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  1. Effect of niches on decomposition rate of mangrove leaf litter in Rawa Timur, Cilacap
    Anwar, C.(REIN0001292)
  2. Electron microscopy on the salt glands of Acanthus ilicifolius L
    Wong, C.H.(REIN0001514)
  3. Ecology and productivity of Malaysia mangrove crab populations (Decapoda:Brachyura)
    MacIntosh, D.J.(REIN0001528)
  4. Effects of some ecological factors and planting techniques on the survival rate and growth performance of Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engler in Thai Binh and Nam Dinh provinces
    Sen, T.T.M.(REIN0001585)
  5. Effects of low temperature on the growth and survival rate of Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engler planted in Giao Lac Commune, Gioa Thuy District, Nam Dinh Province
    Tan, D.V.(REIN0001587)
  6. Evaluating the relationships between decomposed logging residues and meiofauna biomass in logged-over mangroves at Matang, Peninsular Malaysia
    Ibrahim, S.(REIN0001605)
  7. Effects of soil discharge on the coastal marine environment
    Tanaka, K.(REIN0001610)
  8. Economic valuation of mangroves utilization by the local community in Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia
    Leong, L.F.(REIN0001626)
  9. Estuarine environment
    Nelson, B.W.(REIN0001637)
  10. Ecology of Fish and Shrimp Communities
    Chong, V.C.(REIN0001648)
  11. Economic Valuation of Coastal Resources in the Straits of Malacca
    Sasekumar, A.(REIN0001652)
  12. Ecology of tropical marine fungi
    Hyde, K.D.(REJP0000026)
  13. Edible oyster spatfall in India: A review
    Chandrasekaran, V.S.(REJP0000067)
  14. Effect of aquaculture on world fish supplies
    Naylor, R.L.(REJP0000107)
  15. Effect of salinity on germination success in keora(Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham.) seeds
    Siddiqi, N.A.(REJP0000124)
  16. Effect of thinning on keora(Sonneratia apetala) survival and growth
    Islam, M.R.(REJP0000128)
  17. Effect of NaCl concentration and environmental factors on the gas exchange characteristics of three mangrove species
    Kawamitsu, Y.(REJP0000129)
  18. Enrichment planting in the mangrove of sundarbans-a review
    Siddiqi, N.A.(REJP0000149)
  19. Effects of abiotic and biotic factors on the seedling recruitment of Heritiera fomes in the mangrove of Sundarbans
    Siddiqi, N.A.(REJP0000152)
  20. Estimating leaf area index and photosynthetic production in canopies of the mangrove Rhizophora apiculata
    Clough, B.F.(REJP0000168)
  21. Extraction of useful substances from mangroves with supercritical carbon dioxide
    Sakaki, T.(REJP0000221)
  22. Environmental status of mangrove forests of Rio de Janeiro state, S.E. Brazil
    Lacerda, L.D.(REJP0000268)
  23. Effective use of mangrove forest's flora potential in Yen Hung-Quang Ninh Province
    Dang, C.H.(REJP0000307)
  24. Evaluation results of mangrove planting project in Thach Ha district, Ha Tinh Province
    Huong, T.T.T.(REJP0000308)
  25. Economically efficient exploitation and utilization of Nypa fruticans
    Van Ba, T.(REJP0000310)
  26. Exploitation and utilisation of the coastal salty water regions in Nam Dinh
    Tai, N.P.(REJP0000319)
  27. Evaluation of the efficient of mangrove rehabilitation on aquaproduct resources in some coastal communes of Thai Binh and Nam Dinh Province
    Tuan, X.L.(REJP0000323)
  28. Eco-tourism, rural development and environment conservation
    Suzuki, S.(REJP0000339)
  29. Estuarine variability: an overview
    Wolf, A.D.(REJP0000364)
  30. Estimating the net flux of nutrients between a salt marsh and tidal creek
    Spurrier, D.J.(REJP0000370)
  31. Effect of rotenone on zooplankton communities and a study of their recovery patterns in two mountain lakes in Alberta
    Anderson, S.R.(REJP0000380)
  32. Experimental plantation for rehabilitation on mangrove forests in Pakistan
    Qureshi, MD. T.(REJP0000381)
  33. Ecological conservation of seagrass beds in the gulf of Mannar. India
    Mahalingam, R.(REJP0000385)
  34. Expression of mangrove allene oxide cyclase enhances salt tolerance in Escherichia cili, yeast, and tobacco cells
    Yamada, A.(REJP0000393)
  35. Environmental Education in the Asia-Pacific region: Status , issue and practices
    Bhandari, B. B. (ed.)(REJP0000399)
  36. Evaluation of research activities of DRC funded EP program
    Hong, N.P.(REJP0000400)
  37. Essential factors leading to the success in Can Gio mangrove restoration and management in Vietnam
    Tuan, L.D.(REJP0000432)
  38. Ecological study of mangrove forest in Can Gio, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    Mochida, Y.(REJP0000448)
  39. Ecological study of mangrove forest in Khanom, Sothern Thailand
    Ishihara, S.(REJP0000458)
  40. Evaluation of the belowground carbon sequestration of estuarine mangrove habitats, Southwestern Thailand
    Fujimoto, K.(REJP0000459)
  41. Environmental degradation and mangrove ecosystem reestablishment in Ban Khun Thien area, Thailand-probability of mangrove plantation and its meaning
    Miyagi, T.(REJP0000462)
  42. Environmental factors affecting seedling establishment of the black mangrove on the central Texas coast
    McMillan, C.(REJP0000532)
  43. Environmental protection education in schools and universities through some education and training activities
    Hien, T.D.(REJP0000536)
  44. Environmental Education in schools-an issue of concern
    Tu, D.P.(REJP0000538)
  45. Ecological environmental culture and personality education
    Tam, V.M.(REJP0000540)
  46. Education on ecological cultural life style in Schools
    Tram, P.T.N.(REJP0000541)
  47. Environmental Education in Hue University current situation and resolutions
    Thang, L.V.(REJP0000545)
  48. Environmental education in Hanoi University of education
    Bao, D.Q.(REJP0000547)
  49. Environmental education in vocational training schools in Vietnam
    Nhuan, H.D.(REJP0000548)
  50. Environmental education through teaching of internal combustion engine
    Tac, H.M.(REJP0000549)

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