Mangrove database and Information System" is a project of the International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME) with financial support from the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and of the Prefectural Government of Okinawa. GLOMIS is based at Okinawa, Japan and coordinates four Regional Centres located in Brazil, Fiji, Ghana and Malaysia.
For copyright and logistic reasons, GLOMIS is not able to distribute hard or electronic copies of publications listed in its database, with the exception of free ISME publications.
To obtain all other public copies ofations, please make your request directly to the author or publisher.
The designation of geographical entities in the GLOMIS, and the presentation of the material herein, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the ISME or the participating organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
ISME Secretariat
c/o Faculty of Agriculture
University of the Ryukyus
Okinawa 903-0129 JAPAN
email: isme@mangrove.or.jp