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- Effects of salinity on biomarker responses in Crassostrea rhizophorae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) exposed to diesel oil
Da Silva, A.Z.(REBR1002557)
- Ecological monitoring and biodiversity surveys at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's at Bocas del Toro, Research Station
Collin, R.(REBR1002580)
- Ecologia liquenica nos manguezais do sul-sudeste brasileiro
Pinto, M.M.(REBR1002603)
- Effects of the exotic Brazilian pepper in a Florida mangrove ecosystem
Donnely, M.J.(REBR1002615)
- Evolutionary relationships of Mycaureola dilseae (Agaricales), a basidomycete pathogen of a subtidal rhodophyte
Binder, M.(REBR1002629)
- Effect of key deer herbivory on forest communities in the lower Florida Keys
Barret, M.A.(REBR1002631)
- Evaluation of culture enclosures for the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophhorae suspended from raft and long-line systems
Lodeiros, C.(REBR1002657)
- ET743: Chemical analyses of the sea squirt Ecteinascidia turbinata
Manning, T.(REBR1002658)
- Effects of sand characteristics and innundation on the hatching success of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) cluches on low-reef mangrove islands in southwest Florida
Foley, A.M.(REBR1002666)
- Early post-hurricane stand development in fringe mangrove forests of contrasting productivity
Ross, M.S.(REBR1002670)
- Ectoenzyme kinetics in Florida Bay; Implications for bacterial carbon source and nutrient status
Williams, C.J.(REBR1002683)
- Evaluating the relative contributions of hydroperiod and soil fertility on growth of South Florida Mangroves
Hajje, N.(REBR1002687)
- Effect of ultraviolet-B radiation on salt march vegetation: Trends of the genus Salicornia along the Americas
Costa, C.S.B.(REBR1002713)
- Escala de maturidade gonadal para Lucina pectinata (Gmelin, 1791) (Molusca, Bivalvia) n manguezal de Garapuá (Cairu, BA)
Pires-Santos, F.(REBR1002727)
- Estrutura populaciona de uca rapx (Smith) (Crustacea, Decapado, Ocypodidae) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Bede, L.M.(REBR1002736)
- Efeitos do impacto ambiental em Aratus pisoni no manguezal de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro Brasil
Souza, N.P.S.(REBR1002737)
- Estrutura populaciona de Armases rubripes (rathbun 1897) (Crustacea, Decapado, Sesarmidae) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Soares, M.R.S.(REBR1002738)
- Estructura y com´posición de la comunidad de manglar en Isla barú, Bolívar-Colombia
Correa, V.A.(REBR1002754)
- Eficiencia de trampas en la colecta de poliquetos asociados a planos lodosos de manglar
Lopes de mesa, L.A.(REBR1002758)
- Evaluacion de las relaciones ecologicas entre manglar y producion secundaria en una laguna costera tropical
Mancera, P.J.E.(REBR1002759)
- Esponjas de substrato incosolidado da Baia de Cumamu e cercanias:Resultados Preliminares
Peixinho, S.(REBR1002760)
- Effect of natural rubber on wood-reinforced tannin composites
Mosiewicki, M.A.(REBR1002777)
- Effects of recreational angling on the post-release behavior and predation of bonefish (Albula vulpes):The role of equilibrium status and the time of release
Danylchuck, S.E.(REBR1002783)
- Estudio tecnologico de la madera en tres especies de mangle
Servicio Forestal Nacional; Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica).(REBR1100003)
- Evolution des littoraux de Guyane et de la zone Caraibe meridionale pendant le quaternaire
Prost, M.T. (REBR1100004)
- Etude comparee de l'effet de differents niveaux d'eau sur le taux de reprise des propagules du manglier rouge (Rhizophora mangle) et la croissance en hauteur des plantules a "etang saumatre"
Florvil, A. (REBR1100005)
- Ecologia de los manglares
Menendez Carrera, L.(REBR1100014)
- Evaluacion preliminar del impacto ecologo-paisajistico en el area de estudio: zona del Guanal, provincia Pinar del Rio
Priego Santander, A.G.(REBR1100018)
- Estudio de la poblacion y potencial para el cultivo de Anadara tuberculosa en los manglares de la reserva forestal Sierpe-Terraba, Costa Rica
Campos, M.J.A.(REBR1100026)
- El Manglar del parque Nacional Natural Isla de Salamanca: verdadera crisis ecologica?
Bohorquez, R.C.A. (REBR1100028)
- Experiments in mangrove oyster culture (Crassostrea rhizophorae)
Nikolic, M.(REBR1100046)
- El ostion del mangle crassostrea rhizophorae guilding 1828 (algunas observaciones sobre susdimensiones, pesos y sexos)
Soroa Bofill, J.(REBR1100052)
- Explotacion forestal del manglar. Introduccion de tecnologia mecanizada
Poussin Molinet, E.(REBR1100053)
- Environmental South Australia catchment to coast Part 2: Land degradation of urban water users sustainable farming ecological tapestries Murray-Darling basin irrigation management trip through a mangrove forest
Conservation Council of South Australia Inc.(REFJ0000012)
- Ecological economic analysis of the mangrove conservation. A case study from Fiji
Lal, P. N.(REFJ0000038)
- Ecology of mangroves
Hutchings, P.(REFJ0000054)
- Environmental implications of coastal development in Fiji
Lal, P.N.(REFJ0000092)
- Ecology of the Tidal Forests in the Kikori - Romily Sound Area, Gulf of Papua
Floyd, A. G.(REFJ0000108)
- Effects of seed predators and light level on the distribution of Avicennia marina (Forsk). Vierh. in tropical, tidal forests
Smith, T.J.(REFJ0000142)
- Estuarine and mangrove shorelines
Wilder, M. J.(REFJ0000148)
- Effect of exported mangrove litter on bacterial productivity and dissolved organic carbon fluxes in adjacent tropical nearshore sediments
Alongi, D.M.(REFJ0000153)
- Ecological interactions between tropical coastal ecosystems
Birkeland, C.(REFJ0000159)
- Etude du peuplement de poissons dans les lagunes des mangroves de Guadeloupe (Antillles Francaises)
Louis, M.(REFJ0000184)
- Ecology of sea grasses in estuaries
Dennison, W.C.(REFJ0000231)
- Economics and the value of coastal wetlands, Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Blamey, R.(REFJ0000251)
- Ecological role of Grapsid Crabs in mangrove ecosystems: A Review
Lee, S.Y.(REFJ0000284)
- Etude de l' ichtyofaune de la mangrove de Bourake (Nouvelle Caledonie)
Abrard, R.(REFJ0000298)
- Etude de l' ichtyofaune des mangrove de deux ilots du lagon sud-ouest de la Nouvelle Caledonie (Puen et Le Preedour)
Abrard, R.(REFJ0000299)
- Environment: Nouvelle Caledonia
Marion, D.(REFJ0000325)
- Erosion, transport et sedimentation lies aux cyclones tropicaux dans les massifs d'ultrabayites de Nouvelle - Caledonnie. Premiere approche du bilan general de l'alteration, de l'erosion et de la sedimentation sur periodotite en zone tropicale
Baltzer, F.(REFJ0000333)
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