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- Distribuição dos Manguezais do Brazil
SantÁnna, E.M.(REBR1000831)
- Drag force due to vegetation in mangrove swamps
Mazda, Y.(REBR1000862)
- Distribuicao espacial de foraminíferos e tacamabas do estuario do Rio Piaui, Sergipe.
Zucon, M.H.(REBR1000863)
- Diagnostico das condicoes ambientais do Estado de Piaui
Morais, I.S.(REBR1000884)
- Diagnóstico ambiental da bacia do Rio Jaguaribe
Gatto, L.C.S.(REBR1000898)
- Diagnostico dos principais problemas ambientais do Estado do Maranhao
Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renová×eis/ SEMATUR(REBR1000900)
- Determinacao da idade e crescimento do bandeira, Bagre bagre (Linnaeus, 1766) Sao Luis, Estado do Maranhao
Costa, M. (REBR1000908)
- Determinacao da estrutura da populacao do camarao vermelho, Penaeus (Farfante penaeus) subtilis Perez-Farfante, 1967, na Ilha de Sao Luis, Estado do Maranhao
Porto, H.L.R.(REBR1000929)
- Distribuicao geografica de fauna e flora da Baia de Guanabara
Oliveira, L.P.H.(REBR1000970)
- Development of widespread mangrove swamps in mid-holocene times in Northern Australia
Woodroffe, C.D.(REBR1000989)
- Development of mangrove habitats along ria shorelines in north and northern tropical Australia
Semeniuk, V.(REBR1000991)
- Dual-gradient concept of detritus transport and processing in estuaries
Odum, W.E.(REBR1001004)
- Developing and strategy for an ICZM in Cuba: bases and principles
Hernadez, T.B.(REBR1001010)
- Dependence of dispersion on vegetation density in a tidal creek-mangrove swamp system
Mazda, Y.(REBR1001058)
- Degradation of mangrove leaves immersed in the estuary of Nakama river, Okinawa
Angsupanich, S.(REBR1001059)
- Dissolved, particulate and sedimentary humic acids in the mangroves and estuarine ecosystems of Goa, West coast of India
Sardessai, S.(REBR1001061)
- Degradation of red mangrove leaves (Rhizophora mangle L.) in the Bay of Panama
D'Croz, L.(REBR1001320)
- Diversidad y abundancia ictica en tres areas de manglar en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica
Rojas, J.R.N.(REBR1001322)
- Diversity and function in mangrove ecosystems
Dodd, R.S.(REBR1001331)
- Dissolved organic matter: artefacts, definitions, and functions
Zsolnay, A.(REBR1001340)
- Diversidade da mixobiota de manguezais
Cavalcanti, L.H.(REBR1001373)
- Determinação da maturação sexual morfológica por meio do estudo do crescimento relativo em Goniopsis cruentata (Brachyura, Grapsidae)
Guerrero-Ocampo, C.M.(REBR1001381)
- Disease of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) in southwest Puerto Rico caused by Cytospora rhizophorae
Wier, A.M.(REBR1001386)
- Distribuição espaço-temporária da macrofauna bêntica no manguezal do Rio Formoso, Pernambuco, Brasil
Sônia-Silva, G.(REBR1001411)
- Dynamic of heavy metals, phosphate and nitrogen through decomposition in a red mangrove: Natal/RN - Brazi
Silva, C. A. R.(REBR1001458)
- Decomposição de folhas de espécies de manguezal na região de São Caetano de Odivelas, costa nordeste do Para
Sales, M.E.C.(REBR1001461)
- Diagnóstico geoquímico do manguezal do estuário do Rio Itanhém, Alcobaça-BA:Análise da matéria orgânica e teores de metais pesados no substrato lamoso.
Araújo, B,.R.N.(REBR1001468)
- Dispeersão larval do caranguejo de mangue Ucides cordatus (L. 1763) em manguezais da Baía de Paranagua, PR, Brasil
Freire, A.S.(REBR1001512)
- Delineamento do perfil higienico-sanitario das areas produtivas com vistas a obtençaõa de subsidios para a regulamentação da produção da ostra do mangue Crassostrea rhizophora na região estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia, SP
Machado, I.C.(REBR1001514)
- Do forest gaps influence the population structure and species composition of mangrove stands in northern Australia?
Clarke, P.J.(REBR1001558)
- Disused shrimp ponds and mangrove rehabilitation
Stevenson, N.J.(REBR1001571)
- Demography and growth of Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin) (Bivalvia, veneridae) in a mangrove in Guadeloupe (French West Indies)
Monti, D.(REBR1001577)
- DINAS-COAST: Developing a method and a tool for dynamic and interative vulnerability assessment
Negreiros-Fransozo, M.L.(REBR1001598)
- Distribution and association of heavy metals in soft tissue and byssus of Mytella strigata and other benthic organisms from Mazatlan Harbours, mangrove lagoon of the northwestern coast of Mexico
Szefer, P.(REBR1001632)
- Depletion of mangroves of Continental Asia
Blasco, F.(REBR1001679)
- Determination and location of halogen in mangrove root tissues by PIXE method
Nishimura, K.(REBR1001685)
- Diversity and distribution of the mangrove forests in Taiwan
Hsueh, M.L.(REBR1001689)
- Design and function of a closed, recirculating seawater system with denitrification for the culture of black tiger shrimp broods tock
Menasveta, P.(REBR1001726)
- Do focus groups and individual interviewers reveal the same information for natural valuation?
Kaplowitz, M.D.(REBR1001728)
- Dissolved mercury concentrations and reactivity in mangrove waters from the Itacurussá Experimental Forest, Sepetiba bay, SE Brazil
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001757)
- Developments of the understanding of the biology of marine wood boring crustaceans and in methods of controlling them
Cragg, S.M.(REBR1001759)
- Developing procedures for the sustainable use of mangrove systems
Franks, T.(REBR1001762)
- Degrading mangrove leaves of Rhizophora mangle Linne provide a natural cue for settlement and metamorphosis of the upside down jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana Bigelow
Fleck, J. (REBR1001764)
- Die gattung Polymesoda Rafinesque 1820 an der Nordkuste Sudamerikas (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae)
Cosel, R.(REBR1001819)
- Distribution and normalization of heavy metal concentrations in mangrove and lagoonal sediments from Mazatlan Harbor (SE, Gulf of California)
Soto-Jimenes, M.F.(REBR1001828)
- Does variable coloration in juvenile marine crabs reduce risk of visual predation?
Palma, A.T.(REBR1001839)
- Degradation of mangrove tissues and implications for peat formation in Belizean island forests
Middleton, B.A.(REBR1001843)
- Density-dependent linkage between juveniles and recruitment for pink shrimp (Farfantepenaenus duorarum) in southern Florida
Ehrhardt, N.M.(REBR1001869)
- Driving forces behind nutrient and organic matter dynamics in a mangrove tidal creek in North Brazil
Dittmar, T.(REBR1001873)
- Developing decision support systems for integrated coastal management in the tropics: Is the ICM decision making environment too complex for the development of a useable and useful DSS
Westmacott, S.(REBR1001878)
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