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- Levantamento biogeografico da Baia de Guanabara. II. Crescimento do manguezal na Ilha do Pinheiro
Oliveira, L.P.H.(REBR1000973)
- Leaf-burying crabs: their influence on energy flow and export from mixed mangrove forests (Rhizophora spp.) in northereastern Australia
Robertson, A.I.(REBR1000979)
- Litterfall beneath Rhizophora stylosa Griff., Vaitupu, Tuvalu, South Pacific
Woodroffe, C.D.(REBR1000997)
- Litter production by mangroves. I: Mgeni estuary
Steinke, T.D.(REBR1001046)
- Leaching loss during the decomposition of mangrove leaf litter
Steinke, T.D.(REBR1001060)
- Los Manglares del Pacifico Centroamericano
Jimenez, J.A.(REBR1001080)
- Litter production and accumulation in stressed mangrove communities in the Embley river estuary, North-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
Conacher, C.A.(REBR1001081)
- L'ecosysteme de mangrove de la Casamance (au Senegal) en mai 1990, evolucion de 1984 a 1990
Debenay, J.P.(REBR1001082)
- Les mangroves Togolaieses: etat actuel et perspectives
Koffi, A.(REBR1001086)
- Les mangroves du Benin: environnement physique, vegetation et essais de gestion
Akoegninou, A.(REBR1001087)
- Litter fall and energy flux in a mangrove ecosystem
Wafar, S.(REBR1001123)
- Los manglares del Caribe y Pacifico: ecossistemas estrategicos para Colombia
Paez, H.S.(REBR1001204)
- Linking winter and summer events in a migratory bird by using stable isotopes
Marra, P.P.(REBR1001207)
- Levantamento florístico da área de proteção ambiental de Jericoacoara, Ceará
Matias, l.Q.(REBR1001236)
- Los manglares de America Latina en la encrucijada
Yanez-Arancibia, A.(REBR1001260)
- La Reserva Forestal de Terrab-Sierpe, Coasta Rica: Un ejemplo de uso adequado del manglar
Lahmann, E.J.(REBR1001276)
- La vegetacion de manglar en la laguna de Terminos, Campeche, avaliacion preliminar atraves de imagenes de Landsat
De La Lanza, E.G.(REBR1001281)
- Land use change and environmental degradation of the Chakoria Sundarbans in Bangladesh
Islam, M.S.(REBR1001365)
- Legislação e polú‘icas públicas para a pesca artesanal: o que existe e o que sabem os pescadores
Cabral, N.(REBR1001393)
- Levantamento bibliográfico sobre a geologia marinha no Brasil: 1841-1992
Tessler, M.G.(REBR1001499)
- Levantamento dos manguezais remanesncetes da area insular do Municipio de Santos (São Paulo, Brazil)
Rezende, A.(REBR1001520)
- La Isla Santra Clara, testigo morfoestrutural de la evolucion geodinamica plio-cuaternária y actual del Golfo de Guayaquil
Santana, E.(REBR1001627)
- Large scale distribution of fish larvae in the continental shelf waters off North-East Brazil
Ekau, W.(REBR1001638)
- Leaf gall abundance on Avicennia germinans (Avicenniaceae) along an intertidal salinity gradient
Alvim, S.J.G.(REBR1001657)
- Livestock wastewater treatment by mangrove pot-cultivation system and the effect of salinity on the nutrient removal efficiency
Ye, Y.(REBR1001658)
- Life on the edge: Life and future of mangroves
Duke, N.C.(REBR1001670)
- Low salinity adversely affects photosynthetic performance of the mangrove Avicennia marina
Tuffers, A.(REBR1001677)
- Leaf fracture-toughness and sclerophylly: their correlation and ecological implications
Choong, M.F.(REBR1001684)
- Leaf production, shoot demography, and flowering of Thalassodendron ciliatum along the east African coast
Kamermans, P.(REBR1001715)
- Late quaternary peat formation and vegetation dynamics in a lowland tropical swamp; Nee Soon, Singapore
Taylor, D.(REBR1001722)
- Late holocene environmental history of southern Chocó region, Pacific Colombia; sediment, diatom and pollen analysis of core El Caimito
Velez, M.L.(REBR1001805)
- Los ecosistemas marinos del Caribe colombiano.
Alvarez-Leon, R.(REBR1001815)
- Labomar: Pioneirismo e sobrevivência no século XXI
Paiva, M.P.(REBR1001883)
- Leaf biochemical parameters in Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh as potential biomarkers of heavy metal stree in estuarine ecosystems
MacFarlane, G.R.(REBR1001894)
- Land ocean interaction in Africa - the current status of the LOICZ regional assessment synthesis
Kremer, H.(REBR1001945)
- Larval settlement and growth of Teredinidae (Mollusca-Bilalvia) in intertidal region of mangroves
Lopes, S.B.C.(REBR1001970)
- Litter dynamics in riverine mangrove forests in the Guayas River estuary, Ecuador
Twilley, R.R.(REBR1001978)
- Land ocean interaction in Africa - the current status of the LOICZ regional assessment and synthesis
- Leaf photosynthesis of the mangrove Avicennia germinans as affected by NaCl
Sobrado, M.A.(REBR1002027)
- Land use in La Estrella River basin and soil erosion effects on the Cahuita Reef system, Costa Rica
Fonseca, A.E.(REBR1002076)
- Literature review and categorization (development of indices) of a natural and anthropogenic material fluxes and their impact on environmental and socio-economic systems in coastal zone of islands in the Oceania region
Morcom, N.(REBR1002079)
- Lagoa de Araruama: perfil ambiental do maior ecossistema lagunar hipersalino do mundo
Primo, P.B.S.(REBR1002092)
- Levantamento de Drosophilidae (insecta, Diptera) e entomofauna acompanhate utilizando iscas de frutas comercial em áreas de manguezal e matas adjacentes do Município de Bragança, Pará
Nogeuira, C.(REBR1002235)
- Local vulnerability as an advantage: mangrove forest management in Pará State, north Brazil, under conditions of illegality
Glaser, M.(REBR1002265)
- Land cover changes and impact of shrimp aquaculture on the landscape in Ceuta coastal lagoon system, Sinaloa, Mexico
Alonzo-Pérez, F.(REBR1002281)
- Leaf-consumption levels in subtropical mangroves of Paranaguá Bay (SE Brazil)
Faraco, L.F.D.(REBR1002299)
- Length-weight relationships of fish speies caught in a mangrove swamp in the Gulf of California, Mexico
Gonzalez-Acosta, A.F.(REBR1002372)
- Land use - iron pollution in mangrove habitatof karachi, Indus Delta
Saifullah, S.M.(REBR1002386)
- Lead distribution in sediments from a disturbed mangrove area in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
borges, A.C.(REBR1002448)
- Lethargic crab disease; multidisciplinary evidence supports a mycotic etiology
Boeger, W.A.(REBR1002542)
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