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- Assessing sediment removal capacity of vegetated and non-vegetated settling ponds in prawn farms
Halide, H.(REBR1002165)
- A general biological and geological survey of the rims of ponds in the major mangrove islands of the Pelican Cays, Belize
Macintyre, I.G.(REBR1002191)
- A karyotype comparison between two closely related species of Acrostichum
Marcon, A.B.(REBR1002194)
- A reevaluation of the oceanic uranium budget for the Holocene
Dunk, R.M.(REBR1002196)
- Aspectos da geoquímicana avaliação ambiental do Rio Bacanga
Foicinha, J.R.S.(REBR1002201)
- Aluminossilicatos neoformados em manguezais de clima tropical úmido (Costa Nordeste do Estado do Pará)
Berrêdo, J.F.(REBR1002203)
- Alteração na hidrogeoquímica do estuário do Rio Jaguaribe (CE): Descarga ou retenção de materiais?
Marins, R.V.(REBR1002207)
- Avaliação de parâmetros físico-químicos em águas superficiais de zonas do manguezal dos Municipios de São Francisco do conde e Madre de Deus (BA)
Garcia, K.S.(REBR1002213)
- A influência do sulfato na distribuição da flora no manguezal de Bragança NE do Pará
Leal, H.F.(REBR1002215)
- Avaliação da concentração de metais pesados em peixes, mariscos e crustáceos do sistema estuarino do Rio Paraíba do Norte
Souto, R.A.(REBR1002217)
- Analise estrutural de duas espécies arbóreas de manguezal em resposta a um vazamento de oleo diesel na Ilha de São Luís, MA, Brasil
Santos, I.V.(REBR1002244)
- Análise morfométrica dos quelípodos alimentares de três espécies do gênero Uca
Martinez, M.A.(REBR1002252)
- Análise dos livros didáticos de ciências do Ensino Fundamental com ênfase no ecossistema manguezal
Brito, K.M(REBR1002263)
- A reconstruction of the invasion of land by Jamaican crabs (Grapsidae: Sesarmidae)
Diesel, R.(REBR1002280)
- Assessing the influence and distribution of shrimp pond effluent in a tidal mangrove creek in north-east Australia
Costanzo, S.D.(REBR1002291)
- Annomalous aerial roots in grey mangroves of an arid climate lagoon
SaifullaH, S.M.(REBR1002310)
- A study of the fish community structure in a tidal creek
Spach, H.L.(REBR1002311)
- Asymetric outcomes: assessing central aspects of the biological, economic and social sustainability of a mangrove crab fisheries, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae) in North Brazil
Galser, M.(REBR1002338)
- Analysis of beach morphodynamics on the Bragantinian mangrove peninsula (Pará, North Brazil) as prerequisite for coastal zone management recommendations
Krause, G.(REBR1002341)
- Arsenic contamination and dispersion in the Engenho Inlet, Sepetiba bay, Se, Brazil
Magalhães, V.F.(REBR1002350)
- Are Caribbean mangroves important feeding grounds for juvenile reef fish from adjacent grass beds?
Nagalkerken, I.(REBR1002352)
- A compreensive frameqwork for global patterns in biodiversity
Ricklefs, R.E.(REBR1002359)
- A potential larval recruitment pathway originating from a Florida marine protected area
Domeier, M.L.(REBR1002360)
- Assessment of lipid compounds and phosphorus in mangrove sediments of Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil
Mater, L.(REBR1002361)
- Acute salt marsh dieback in the Mississippi River deltaic plain: a drought-induced phenomenon?
Mckee, K.L.(REBR1002371)
- An efficient synthesis of 4,5-dihydronaphtho [2,1-b] furan through a novel ring transformation of 2H-pyran-2-one
Goel, A.(REBR1002392)
- Air breathing and ammonia excretion in the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon scholosseri
Randall, D.J.(REBR1002405)
- Abandoned vessels: Impacts to coral reefs, seagrass and mangroves in the US Caribbean and Pacific territories with implications for removal
Lord-Loring, C.(REBR1002406)
- A DNA hybridization assay to identify toxic dinoflagellates in coastal waters: detection of Karenia brevis in the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Goodwin, K.D.(REBR1002414)
- A Framework for improved monitoring of Biodiversity: Responses to the World Summit on Sustainable Development
Green, R.E.(REBR1002434)
- Albino mutation rates in red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle L.) as a bioassay of contamination history in Tampa Bay, Florida; USA
Proffitt, C.E.(REBR1002505)
- Analysis of trace metals Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ in coastal marine water samples from Florianópilis, Santa Catarina state, Brazil
Mello, L.C.(REBR1002506)
- Atualização do diagnóstico Florestal do Estado da Paraíba - 2004
SUDEMA, Superintendência de Administração do Meio Ambiente(REBR1002518)
- a floating device for stationary hydroacoustic sampling in shallow waters
Krumme, U.(REBR1002531)
- A single-use site selection technique, using GIS, for aquaculture planning: Choosing locations for mangrove oyster raft culture in Margarita Island, Venezuela
Buitrago, J.(REBR1002540)
- Análises físico-químicas de sistemas marinhos marginais
Silva, C.A.R.(REBR1002541)
- A pleistocene mangrove cockle Anadara grandis (Pelecypoda: Arcidae) from Cartagena, Colombian Caribbean
Alvarez-Leon, R.(REBR1002547)
- Antitumor activity of 3-chlorodeoxylapachol, a naphthoquinone from Avicennia germinans collected from an experimental lot in southern Florida
Jones, W.P.(REBR1002554)
- Adaptation to hypoosmotic challenge in brachyuran crabs: A microanatomical and electrophysiological characterization of the intestinal epithelia
McNamara, J.C.(REBR1002567)
- A site description of the CARICOMP mangrove, seagrass and coral reef sites in Bocas del Toro, Panama
Guzman, H.M.(REBR1002579)
- Another diet of worms: the applicability of polychaete feeding guilds as a useful conceptual framework and biological variable
Pagliosa, P.R.(REBR1002584)
- Administração Pesqueira no Brasil
Paiva, M.P.(REBR1002589)
- Anatomy and morphology of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) plants in relation to internal airflow
Evans, L.S.(REBR1002598)
- Aspectos bioecológicos do caranguejo Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus 1763) (Crustacea: Decapoda) do manguezal do itacorubi, Santa Catarina, Br
Branco, J.O.(REBR1002610)
- Activity pattern and foraging behaviours of building-bat Noctillo leporinus (linnaeus) (Chiroptera, noctillionidae) in Guaratuba Bay, Parana State, Brazil
Bordignon, M.O.(REBR1002622)
- Assessing the environment-benthic fauna coupling in protected and urban areas of southeast Brazil
Pagliosa, P.R.(REBR1002626)
- An Avicennia mangrove in the Middle Miocene of Digne area (SE France): stratigraphic and paleoclimatic implications
Chateauneuf, J.J.(REBR1002635)
- Analise do crescimento alometrico do caranguejo uça, Ucides cordatus (Decapoda, ocypodidae) no estuário do Rio Coreaú, Camocim, CE
Leite, M.M.L.(REBR1002707)
- A new species of Cupiennius (Areane, Ctnidae) coexisting with Cupiennius salei in a mexican mangrove forest
Soriano, F.J.M.(REBR1002711)
- Atals dos Manguezais do Nordeste do Brasil
Maia, L.P.(REBR1002714)
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