Search pattern :reference -> H
Matches (151 - 185 of 185)
- Human gastro-intestinal parasites in Bendel State, Nigeria
Obiamiwe, B.A.(REJP0001465)
- Habitats of culicoides spp. in an intertidal zone of southeast Queensland Australia
Hagan, C.E.(REJP0001481)
- Historical development of the port Royal mangrove wetland, Jamaica
Alleng, G.P.(REJP0001517)
- Holocene evolution of coastal wetlands in wet-tropical northerneastern Australia
Crowley, G.M.(REJP0001529)
- Holocene cemented beach deposits in Belize
Gischler, E.(REJP0001537)
- Holecene development of three isolated carbonate platforms, Belize, Central America
Gischler, E.(REJP0001538)
- Holocene development of the lower Mary River Plains, Northern Territory, Australia
Mulrennan, M.E.(REJP0001561)
- Holocene emergence and evolution of the Mcarthur River Delta, Southwestern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
Woodroffe, C.D.(REJP0001587)
- Human impacts on methane emission from mangrove ecosystems in India
Purvaja, R.(REJP0001597)
- Habitat partitioning among four elasmobranch soecies in nearshore, shallow waters of a subtropical embayment in Western Australia
Whilt, W.T.(REJP0001686)
- Holocene mangrove swamps of West Africa sedimentology and soils
Marius, C.(REJP0001760)
- Historique rapide de l'impact de l'emprise humaine sur les sols et la vegetation naturelle a' la re'union
Raunet, M.(REJP0001766)
- How effective were mangroves as a defense against the recent tsunami?
Dahdouh-Guebas, F.(REJP0001839)
- Human-impacted mangroves in Gazi (Kenya): predicting future vegetation based on retrospective remote sensing, social surveys, and tree distribution
Dahdouh-Guebas, F.(REJP0001843)
- Herbicides implicated as the cause of severe mangrove dieback in the mackay region, NE Australia: consequences for marine plant habitats of the GBR World Heritage Area
Duke, N.C.(REJP0001868)
- Heavy metals in mangrove sediments of the United ARAB Emirates shoreline (Arabian Gulf)
Shriadah, M.M.A.(REJP0001901)
- How to increase juvenile shrimps in mangrove waters?
Rajendran, N.(REJP0001955)
- History and biogeography of the mangrove ecosystem, based on a critical reassessment of the paleootological record
Plaziat, J.(REJP0001959)
- Hirschmanniella caribbeana sp. n. and new records of Pratylenchidae:Nematoda) from Guadeloupe, French West Indies
Berg, E.(REJP0002047)
- Human disturbance and forest diversity in the Tansa Valley, India
Veach, R.(REJP0002058)
- Hydrobiology of the Cochin backwater system- a review
Menon, N.N.(REJP0002075)
- High-resolution time series of vessel density in Kenyan mangrove trees reveal a link with climate
Verheyden, A.(REJP0002084)
- How to alleviate degradation of mangroves?
Kathiresan, K.(REJP0002095)
- Human African trypanosomiasis in the mangrove forest in Guinea:epidemiological and clinical features in two adjacent outbreak areas
Camara, M. Kaba, D.(REJP0002098)
- Haloaleurodiscus mangrovei gen. sp. nov. (Basidiomycota) from mangrove forests in Japan
Maekawa, N.(REJP0002102)
- Heavy metal contamination in mangrove habitats of Singapore
Cuong, D.T.(REJP0002117)
- Habitat selection of juvenile banana prawns, Penaeus merguiensis de Man: Testing the roles of habitat structure, predators, light phase and prawn size
Meager, J.J.(REJP0002126)
- Have there been large recent sea level changes in the Maldive Islands?
Woodworth, P.L.(REJP0002190)
- Heavy metal accumulation in Littoraria scabra along polluted and pristine mangrove areas of Tanzania
Wolf, H.D.(REJP0002209)
- Hydrothermal alteration of sedimentary organic matter in the presence and absence of hydrogen to tar then oil
Rushdi, A.I.(REJP0003017)
- How much are the Bolinao-Anda coral reefs worth?
Cruz-Trinidad, A.(REJP0003020)
- How ecological engineering can serve in coastal protection
Borsje, B.W.(REJP0003024)
- Herbivore feeding preferences as measured by leaf damage and stomatal ingestion: a mangrove crab example
Erickson, A.A.(REJP1100196)
- Herbicides in war; the long-term ecological and human consequences
Westing, A.H. (ed.) (REJP1100272)
- Handbook for mangrove area management
Hamilton, L.S. (ed.)(REJP1100276)
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