Search pattern :reference -> L
Matches (301 - 340 of 340)
- Land barriers and open oceans: effects on gene diversity and population structure in Avecennia germinans L. (Avicenniaceae)
Dodd, R.S.(REJP0001350)
- Leaf decomposition of two species in a mangrove community in Futi Shenzhen (In Clinese)
Huang, L.(REJP0001410)
- Leaf secretion composition of the mangrove species Avicennia germinans (L.) in relation to salinity: a case study by using total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
Sobrado, M.A.(REJP0001415)
- Landscape surrounding human settlements and Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) abundance in Southern Chiapas, Mexico
Rodriguez, A.D.(REJP0001483)
- Leaf protoplast isolation from eight mangrove species of three different families; Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae and Sonneratiaceae
Kawan, Y.(REJP0001507)
- La mangrove a usages multiples de l'estuaire du Salium (Senegal)
Agbogba, C. (ed.)(REJP0001515)
- Land subsidence and sea-level rise in the Port-Adelaide Estuary-implications for monitoring the greenhouse-effect
Belperio, A.P.(REJP0001521)
- Land use - iron pollution in mangrove habitat at Karachi, Indus Delta
saifullah, S.M.(REJP0001617)
- La strate'gie de conservation a' maurice
Fagoonee, I.(REJP0001763)
- Les orientations de la banque mondiale dans le domaine de l'environnement: Le cas de Madagascar
Falloux, F.(REJP0001770)
- Les grands problemes actuels de la conservation des ecosystemes: De'frichement et feux de brousse
Raymond, R.(REJP0001771)
- Les roles et formes du reboisement a' Madagascar
Radioela, R.(REJP0001772)
- Laproduction forestiere et ses impacts surles boisements
Louis, R.A.(REJP0001773)
- Le paysan malgache est-il un paysan de l'arbre?: Perspectives en agroforesterie a' Madagascar
Rabetaliana, N.H.(REJP0001776)
- L'intensification de la production agricole et l'environment
Ralaivaouinca, P.(REJP0001778)
- L'image repre'sentative de la forest en pays betsimisaraka
Sylvia, Y.(REJP0001780)
- La destructionde la foret par l'homme malgache un probleme mal pose
Esoavelomandroso, M.(REJP0001781)
- La carte phytoe"cologique service de la conservation et de l"amenagement
Ramangason, G.S.H.(REJP0001787)
- La biology des sols et la ferlilite'
Garnier-Sillam, E.(REJP0001789)
- Le role morphoge'nique des termites en re'gion tropicale l'exemple de Madagascar
Petit, M.(REJP0001790)
- Le processus de la planification applique' a' la gestion des ressources naturelles
Maldague, M.(REJP0001800)
- Litter dynamics and particulate organic matter out welling from a subtropical mangrove in Okinawa Island, South Japan
Mfilinge, P.L.(REJP0001863)
- Leaf longevity, construction, and maintenance costs of three mangrove species under field conditions
Suarez, N.(REJP0001908)
- Leaf-litter processing by invertebrates in a mangrove forest in Queensland
Camilleri, J.C.(REJP0001968)
- Limonological Features of a Tropical Meromictic lake
Bozniak, E.G.(REJP0001980)
- Location and interseasonal variation in flowering, propagule setting and propagule size in mangrove species of the family Rhizophoraceae
Tyagi, A.P.(REJP0002028)
- Litter degradation and CN dynamics in reforested mangrove plantations at Gazi Bay, Kenya
Bosire, J.O.(REJP0002115)
- Living laboratory in Peril
Boersma, P.D.(REJP0002140)
- Late Quaternary cycles of mangrove development and decline on the north Australian continental shelf
Grindrod, J. (REJP0002155)
- Light gradients and the transverse distribution of chlorophyll fluorescence in mangrove and camellia leaves
Koizumi, M.(REJP0002157)
- Locomotor activity patterns of the mangrove littorinids, Littoraria ardouiniana and L. melanostoma, in Hong Kong
Lee, O.H.K.(REJP0002159)
- Land from the Sea: The Mangrove Afforestation Program of Bangladesh
Saenger, P.(REJP0002178)
- Long-term effect of NaCl on the activity of uridine and uracil salvage for nucleotide synthesis in cultured mangrove (Bruguiera sexangula) cells
Sato, Y.(REJP0002199)
- Linking spatial metrics and fish catch reveals the importance of coastal wetland connectivity to inshore fisheries in Queensland, Australia
Meynecke, J.-O.(REJP0002205)
- Larval fish assemblages in a tropical mangrove estuary and adjacent coastal waters: offshore - inshore flux of marine and estuarine species
Ooi, A.L.(REJP0003014)
- L-asparaginase production by mangrove derived Bacillus cereus MAB5: optimization by response surface methodology
Thenmozhi, C.(REJP0003030)
- Livelihood options for coastal communities. Volume 2
- Land use implications in mangrove ecosystems
Chong, P.W. (ed.)(REJP1100238)
- La fauna silvestre de los manglares, el sector incompleto de la investigacion (Spanish), Direccion de Recursos Naturales Renovables
Aguilar, W.(REJP1100249)
- La silvicultura de manglares (Silviculture of mangroves)
Hussain, M.Z. (REJP1100291)
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