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Matches (501 - 550 of 990)
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- Movement patterns and dispersal of hermit crab Clibanarius longitarsus in a mangrove swamp
Micheli, F.(REGH1001063)
- Mangroves of Africa and Madagascar
Commission of the European Communities(REGH1001088)
- Mangrove litter production and dynamics
Brown, S.(REGH1001100)
- Methods of studying mangrove structure
Camilleri, J.(REGH1001103)
- Mangrove as a sink for seagrass litter? Tidal exchange of leaf litter and seston between mangrove forest and adjacent seagrass beds
Cocheret de la Moriniere, E.(REGH1001109)
- Mangrove exploitation in Mida Creek(Kenya): local prefernce and alternatives
CONTINI, C.(REGH1001111)
- Marine photosynthetic research in Zanzibar
Beer, S.(REGH1001113)
- Mollusk distribution in the mangal
Plaziat, J.C.(REGH1001118)
- Management of a shallow estuarine lake for recreation and as a fish nursary: Zandvlei, Cape Town, South Africa
Gamboa, H. J. O.(REGH1001143)
- Mangroves of Senegal and Gambia: Ecology, pedology, geochemistry, reclamation and management
Marius, C.(REGH1001182)
- Mangrove research at the Vrije University of Brussels II: the remote sensing aspect.
Dahdouh-Guebas, F.(REGH1001196)
- Marine Parks and Recreation.
Brakel, W.H.(REGH1001211)
- Methods for studying mangrove structure
Cintron, G. (REGH1001217)
- Mangrove swamp and salt marsh communities of the Sydney district. III . Plant growth in relation to salinity and waterlogging
Clarke, L.D.(REGH1001218)
- Mangrove floristic and biogeography
Duke, N.C.(REGH1001226)
- Mangroves
Field, C.(REGH1001234)
- Mida Creek - a study of human impact
Kennedy, A.(REGH1001248)
- Mangrove: the forgotten Habitat
Stafford- Deitsh, J.(REGH1001271)
- Marine fishes in Tanzania
Jiddawi, N. S.(REGH1001393)
- Mangrove mapping in the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria
Holzlohner, S.(REGH1001395)
- Managing the Sierra Leone coast.
Johnson, R.G.(REGH1001412)
- Mafia marine resources in peril
Mndeme, Y.E.S.(REGH1001414)
- Massive mangrove project
Annon (REGH1001449)
- Methane fermentation of aquatic macrophytes
Leclercq, S.(REGH1001454)
- Mating in the lagoon crab Cardisoma armatum Herklots.
Ameyaw-Akumfi, C.(REGH1001480)
- Marine botanical resources of Kenya coast.
Ruwa, R. K.(REGH1001487)
- Mangroves of the Kosi System, South Africa: Their re-establishment since a mass mortality in 1965/66.
Ward, C. J.(REGH1001489)
- Mangrove ecosystems studies in Latin America and Africa
Kjerfve, B.(REGH1100005)
- Mangrove conservation and management in the Sudan
Wilkie, M.L.(REGH1100013)
- Methodology for Biomass energy assessment project
Saket, M.(REGH1100027)
- Mangrove conservation and management, Kenya. Mangrove forest mapping
Di Gregorio, A.(REGH1100029)
- Mangroves of Africa and Madagascar
Ward, A.,(REGH1100033)
- Mangrove management
Hussain, M.Z.(REGH1100037)
- Mangrove resources in Nigeria: use and management perspectives
Adegbehin, J.O. (REGH1100042)
- Mangrove trees of Sierra Leone. A fieldguide to their identification
Loyche, M.(REGH1100054)
- Mangroves du Senegal et de la Gambie: ecologie, pedologie, geochimie, mise en valeur et amenagement
Marius, C.(REGH1100059)
- Mise en valeur de la Basse et Moyenne Casamance, Republique du Senegal. Inventaire forestier - Rapport technique 1
- Macroalgae of the Sarada and Varaha estuarine complex
Rao, G.M.N.(REIN0000111)
- Management of mangrove associated fisheries and aquaculture in the Sunderbans, India
Silas, E.G.(REIN0000113)
- Manglicolous fungi from India
Chinnaraj, S.(REIN0000114)
- Mangrove ecosystems in the Indian sub-continent with special reference to the Sundarbans, West Bengal
Naskar, K.(REIN0000116)
- Mangrove forest of Krusadai Island, southeast India, and its management
Lakshmanan, K.K.(REIN0000118)
- Mangrove litter production in a tidal creek of Lothian Island of Sundarbans, India
Ghosh, P.B.(REIN0000119)
- Mangroves as an integrated ecosystem
Novelli, Y.S.(REIN0000121)
- Mangroves of India
Singh, V.P.(REIN0000122)
- Mangroves of India: status report
Deshmukh, S.V.(REIN0000123)
- Marine and mangrove fungi from the Indian Ocean coast of South Africa
- Marine fauna of Malvan, central west coast of India
Parulekar, A.H.(REIN0000126)
- Marine fungi from Maharashtra coast, India
Ramesh, C.(REIN0000127)
- Maturity and spawning of Osteomugil speigleri (Bleeker) in Porto Novo waters
Sathyashree, P.K.(REIN0000129)
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