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- Abundance and distribution of small infauna in mangroves of Missionary Bay, North Queensland, Australia
Dittman, S.(REJP0001379)
- Association of cyclopoid copepods with the habitat of the malaria vector Anppheles aquasalis in the peninsula of Paria, Venezuela
Zoppi de, R.E.(REJP0001383)
- Asymmetric outcomes: assessing central aspects of the biological, economic and social sustainability of a mangrove crab fishery, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae), in North Brazil
Glaser, M.(REJP0001390)
- Aigialomycins A-E, new resorcylic macrolides from the marine mangrove fungus Aigialus parvus
Isaka, M.(REJP0001411)
- Active site characterization of the single endo-polygalacturonase produced by Fusarium moniliforme NCIM 1276
Niture, S.K.(REJP0001420)
- A giant sauropod dinosaur from an Upper Cretaceous mangrove deposits in Egypt
Smith, J.B.(REJP0001427)
- Agromyces luteolus sp. nov., Agromyces rhizospherae sp. nov. and Agromyces bracchium sp. nov., from mangrove rhizosphere
Takeuchi, M.(REJP0001431)
- Antitumor compounds from tunicates
Rinehart, K.L.(REJP0001455)
- Antiviral properties of a mangrove plant, rhizophora apiculata Blume, against human immunodeficiency virus
Premanathan, M.(REJP0001457)
- Antibiotic-resistant Vibrio cholerae in Parangipettai coastal environ, south east India
Sathiyamurthy, K.(REJP0001467)
- Aedes taeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae) oviposition patterns in a Florida mangrove forest
Ritchie, S.A.(REJP0001468)
- Auranticins A and b: two new depsidones from a mangrove isolate of the fungus Preussia aurantiaca
Poch, G.K.(REJP0001473)
- Assessment of the impact of naphthalene contamination on mangrove fauna using behavioral bioassays
Mackey, A.P.(REJP0001474)
- A simulation model of water depth in mangrove basin forests
Ritchie, S.A.(REJP0001476)
- Ascomycetous yeast communities of marine invertebrates in a southeast Brazilian mangrove ecosystem
De Araojo, F.V.(REJP0001484)
- A survey of the Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of the Umlalazi Nature Reserve in Zululand, South Africa, with notes on two species man
Nevill, H.(REJP0001485)
- Aspects of rats schistosomiasis in the non-salted mangrove swamps and the backmangrove area in the island of Grande-Terre (Guadeloupe) (In French)
Mougeot, G.(REJP0001509)
- Antimicrobial properties of extracts from Rhizophora mangle L. (In Spanish)
Rojas Hernandez, N.M.(REJP0001510)
- Assessment from space of mangroves evolution in the Mekong Delta, in relation to extensive shrimp farming
Tong, P.H.S.(REJP0001512)
- An environmental reconstruction of the palaeo-Amazon river system (middle-late-miocene, Nw Amazonia)
Hoorn, C.(REJP0001541)
- A technique for mapping mangroves with landsat TM satellite data and geographic information system
Long, B.G.(REJP0001554)
- Accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in a simulated mangrove system treated with sewage
Tam, N.F.Y.(REJP0001578)
- A new species of thais (Mollusca: Neogastropoda:Muricidae) with direct development from northwestern Australia
Tan, K.S.(REJP0001579)
- Accumulation and biological cycling of heavy metal elements in Ryizophora stylosa mangroves in Yingluo Bay, China
Zheng, W.J.(REJP0001591)
- Abundance, zonation and foraging ecology of birds in mangroves of Darwin harbour, Northern Territory
Noske, R.A.(REJP0001596)
- Application of PCR and formalin treatment to prevent white spot disease in shrimp
Chanratchakool, P.(REJP0001601)
- A new technique for rapid assessment of mangrove degradation: a case study of shrimp farm encroachment in Thailand
Erftemeijer, P.L.(REJP0001621)
- Amphibians and reptiles in the coastal areas of Nam Dinh and Thai Binh Provinces
Ngat, L.N.(REJP0001639)
- Assessing the quality of the planted mangrove forest structure and coverage in Giao Lac Commune, Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh Province
Thai, V.D.(REJP0001652)
- Assessment of the socio-economic situation in coastal rehabilitated mangrove areas in four districts of Nam Dinh and Thai Binh Provinces
Tho, N.H.(REJP0001660)
- An assessment of the coastal resources of lbajay and Tangalan, Aklan: implications for management
Garcia, L.M. (ed.)(REJP0001671)
- Abundance and distribution of hydroids in a mangrove ecosystem at Twin Cays, Belize, Central America
Calder, D.R.(REJP0001675)
- A light in the darkness- community participation in ecotourism development in Kampung Kuantan Selangor, Malaysia
Cruz, R.D.(REJP0001694)
- A posteriori evaluation of strategies of management : the effectiveness of no-wash zones in minimizing the impacts of boat wash on macrobenthic infauna
Bishop, M.J.(REJP0001702)
- Application of remote sensing and GIS in the management of mangrove forests within and adjacent to Kiunga Marine protected area, Lamu, Kenya
Kairo, J.G.(REJP0001712)
- Acute impact of an organophosphorus insecticide on microbes a small in vertebrates of mangrove estuary
Newell, S.Y.(REJP0001716)
- A system to manage a pristine coral reef in Thailand
Sudara, S.(REJP0001725)
- Advanced broodstock diets for the mangrove red sanpper and a potential importance of arachidonic acid in eggs and fry
Emata, A.(REJP0001745)
- Actes du se'minaire international sur la gestion de l'environment, zone africaine de l'oce'an Indien
Maldague, M. (ed.)(REJP0001761)
- Articulation entre recherche, conservation et amenagement des ressources naturelles
Rakotovao Lala, M.(REJP0001788)
- A review on the present status and management of mangrove wetland habitat resources in Bangladesh with emphasis on mangrove fisheries and aquaculture
Ialam, M.S.(REJP0001801)
- Are the northernmost mangroves of West Africa viable?- a case study in Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
Dahdouh-Guebas, F.(REJP0001823)
- A new approach of nitrogen fixation and uptake in mangroves ecosystem
Singh, V.P.(REJP0001838)
- An ordination study to view vegetation structure dynamics in disturbed and undisturbed mangrove forest in Kenya and Sri Lanka
Dahdouh-Guebas, F.(REJP0001845)
- Application of AVIRIS data in detection of oil-induced vegetation stress and cover change at Jornada, New Mexico
Li, L.(REJP0001871)
- Assessing mangrove use at the local scale
Kovacs, J.M.(REJP0001889)
- A mangrove stands under sewage pollution stress: Red Sea
Mandura, A.S.(REJP0001917)
- A comparison of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) among three species of mangrove litter, sediments, and pneumatophores in south Florida, UAS
Pelegrai, S.(REJP0001922)
- Analysis of primary food sources and tropic relationships of aquatic animals in a mangrove-fringed estuary, Khung Krabaen Bay (Thailand) using dual isotope techniques
Thimadee, W.(REJP0001925)
- Assessment and management of mangrove ecosystems in developing countries
Adeel, Z.(REJP0001945)
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