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Matches (501 - 550 of 990)
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  1. Movement patterns and dispersal of hermit crab Clibanarius longitarsus in a mangrove swamp
    Micheli, F.(REGH1001063)
  2. Mangroves of Africa and Madagascar
    Commission of the European Communities(REGH1001088)
  3. Mangrove litter production and dynamics
    Brown, S.(REGH1001100)
  4. Methods of studying mangrove structure
    Camilleri, J.(REGH1001103)
  5. Mangrove as a sink for seagrass litter? Tidal exchange of leaf litter and seston between mangrove forest and adjacent seagrass beds
    Cocheret de la Moriniere, E.(REGH1001109)
  6. Mangrove exploitation in Mida Creek(Kenya): local prefernce and alternatives
    CONTINI, C.(REGH1001111)
  7. Marine photosynthetic research in Zanzibar
    Beer, S.(REGH1001113)
  8. Mollusk distribution in the mangal
    Plaziat, J.C.(REGH1001118)
  9. Management of a shallow estuarine lake for recreation and as a fish nursary: Zandvlei, Cape Town, South Africa
    Gamboa, H. J. O.(REGH1001143)
  10. Mangroves of Senegal and Gambia: Ecology, pedology, geochemistry, reclamation and management
    Marius, C.(REGH1001182)
  11. Mangrove research at the Vrije University of Brussels II: the remote sensing aspect.
    Dahdouh-Guebas, F.(REGH1001196)
  12. Marine Parks and Recreation.
    Brakel, W.H.(REGH1001211)
  13. Methods for studying mangrove structure
    Cintron, G. (REGH1001217)
  14. Mangrove swamp and salt marsh communities of the Sydney district. III . Plant growth in relation to salinity and waterlogging
    Clarke, L.D.(REGH1001218)
  15. Mangrove floristic and biogeography
    Duke, N.C.(REGH1001226)
  16. Mangroves
    Field, C.(REGH1001234)
  17. Mida Creek - a study of human impact
    Kennedy, A.(REGH1001248)
  18. Mangrove: the forgotten Habitat
    Stafford- Deitsh, J.(REGH1001271)
  19. Marine fishes in Tanzania
    Jiddawi, N. S.(REGH1001393)
  20. Mangrove mapping in the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria
    Holzlohner, S.(REGH1001395)
  21. Managing the Sierra Leone coast.
    Johnson, R.G.(REGH1001412)
  22. Mafia marine resources in peril
    Mndeme, Y.E.S.(REGH1001414)
  23. Massive mangrove project
    Annon (REGH1001449)
  24. Methane fermentation of aquatic macrophytes
    Leclercq, S.(REGH1001454)
  25. Mating in the lagoon crab Cardisoma armatum Herklots.
    Ameyaw-Akumfi, C.(REGH1001480)
  26. Marine botanical resources of Kenya coast.
    Ruwa, R. K.(REGH1001487)
  27. Mangroves of the Kosi System, South Africa: Their re-establishment since a mass mortality in 1965/66.
    Ward, C. J.(REGH1001489)
  28. Mangrove ecosystems studies in Latin America and Africa
    Kjerfve, B.(REGH1100005)
  29. Mangrove conservation and management in the Sudan
    Wilkie, M.L.(REGH1100013)
  30. Methodology for Biomass energy assessment project
    Saket, M.(REGH1100027)
  31. Mangrove conservation and management, Kenya. Mangrove forest mapping
    Di Gregorio, A.(REGH1100029)
  32. Mangroves of Africa and Madagascar
    Ward, A.,(REGH1100033)
  33. Mangrove management
    Hussain, M.Z.(REGH1100037)
  34. Mangrove resources in Nigeria: use and management perspectives
    Adegbehin, J.O. (REGH1100042)
  35. Mangrove trees of Sierra Leone. A fieldguide to their identification
    Loyche, M.(REGH1100054)
  36. Mangroves du Senegal et de la Gambie: ecologie, pedologie, geochimie, mise en valeur et amenagement
    Marius, C.(REGH1100059)
  37. Mise en valeur de la Basse et Moyenne Casamance, Republique du Senegal. Inventaire forestier - Rapport technique 1
  38. Macroalgae of the Sarada and Varaha estuarine complex
    Rao, G.M.N.(REIN0000111)
  39. Management of mangrove associated fisheries and aquaculture in the Sunderbans, India
    Silas, E.G.(REIN0000113)
  40. Manglicolous fungi from India
    Chinnaraj, S.(REIN0000114)
  41. Mangrove ecosystems in the Indian sub-continent with special reference to the Sundarbans, West Bengal
    Naskar, K.(REIN0000116)
  42. Mangrove forest of Krusadai Island, southeast India, and its management
    Lakshmanan, K.K.(REIN0000118)
  43. Mangrove litter production in a tidal creek of Lothian Island of Sundarbans, India
    Ghosh, P.B.(REIN0000119)
  44. Mangroves as an integrated ecosystem
    Novelli, Y.S.(REIN0000121)
  45. Mangroves of India
    Singh, V.P.(REIN0000122)
  46. Mangroves of India: status report
    Deshmukh, S.V.(REIN0000123)
  47. Marine and mangrove fungi from the Indian Ocean coast of South Africa
  48. Marine fauna of Malvan, central west coast of India
    Parulekar, A.H.(REIN0000126)
  49. Marine fungi from Maharashtra coast, India
    Ramesh, C.(REIN0000127)
  50. Maturity and spawning of Osteomugil speigleri (Bleeker) in Porto Novo waters
    Sathyashree, P.K.(REIN0000129)

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