Search pattern :reference -> B

Matches (1 - 50 of 227)

  1. Benthic macrofauna of Spartina alterniflora marshes and nearby unvegetated tidal flats of Paranagua Bay (SE Brazil)
    Netto, S.A.(REBR1000096)
  2. Behaviour and circadian rhythm of the fish Bathygobius soporator Valenciennes (gobiidae) under the influence of environmental salinity and temperature
    Fanta, E.(REBR1000214)
  3. Biomass dynamics of seagrass and the role of mangrove and seagrass vegetation as different nutrient sources for an intertidal ecosystem
    Boer, W.F.(REBR1000231)
  4. Benthic marine algae from south portion of Saco do Limoeiro (Mel Island), Paranagua Minicipality, Parana State, Brazil
    Shirata, M.T.(REBR1000243)
  5. Black mangrove, Avicennia germinans in Texas, past and present distribution
    Sherrod, C.L.(REBR1000283)
  6. Biomassa e fracionamento do fitoplancton no estuario do Rio Timbo(Pernambuco - Brasil)
    Koening, M.L.(REBR1000325)
  7. Basic biology of the mangrove oyster useful in establishment oyster culture in Todos os Santos Bay
    Nascimento, I.A.(REBR1000408)
  8. Berbigao, Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791), bivalve comestível da região da Ilha do Cardoso, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: aspectos biológicos de interesse para a pesca comercial
    Arruda-Soares, H.(REBR1000524)
  9. Biomassa subterranea em um bosque de mangue na Ilha do Cardoso, Cananeia, Estado de Sao Paulo
    Louro, I.A.(REBR1000563)
  10. Biologia, comportamento e avaliação de estoque da manjuba (Anchoviella lepidentostole Fowler, 1911) no Rio Ribeira de Iguape, SP
    Rossi-Wongtschowski, C.L.D.B.(REBR1000594)
  11. Bentic fauna living on Spartina alterniflora of Cananéia estuarine region (25 02'S - 47 56'W)
    Tararam, A.S. (REBR1000615)
  12. Bacteriological analysis of mangrove waters at Cananéia
    Watanabe, K.(REBR1000635)
  13. Bahia de Chengue, Parque Natural Tayrona, Colombia
    Garzon-Ferreira, J.(REBR1000677)
  14. Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
    Meyer, K.(REBR1000679)
  15. Buccoo Reef and Bon Accord Lagoon, Tobago, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
    Laydoo, R.S.(REBR1000682)
  16. Barbados
    Parker, C.(REBR1000683)
  17. Bermuda
    Smith, S.R.(REBR1000689)
  18. Basidomycetes de manguezais da Ilha de Maraca, Amapa, Brasil
    Sotao, H.M.P.(REBR1000727)
  19. Brachish water and soil components of mangrove forests on Iriomote Island, Japan
    Kuraishi, S.(REBR1000745)
  20. Building a conceptual model of mangrove ecosystem response to global climate change: sea level rise and the geologic record
    Parkinson, R.W.(REBR1000782)
  21. Brazilian mangal vegetation with special enphasis on the seaweeds
    Oliveira, E.C.(REBR1000822)
  22. Benthic dispersal of Caribbean spiny lobsters among insular habitats: implication for the conservation of exploited marine species
    Acosta, C.A.(REBR1000937)
  23. Biogeochemistry of mangrove soil organic matter: a comparision between Rhizophora and Avicennia soils in South-eastern Brazil
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000955)
  24. Balanideos como indicadores de poluicao na Baia de Guanabara
    Lacombe, D.(REBR1000964)
  25. Between coastal marshes and coastal waters - A review of twenty years of speculation and research on the role of salt marshes in estuarine productivity and water chemistry
    Nixon, S.W.(REBR1000978)
  26. Beachcomber biogeography: interception of dispersing propagules by islands
    Buckeley, R.C.(REBR1000986)
  27. Behaviour and impact assessment of heavy metals in estuarine and coastal zone
    Salomons, W.(REBR1001022)
  28. Bibliografia sobre a contaminação ambiental por metias pesados em ambientes costeiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001027)
  29. Biomass of algae epiphytic on pneumatophores of the mangrove, Avicennia marina, in the St. Lucia estuary
    Steinke, T.D.(REBR1001045)
  30. Biogeography of mangroves on Northern Great Barrier Reef islands
    Buckley, R.(REBR1001050)
  31. Biogeochemistry of mercury in wetlands
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001076)
  32. Biomass analyses of mangrove swamp successional species
    Edwards, A.W.A.(REBR1001077)
  33. Benthos of adjacent mangrove, seagrass and non-vegetated habitats in Rookery bay, Florida, USA
    Sheridan, P.(REBR1001125)
  34. Bird communities in Panamanian black mangroves: potential effects of physical and biotic factors
    Lefebvre, G.(REBR1001128)
  35. Benthic communities
    Alongi, D.M.(REBR1001159)
  36. Brazilian mangroves: a historical ecology
    Shaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1001168)
  37. Biogeochemical characteristics of coastal waters adjacent to small river-mangrove systems, East Brazil
    Ovalle, A.R.C.(REBR1001213)
  38. Biogeochemistry in the humid tropics
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001230)
  39. Bromeliads from mangroves on the Pacific coast of Guatemala
    Gomes, M.A.(REBR1001289)
  40. Biology and ecology of the common mud shrimp Upogebia dawsoni (Crustaceae, Thalassionoidea) of manglar Requeson, bahia de concepcion and Estero Rio Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico
    Leija-Tristan, A.(REBR1001319)
  41. Biologia reprodutiva dos teleósteos no manguezal Chico Science, Olinda - Pe
    Cunha, A.(REBR1001377)
  42. Bioecologia do caranguejo Sesarma Rectum Randall, 1840 (Brachyura, Sesarminae) no manguezal da "Praia Dura", Ubatuba, SP, Brasil
    Leme, M.H.A.(REBR1001383)
  43. Biodiversidade Bêntica do Canal de Santa Cruz - Itamarac* - Pernambuco Brasil.
    Deusinete, O.T.(REBR1001412)
  44. Brazilian mangroves, management and conservation: Maraca, Caravelas and Cananeia case studies
    Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1001440)
  45. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities
    Myers, N.(REBR1001481)
  46. Bioaccumulation and chromium uptake in mangrove ecosystem of Sungai Sepang Kecil, Selangor, Malaysia
    Mushrifah, I.(REBR1001496)
  47. Biometrical variability of the mangrove crab Aratus pisonii
    Sanchez, L.F.(REBR1001523)
  48. Biodiversity and dynamics of ichthyic communities in the mangrove of Guaratuba, Brazil
    Chaves, P.(REBR1001532)
  49. Biomassa y densidad de dos especies de pastos marinos en el sur de Quintana Roo, Mexico
    Gutierrez-Aguirre, M.A.(REBR1001582)
  50. Balance hidrologico y de nutrientes en un humedal costero del Pacífico Sur de Mexico
    Hernandéz, C.T.(REBR1001603)


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