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- De la pêche paysanne à la pêche en mer: les Diola de la Basse Casamance (Sénégal)
Cormier, M-C.(REGH1000327)
- Des Mangroves et des Hommes
Cormier-Salem, M.C.(REGH1000392)
- Distribution gradients of Ichthyoplankton in an East African mangrove
Little, M.C.(REGH1000432)
- Distribution écologique de la microfaune benthique dans un milieu hyperhalin: les Foraminiféres du fleuve Casamance (Sénégal)
Debenay, J.P.(REGH1000489)
- Des vasières ouvertes aux mangroves: incidence de la nature du milieu côtier sur la distribution des larolimicoles dans l'Ouest africain: Relation entre les fluctuations de la mangrove au quaternaire et l'existence de deux populations de Calidris alpina dans l'ouest de l'Ancien Monde.
Guillou, J.J.(REGH1000523)
- Dissolved inorganic nutrients fluxes from two seasonal rivers into Gazi Bay, Kenya.
Ohowa, B.O.(REGH1001004)
- Dependence of Caribbean reef fishes on the seegrass as nursary habitats: a comparison of fish faunas between bays with and without mangroves/seagrass beds
Nagelkerken, I.(REGH1001075)
- Diet in mangrove snails: preliminary data on gut contents and stable isotope analysis
Christensen, J.T.(REGH1001106)
- Dispersal potential and early growth in 14 tropical mangroves: do early life hostory traits correlates with patterns of adult distribution?
Clarke, P.J.(REGH1001107)
- Distribution pattern of shrimps and fish among Avicennia and Rhizophora microhabitats in the Pagbilao mangroves Philippines
Ronnback, P.(REGH1001263)
- Die Okologie der Ost-Afrikanishchen Mangroven
Walter, H.(REGH1001276)
- Depositional Environments, Sea-level History and Paleobiogeography of the Late Companion Maastrichtian on the Calabar Flank, SE Nigeria
Edet, J.J.(REGH1001386)
- Does the wood-borer Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea) shape the distribution of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata/
Svavarsson, J.(REGH1001392)
- Dynamics of mangroves in Guinea. Annex 13
Rue, O.(REGH1001396)
- Dynamics of mangroves in Guinea
Rue, O.(REGH1001406)
- Degradation of mangrove leaf litter in the St. Lucia Estuary as influenced by season and exposure
Steinke, T.D.(REGH1001478)
- Decomposition in estuarine ecosystems.
Schleyer, M.H.(REGH1001481)
- Dune, groundwater, mangrove and birdlife in Coastal Kenya
Hoorweg, J. (ed).(REGH1100004)
- Development of mangrove lands for rice cultivation in Tombali and Quinara
FAO, Rome(REGH1100060)
- Day-time variation in methane emission from two tropical urban wetlands in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Anuradha, V.(REIN0000046)
- Decapod Brachyura from Sunderbans mangrove estuarine complex, India
Chakraborty, S.K.(REIN0000047)
- Description of the site selected for the mangrove genetic resource centre
Deshmukh, S.V.(REIN0000048)
- Diel variations and relative abundance of planktonic larvae in Coleroon estuarine complex, southeast coast of India
Ayyakkannu, K.(REIN0000050)
- Distribution and ecology of methanogenic bacteria in mangrove sediments of Pitchavaram, east coast of India
Ramamurthy, T.(REIN0000051)
- Distribution of Agarolytic Bacteria in Porto Novo Coastal Waters
Natarajan, R.(REIN0000052)
- Distribution of meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods in Gautami Godavari estuarine system
Kondalaro, B.(REIN0000053)
- Distribution of seagrasses along the Indian coast
Jagtap, T.G.(REIN0000054)
- Distribution of trace elements in the leaves of mangroves
Bhosale, L.J.(REIN0000055)
- Distribution of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in finfish harvested from Porto Novo (S. India) environs: a seasonal study
Nair, G.B.(REIN0000056)
- Diterpenes from the marine mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Subrahmanyam, C.(REIN0000057)
- Depositional behaviour of Coastal sediments on wave cut platforms into the Andaman Sea around Chidiyatapu, South Andaman Island
Bhattacharya, A.(REIN0000431)
- Depositional processes and products in the deltaic environment
Bhattacharya, A.(REIN0000432)
- Description of a new calanoid copepod, Pseudodiaptomus nankauriensis sp. nov. from Nicobar Islands, India
Roy, T.(REIN0000433)
- Description of a new species of Aedes (Rhinoskusea) from south India
Tewari, S.C.(REIN0000434)
- Despoliation of tropical rainforests: the Philippines
Thompson, H.(REIN0000436)
- Detection of aspartate decarboxylase in the leaf extracts of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lamk. [Mangroves, photosynthesis products]
Bhosale, L.J.(REIN0000437)
- Development of an intertidal mangrove nursery and afforestation techniques along the Indian coast
Untawale, A.G.(REIN0000439)
- Development of brackishwater prawn in Orissa, problems and prospects
Upadhyay, A.S.(REIN0000440)
- Diel variations in zooplankton populations in mangrove ecosystem at Gaderu Canal, southeast coast of India
Mohan, P.C.(REIN0000443)
- Different phyto-ecological zones in the 24 Paraganas District of West Bengal with special reference to its land utilization patterns
Naskar, K.R.(REIN0000444)
- Different types of tidal mangroves of the Sundarbans and their role on estuarine fisheries
Naskar, K.R.(REIN0000445)
- Differential inactivation of pectolytic enzymes of some tannin responsive microfungi isolated from mangrove plants
De, R.(REIN0000446)
- Diurnal variation in physical-chemical properties and primary production in the interconnected marine, mangrove and freshwater biotopes of Kakinada coast, Andhra Pradesh, India
Selvam, V.(REIN0000447)
- Distribution and abundance of benthic dipteran insects in Hooghly estuary, India
Ray, S.(REIN0000448)
- Distribution and abundance patterns of bird community and raptor populations in the Andaman archipelago
Thiollay, J.M.(REIN0000449)
- Distribution coefficient of magnesium between biogenous calcium carbonate and ambient water of Sundarban mangrove ecosystem, India
Ghosh, S.K.(REIN0000450)
- Distribution of mangrove plants in relation to the chemical characteristics of the soil, Muthupet, Tamil Nadu, India
Gunasekaran, S.(REIN0000451)
- Distribution of mangroves in India and abroad and their roles in estuarine ecosystems
Naskar, K.(REIN0000452)
- Distribution of mangroves in Kerala.
Basha, S.C.(REIN0000453)
- Distribution of mangroves in relation to topography and selection of ecotonal communities for reclaimed areas of Suderbans
Matilal, S.(REIN0000454)
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