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  1. De la pêche paysanne à la pêche en mer: les Diola de la Basse Casamance (Sénégal)
    Cormier, M-C.(REGH1000327)
  2. Des Mangroves et des Hommes
    Cormier-Salem, M.C.(REGH1000392)
  3. Distribution gradients of Ichthyoplankton in an East African mangrove
    Little, M.C.(REGH1000432)
  4. Distribution écologique de la microfaune benthique dans un milieu hyperhalin: les Foraminiféres du fleuve Casamance (Sénégal)
    Debenay, J.P.(REGH1000489)
  5. Des vasières ouvertes aux mangroves: incidence de la nature du milieu côtier sur la distribution des larolimicoles dans l'Ouest africain: Relation entre les fluctuations de la mangrove au quaternaire et l'existence de deux populations de Calidris alpina dans l'ouest de l'Ancien Monde.
    Guillou, J.J.(REGH1000523)
  6. Dissolved inorganic nutrients fluxes from two seasonal rivers into Gazi Bay, Kenya.
    Ohowa, B.O.(REGH1001004)
  7. Dependence of Caribbean reef fishes on the seegrass as nursary habitats: a comparison of fish faunas between bays with and without mangroves/seagrass beds
    Nagelkerken, I.(REGH1001075)
  8. Diet in mangrove snails: preliminary data on gut contents and stable isotope analysis
    Christensen, J.T.(REGH1001106)
  9. Dispersal potential and early growth in 14 tropical mangroves: do early life hostory traits correlates with patterns of adult distribution?
    Clarke, P.J.(REGH1001107)
  10. Distribution pattern of shrimps and fish among Avicennia and Rhizophora microhabitats in the Pagbilao mangroves Philippines
    Ronnback, P.(REGH1001263)
  11. Die Okologie der Ost-Afrikanishchen Mangroven
    Walter, H.(REGH1001276)
  12. Depositional Environments, Sea-level History and Paleobiogeography of the Late Companion Maastrichtian on the Calabar Flank, SE Nigeria
    Edet, J.J.(REGH1001386)
  13. Does the wood-borer Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea) shape the distribution of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata/
    Svavarsson, J.(REGH1001392)
  14. Dynamics of mangroves in Guinea. Annex 13
    Rue, O.(REGH1001396)
  15. Dynamics of mangroves in Guinea
    Rue, O.(REGH1001406)
  16. Degradation of mangrove leaf litter in the St. Lucia Estuary as influenced by season and exposure
    Steinke, T.D.(REGH1001478)
  17. Decomposition in estuarine ecosystems.
    Schleyer, M.H.(REGH1001481)
  18. Dune, groundwater, mangrove and birdlife in Coastal Kenya
    Hoorweg, J. (ed).(REGH1100004)
  19. Development of mangrove lands for rice cultivation in Tombali and Quinara
    FAO, Rome(REGH1100060)
  20. Day-time variation in methane emission from two tropical urban wetlands in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
    Anuradha, V.(REIN0000046)
  21. Decapod Brachyura from Sunderbans mangrove estuarine complex, India
    Chakraborty, S.K.(REIN0000047)
  22. Description of the site selected for the mangrove genetic resource centre
    Deshmukh, S.V.(REIN0000048)
  23. Diel variations and relative abundance of planktonic larvae in Coleroon estuarine complex, southeast coast of India
    Ayyakkannu, K.(REIN0000050)
  24. Distribution and ecology of methanogenic bacteria in mangrove sediments of Pitchavaram, east coast of India
    Ramamurthy, T.(REIN0000051)
  25. Distribution of Agarolytic Bacteria in Porto Novo Coastal Waters
    Natarajan, R.(REIN0000052)
  26. Distribution of meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods in Gautami Godavari estuarine system
    Kondalaro, B.(REIN0000053)
  27. Distribution of seagrasses along the Indian coast
    Jagtap, T.G.(REIN0000054)
  28. Distribution of trace elements in the leaves of mangroves
    Bhosale, L.J.(REIN0000055)
  29. Distribution of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in finfish harvested from Porto Novo (S. India) environs: a seasonal study
    Nair, G.B.(REIN0000056)
  30. Diterpenes from the marine mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
    Subrahmanyam, C.(REIN0000057)
  31. Depositional behaviour of Coastal sediments on wave cut platforms into the Andaman Sea around Chidiyatapu, South Andaman Island
    Bhattacharya, A.(REIN0000431)
  32. Depositional processes and products in the deltaic environment
    Bhattacharya, A.(REIN0000432)
  33. Description of a new calanoid copepod, Pseudodiaptomus nankauriensis sp. nov. from Nicobar Islands, India
    Roy, T.(REIN0000433)
  34. Description of a new species of Aedes (Rhinoskusea) from south India
    Tewari, S.C.(REIN0000434)
  35. Despoliation of tropical rainforests: the Philippines
    Thompson, H.(REIN0000436)
  36. Detection of aspartate decarboxylase in the leaf extracts of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lamk. [Mangroves, photosynthesis products]
    Bhosale, L.J.(REIN0000437)
  37. Development of an intertidal mangrove nursery and afforestation techniques along the Indian coast
    Untawale, A.G.(REIN0000439)
  38. Development of brackishwater prawn in Orissa, problems and prospects
    Upadhyay, A.S.(REIN0000440)
  39. Diel variations in zooplankton populations in mangrove ecosystem at Gaderu Canal, southeast coast of India
    Mohan, P.C.(REIN0000443)
  40. Different phyto-ecological zones in the 24 Paraganas District of West Bengal with special reference to its land utilization patterns
    Naskar, K.R.(REIN0000444)
  41. Different types of tidal mangroves of the Sundarbans and their role on estuarine fisheries
    Naskar, K.R.(REIN0000445)
  42. Differential inactivation of pectolytic enzymes of some tannin responsive microfungi isolated from mangrove plants
    De, R.(REIN0000446)
  43. Diurnal variation in physical-chemical properties and primary production in the interconnected marine, mangrove and freshwater biotopes of Kakinada coast, Andhra Pradesh, India
    Selvam, V.(REIN0000447)
  44. Distribution and abundance of benthic dipteran insects in Hooghly estuary, India
    Ray, S.(REIN0000448)
  45. Distribution and abundance patterns of bird community and raptor populations in the Andaman archipelago
    Thiollay, J.M.(REIN0000449)
  46. Distribution coefficient of magnesium between biogenous calcium carbonate and ambient water of Sundarban mangrove ecosystem, India
    Ghosh, S.K.(REIN0000450)
  47. Distribution of mangrove plants in relation to the chemical characteristics of the soil, Muthupet, Tamil Nadu, India
    Gunasekaran, S.(REIN0000451)
  48. Distribution of mangroves in India and abroad and their roles in estuarine ecosystems
    Naskar, K.(REIN0000452)
  49. Distribution of mangroves in Kerala.
    Basha, S.C.(REIN0000453)
  50. Distribution of mangroves in relation to topography and selection of ecotonal communities for reclaimed areas of Suderbans
    Matilal, S.(REIN0000454)

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