Search pattern :reference -> B
Matches (1 - 50 of 227)
- Benthic macrofauna of Spartina alterniflora marshes and nearby unvegetated tidal flats of Paranagua Bay (SE Brazil)
Netto, S.A.(REBR1000096)
- Behaviour and circadian rhythm of the fish Bathygobius soporator Valenciennes (gobiidae) under the influence of environmental salinity and temperature
Fanta, E.(REBR1000214)
- Biomass dynamics of seagrass and the role of mangrove and seagrass vegetation as different nutrient sources for an intertidal ecosystem
Boer, W.F.(REBR1000231)
- Benthic marine algae from south portion of Saco do Limoeiro (Mel Island), Paranagua Minicipality, Parana State, Brazil
Shirata, M.T.(REBR1000243)
- Black mangrove, Avicennia germinans in Texas, past and present distribution
Sherrod, C.L.(REBR1000283)
- Biomassa e fracionamento do fitoplancton no estuario do Rio Timbo(Pernambuco - Brasil)
Koening, M.L.(REBR1000325)
- Basic biology of the mangrove oyster useful in establishment oyster culture in Todos os Santos Bay
Nascimento, I.A.(REBR1000408)
- Berbigao, Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791), bivalve comestível da região da Ilha do Cardoso, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: aspectos biológicos de interesse para a pesca comercial
Arruda-Soares, H.(REBR1000524)
- Biomassa subterranea em um bosque de mangue na Ilha do Cardoso, Cananeia, Estado de Sao Paulo
Louro, I.A.(REBR1000563)
- Biologia, comportamento e avaliação de estoque da manjuba (Anchoviella lepidentostole Fowler, 1911) no Rio Ribeira de Iguape, SP
Rossi-Wongtschowski, C.L.D.B.(REBR1000594)
- Bentic fauna living on Spartina alterniflora of Cananéia estuarine region (25 02'S - 47 56'W)
Tararam, A.S. (REBR1000615)
- Bacteriological analysis of mangrove waters at Cananéia
Watanabe, K.(REBR1000635)
- Bahia de Chengue, Parque Natural Tayrona, Colombia
Garzon-Ferreira, J.(REBR1000677)
- Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
Meyer, K.(REBR1000679)
- Buccoo Reef and Bon Accord Lagoon, Tobago, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
Laydoo, R.S.(REBR1000682)
- Barbados
Parker, C.(REBR1000683)
- Bermuda
Smith, S.R.(REBR1000689)
- Basidomycetes de manguezais da Ilha de Maraca, Amapa, Brasil
Sotao, H.M.P.(REBR1000727)
- Brachish water and soil components of mangrove forests on Iriomote Island, Japan
Kuraishi, S.(REBR1000745)
- Building a conceptual model of mangrove ecosystem response to global climate change: sea level rise and the geologic record
Parkinson, R.W.(REBR1000782)
- Brazilian mangal vegetation with special enphasis on the seaweeds
Oliveira, E.C.(REBR1000822)
- Benthic dispersal of Caribbean spiny lobsters among insular habitats: implication for the conservation of exploited marine species
Acosta, C.A.(REBR1000937)
- Biogeochemistry of mangrove soil organic matter: a comparision between Rhizophora and Avicennia soils in South-eastern Brazil
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000955)
- Balanideos como indicadores de poluicao na Baia de Guanabara
Lacombe, D.(REBR1000964)
- Between coastal marshes and coastal waters - A review of twenty years of speculation and research on the role of salt marshes in estuarine productivity and water chemistry
Nixon, S.W.(REBR1000978)
- Beachcomber biogeography: interception of dispersing propagules by islands
Buckeley, R.C.(REBR1000986)
- Behaviour and impact assessment of heavy metals in estuarine and coastal zone
Salomons, W.(REBR1001022)
- Bibliografia sobre a contaminação ambiental por metias pesados em ambientes costeiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001027)
- Biomass of algae epiphytic on pneumatophores of the mangrove, Avicennia marina, in the St. Lucia estuary
Steinke, T.D.(REBR1001045)
- Biogeography of mangroves on Northern Great Barrier Reef islands
Buckley, R.(REBR1001050)
- Biogeochemistry of mercury in wetlands
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001076)
- Biomass analyses of mangrove swamp successional species
Edwards, A.W.A.(REBR1001077)
- Benthos of adjacent mangrove, seagrass and non-vegetated habitats in Rookery bay, Florida, USA
Sheridan, P.(REBR1001125)
- Bird communities in Panamanian black mangroves: potential effects of physical and biotic factors
Lefebvre, G.(REBR1001128)
- Benthic communities
Alongi, D.M.(REBR1001159)
- Brazilian mangroves: a historical ecology
Shaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1001168)
- Biogeochemical characteristics of coastal waters adjacent to small river-mangrove systems, East Brazil
Ovalle, A.R.C.(REBR1001213)
- Biogeochemistry in the humid tropics
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001230)
- Bromeliads from mangroves on the Pacific coast of Guatemala
Gomes, M.A.(REBR1001289)
- Biology and ecology of the common mud shrimp Upogebia dawsoni (Crustaceae, Thalassionoidea) of manglar Requeson, bahia de concepcion and Estero Rio Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Leija-Tristan, A.(REBR1001319)
- Biologia reprodutiva dos teleósteos no manguezal Chico Science, Olinda - Pe
Cunha, A.(REBR1001377)
- Bioecologia do caranguejo Sesarma Rectum Randall, 1840 (Brachyura, Sesarminae) no manguezal da "Praia Dura", Ubatuba, SP, Brasil
Leme, M.H.A.(REBR1001383)
- Biodiversidade Bêntica do Canal de Santa Cruz - Itamarac* - Pernambuco Brasil.
Deusinete, O.T.(REBR1001412)
- Brazilian mangroves, management and conservation: Maraca, Caravelas and Cananeia case studies
Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1001440)
- Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities
Myers, N.(REBR1001481)
- Bioaccumulation and chromium uptake in mangrove ecosystem of Sungai Sepang Kecil, Selangor, Malaysia
Mushrifah, I.(REBR1001496)
- Biometrical variability of the mangrove crab Aratus pisonii
Sanchez, L.F.(REBR1001523)
- Biodiversity and dynamics of ichthyic communities in the mangrove of Guaratuba, Brazil
Chaves, P.(REBR1001532)
- Biomassa y densidad de dos especies de pastos marinos en el sur de Quintana Roo, Mexico
Gutierrez-Aguirre, M.A.(REBR1001582)
- Balance hidrologico y de nutrientes en un humedal costero del Pacífico Sur de Mexico
Hernandéz, C.T.(REBR1001603)
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