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  1. Assessing sediment removal capacity of vegetated and non-vegetated settling ponds in prawn farms
    Halide, H.(REBR1002165)
  2. A general biological and geological survey of the rims of ponds in the major mangrove islands of the Pelican Cays, Belize
    Macintyre, I.G.(REBR1002191)
  3. A karyotype comparison between two closely related species of Acrostichum
    Marcon, A.B.(REBR1002194)
  4. A reevaluation of the oceanic uranium budget for the Holocene
    Dunk, R.M.(REBR1002196)
  5. Aspectos da geoquímicana avaliação ambiental do Rio Bacanga
    Foicinha, J.R.S.(REBR1002201)
  6. Aluminossilicatos neoformados em manguezais de clima tropical úmido (Costa Nordeste do Estado do Pará)
    Berrêdo, J.F.(REBR1002203)
  7. Alteração na hidrogeoquímica do estuário do Rio Jaguaribe (CE): Descarga ou retenção de materiais?
    Marins, R.V.(REBR1002207)
  8. Avaliação de parâmetros físico-químicos em águas superficiais de zonas do manguezal dos Municipios de São Francisco do conde e Madre de Deus (BA)
    Garcia, K.S.(REBR1002213)
  9. A influência do sulfato na distribuição da flora no manguezal de Bragança NE do Pará
    Leal, H.F.(REBR1002215)
  10. Avaliação da concentração de metais pesados em peixes, mariscos e crustáceos do sistema estuarino do Rio Paraíba do Norte
    Souto, R.A.(REBR1002217)
  11. Analise estrutural de duas espécies arbóreas de manguezal em resposta a um vazamento de oleo diesel na Ilha de São Luís, MA, Brasil
    Santos, I.V.(REBR1002244)
  12. Análise morfométrica dos quelípodos alimentares de três espécies do gênero Uca
    Martinez, M.A.(REBR1002252)
  13. Análise dos livros didáticos de ciências do Ensino Fundamental com ênfase no ecossistema manguezal
    Brito, K.M(REBR1002263)
  14. A reconstruction of the invasion of land by Jamaican crabs (Grapsidae: Sesarmidae)
    Diesel, R.(REBR1002280)
  15. Assessing the influence and distribution of shrimp pond effluent in a tidal mangrove creek in north-east Australia
    Costanzo, S.D.(REBR1002291)
  16. Annomalous aerial roots in grey mangroves of an arid climate lagoon
    SaifullaH, S.M.(REBR1002310)
  17. A study of the fish community structure in a tidal creek
    Spach, H.L.(REBR1002311)
  18. Asymetric outcomes: assessing central aspects of the biological, economic and social sustainability of a mangrove crab fisheries, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae) in North Brazil
    Galser, M.(REBR1002338)
  19. Analysis of beach morphodynamics on the Bragantinian mangrove peninsula (Pará, North Brazil) as prerequisite for coastal zone management recommendations
    Krause, G.(REBR1002341)
  20. Arsenic contamination and dispersion in the Engenho Inlet, Sepetiba bay, Se, Brazil
    Magalhães, V.F.(REBR1002350)
  21. Are Caribbean mangroves important feeding grounds for juvenile reef fish from adjacent grass beds?
    Nagalkerken, I.(REBR1002352)
  22. A compreensive frameqwork for global patterns in biodiversity
    Ricklefs, R.E.(REBR1002359)
  23. A potential larval recruitment pathway originating from a Florida marine protected area
    Domeier, M.L.(REBR1002360)
  24. Assessment of lipid compounds and phosphorus in mangrove sediments of Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil
    Mater, L.(REBR1002361)
  25. Acute salt marsh dieback in the Mississippi River deltaic plain: a drought-induced phenomenon?
    Mckee, K.L.(REBR1002371)
  26. An efficient synthesis of 4,5-dihydronaphtho [2,1-b] furan through a novel ring transformation of 2H-pyran-2-one
    Goel, A.(REBR1002392)
  27. Air breathing and ammonia excretion in the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon scholosseri
    Randall, D.J.(REBR1002405)
  28. Abandoned vessels: Impacts to coral reefs, seagrass and mangroves in the US Caribbean and Pacific territories with implications for removal
    Lord-Loring, C.(REBR1002406)
  29. A DNA hybridization assay to identify toxic dinoflagellates in coastal waters: detection of Karenia brevis in the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
    Goodwin, K.D.(REBR1002414)
  30. A Framework for improved monitoring of Biodiversity: Responses to the World Summit on Sustainable Development
    Green, R.E.(REBR1002434)
  31. Albino mutation rates in red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle L.) as a bioassay of contamination history in Tampa Bay, Florida; USA
    Proffitt, C.E.(REBR1002505)
  32. Analysis of trace metals Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ in coastal marine water samples from Florianópilis, Santa Catarina state, Brazil
    Mello, L.C.(REBR1002506)
  33. Atualização do diagnóstico Florestal do Estado da Paraíba - 2004
    SUDEMA, Superintendência de Administração do Meio Ambiente(REBR1002518)
  34. a floating device for stationary hydroacoustic sampling in shallow waters
    Krumme, U.(REBR1002531)
  35. A single-use site selection technique, using GIS, for aquaculture planning: Choosing locations for mangrove oyster raft culture in Margarita Island, Venezuela
    Buitrago, J.(REBR1002540)
  36. Análises físico-químicas de sistemas marinhos marginais
    Silva, C.A.R.(REBR1002541)
  37. A pleistocene mangrove cockle Anadara grandis (Pelecypoda: Arcidae) from Cartagena, Colombian Caribbean
    Alvarez-Leon, R.(REBR1002547)
  38. Antitumor activity of 3-chlorodeoxylapachol, a naphthoquinone from Avicennia germinans collected from an experimental lot in southern Florida
    Jones, W.P.(REBR1002554)
  39. Adaptation to hypoosmotic challenge in brachyuran crabs: A microanatomical and electrophysiological characterization of the intestinal epithelia
    McNamara, J.C.(REBR1002567)
  40. A site description of the CARICOMP mangrove, seagrass and coral reef sites in Bocas del Toro, Panama
    Guzman, H.M.(REBR1002579)
  41. Another diet of worms: the applicability of polychaete feeding guilds as a useful conceptual framework and biological variable
    Pagliosa, P.R.(REBR1002584)
  42. Administração Pesqueira no Brasil
    Paiva, M.P.(REBR1002589)
  43. Anatomy and morphology of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) plants in relation to internal airflow
    Evans, L.S.(REBR1002598)
  44. Aspectos bioecológicos do caranguejo Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus 1763) (Crustacea: Decapoda) do manguezal do itacorubi, Santa Catarina, Br
    Branco, J.O.(REBR1002610)
  45. Activity pattern and foraging behaviours of building-bat Noctillo leporinus (linnaeus) (Chiroptera, noctillionidae) in Guaratuba Bay, Parana State, Brazil
    Bordignon, M.O.(REBR1002622)
  46. Assessing the environment-benthic fauna coupling in protected and urban areas of southeast Brazil
    Pagliosa, P.R.(REBR1002626)
  47. An Avicennia mangrove in the Middle Miocene of Digne area (SE France): stratigraphic and paleoclimatic implications
    Chateauneuf, J.J.(REBR1002635)
  48. Analise do crescimento alometrico do caranguejo uça, Ucides cordatus (Decapoda, ocypodidae) no estuário do Rio Coreaú, Camocim, CE
    Leite, M.M.L.(REBR1002707)
  49. A new species of Cupiennius (Areane, Ctnidae) coexisting with Cupiennius salei in a mexican mangrove forest
    Soriano, F.J.M.(REBR1002711)
  50. Atals dos Manguezais do Nordeste do Brasil
    Maia, L.P.(REBR1002714)

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