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- Estrutura e floristica em areas de manguezais paraenses, evidências da influência do Estuario Amazônico
Almeida, S.S.(REBR1001452)
- Estudos fitosociologicos em areas de bosque de mangue na Praia do Crispin e Ilha do Agodoal - Para
Bastos, M.N.C.B.(REBR1001453)
- Estudo sedimentológico e principais agentes de impactos no sistema estuarino lagunar Mundaú- AL:Subsídios à sustentabilidade
Lima, R.C. A.(REBR1001467)
- Estimates of leaf production of Rhizophora spp. by stipules yields
Fernandes, M.E.B. (REBR1001469)
- Environmental Geochemistry in the Tropics
Wasserman, J.C.(REBR1001482)
- Ecologia de Restingas e Lagoas Costeiras
Esteves, F.A.(REBR1001487)
- Estuarine systems of the South American region: carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes
Smith S.V.(REBR1001491)
- Ecuador estuarine systems, Gulf of Guayaquil: carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes
Tutiven, I.U.(REBR1001494)
- Efeito da salinidade sobre as medidas foliares em mangues no Estado do Ceará (Brasil)
Mirande, P.T.C.(REBR1001502)
- Estrutura y produtividad del bosque de mangle rojo (Rhizophora mangle) de la Bahia de Chengue, Parque Nacional Tayrona, Caribe Colombiano
Nivia-Ruiz, J.(REBR1001516)
- Efeitos do Cobre sobre a regulação osmotica de Ucides cordatus
Palanch, M.F.(REBR1001518)
- Electron microscopy of glial cells of the central nervous system in the crab Ucides cordatus
Allodi, S.(REBR1001546)
- Environment-colombia: Fisherfolk saving mangroves
Ferrer, Y.(REBR1001553)
- Em busca de um novo equilibrio. Diretrizes para aumentar as oportunidades de conservação da biodiversidade por meio do manejo bioregional
Miller, K.R.(REBR1001567)
- Ecologically based goal setting in mangrove forest and tidal marsh restoration
Lewis, R.R.(REBR1001570)
- Enhancement, restoration and creation of coastal wetlands
Lewis, R.R.(REBR1001574)
- Embrionica, larval and post-larval development in the tropical clam, of Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin) (Bivalvia, Veneridae)
Moueza, M.(REBR1001578)
- Earth systems: Engineering and management
Schneider, S.(REBR1001591)
- Ecologia das Lagoas costeiras do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba e do Município de Macaé (RJ)
Esteves, F.A.(REBR1001602)
- El fenomeno El Nino 97-98 y sus efectos en las costas ecuatorianas
Boilivar, P.S.(REBR1001626)
- Effects of waste-water born heavy metals on mangrove plants and soil microbial activities
Yim, M.W.(REBR1001629)
- Etude hydrologique et sedimentologique de l'estuaire du Rio Pacoti (Fortaleza - Ceará- Brésil)
Freire, G.S.S.(REBR1001636)
- Evolutionary diversity among Atlantic coast mangroves
Dodd, R.S.(REBR1001641)
- Elemental composition of sediment cores from a mangrove environment using neutron activation analysis
Wasserman, J.C.(REBR1001659)
- Estimating spatial and seasonal phytoplankton delta C-13 variations in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem
Dehairs, B.S.(REBR1001668)
- Evolucion de las areas de manglar, cmaroneras y salinas desde 1984 a 1999.
Fundecol (REBR1001688)
- Estimating above-ground biomass and production in mangrove communities of Byscaine National Park, Florida (USA)
Ross, M.(REBR1001690)
- Estuarine and mangrove systems and the nursery concept: which is which? The case of the Sine Saloum system (Senegal)
Vidy, G.(REBR1001693)
- Ecological classification of Nigerian mangroves using soil nutrient gradient analysis
Ukpong, I.(REBR1001696)
- Energy fluxes in a mangrove ecosystem from a coastal lagoon in Yuacatan Peninsula, Mexico
Vega-Cendejas, M.E.(REBR1001729)
- Effects of leaf litter addition on meiofaunal colonization of azoic sediments in a subtropical mangrove in Hong Kong
Zhou, H.(REBR1001746)
- Experimental spatial collecting and growing of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding in the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia
Wedler, E.(REBR1001832)
- Estudo sobre a biologia do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) capturado no delta do Rio Paraíba
Ivo, C.T.C.(REBR1001852)
- Estudo sobre a biologia do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) capturado no Rio Curimatau (Canguaretama) - no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
Vasconcelos, E.M.S.(REBR1001853)
- Estudo sobre a biologia do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) capturados nos estuários dos Rios Formoso (Rio Formoso) e Ilhetas (Tamandaré, Estado de Pernambuco
Botelho, E.R.O.(REBR1001854)
- Ecology of the introduced snapper Lutjanus kasmira (Forsskal) in the reef fish assemblage of a Hawaiian Bay
Friedlander, A.M.(REBR1001879)
- Estuarine systems of the South China Sea region: Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes
Dupra, V.(REBR1001903)
- Effect of drought on leaf gland secretion of the mangrove Avicennia germinans L.
Sobrado, M.A.(REBR1001910)
- Effects of land crabs on seedling densities and distribution in a mainland neotropical rain forest
Sherman, P.M.(REBR1001920)
- Estuarine systems of Sub-Saharan Africa: Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes
Dupra, V.(REBR1001954)
- Estuarine systems of Africa: Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes
Buddemeier, R.W.(REBR1001955)
- Estuarine systems of Latin American Region, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes
Camacho-Ibar, V.(REBR1001956)
- Enterobacterias nas águas estuarinas do Rio Jaguaribe
Telles, FJS(REBR1001989)
- Estudos preliminares sobre a geologia ambiental do Estado do Ceará, Nordesste do Brasil
Smith, A.J.(REBR1001992)
- Estudo sobre a composição do plankton no estuário do rio Jaguaribe (Ceará- Brasil)
Fonseca, V.G.(REBR1001997)
- Economic readons for conserving wild nature
Balmford, A.(REBR1002002)
- Effects of furadan in the brown mussel Perna perna and in the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophora
Alves, S.R.(REBR1002037)
- Empirical assessment of fish introductions in a subtropical wetland: an evaluation of contrasting views
Trexler, J.C.;(REBR1002053)
- Ecological engineering in aquaculture: use of seaweeds for removing nutrients from intensive mariculture
Troell, M.(REBR1002058)
- Ecological factors acting on the microfauna in mangrove swamps. The case of foramineferal assemblages in French Guiana
Debenay, J.P.(REBR1002064)
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