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- Monitoring a recent delta formation in a tropical coastal wetland using remote sensing and GIS> Case study: Guapo River Delta, Laguna Tacarigua, Venezuela
Pérez, A.C.(REBR1002039)
- Metal levels in eviscerated tissue of shallow-water deposit-feeding holoturians
Laboy-Nieves, E.N.(REBR1002043)
- Monitoring of black mangrove restoration with nursery-reared seedlings on an arid coastal lagoon
Toledo, G.(REBR1002045)
- Mobilidade do mercúrio no manguezal de Cubatão, SP
Ferrer, L.M.(REBR1002069)
- Mercury speciation in sediments of a tropical coastal environment
Wasserman, J.C.(REBR1002082)
- Mercury accumulation in sediments of a mangrove ecosystems in SE Brazil
Silva, L.F.F.(REBR1002101)
- Measurements of denitrification in seidments with 15N isotope pairing technique
Steingruber, S.M.(REBR1002109)
- Molecular phylogeny of type II methane-oxidizing bacteria isolated from various environments
Dunfield, P.(REBR1002110)
- Mangroves
Major, I.(REBR1002125)
- Manganese behavior at the sediment-water interface in a mangrove dominated area in Sepetiba Bay, SE, Brazil
Gueiros, B.B.(REBR1002154)
- Mangroves shoreline fishes of Biscaine Bay, Florida
Serafy, J.E.(REBR1002157)
- Mangrove-dwelling crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Necrocarcinidae) associated with dinossaurs from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Egipty
Schweitzer, C.E.(REBR1002180)
- Morphodynamics of the barrier-inlet system, west-central Florida
Davis, R.A.(REBR1002189)
- Metais pesados em sedimentos do estuário do Rio Curimataú (RN): Dados preliminares
Garlipp, A.B.(REBR1002205)
- Morfologia, evolução hidrológica e geoquimica dos manguezais do estuário do Rio
- Mercúrio em seidmentos de mangues, crustáceo (caranguejo) e no homen (cabelo) em torno dos manguezais do nordeste do Pará
Vilhena, M.P.S.P.(REBR1002225)
- Macroendofauna de manguezais e prais adjacentes do Porto de Itaqui - São Luís, Maranhão
Coelho, C.M.(REBR1002237)
- Mid-to-late Holocene sea level influence on coastal wetland development in Trinidad
Ramcharam, E.K.(REBR1002242)
- Manguezais atual como filtros biológicos
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1002267)
- Mangue, homens e caranguejos em Josué de Castro significados e ressonâncias
Castiglioni, D.S.(REBR1002271)
- Microbial quality of oysters sold in Western Trinidad and potential health risk to consumers
Rampersad, F.S.(REBR1002286)
- Mangrove inundation and nutrient dynamics from a GIS perspective
Cohen, M.C.L.(REBR1002297)
- Mineralogia e fisico-química dos solos de mangue do Rio Iririr no Canal de Bertioga (Santos, SP)
Prada-Gamero, R.M.(REBR1002298)
- Mangrove enhance the biomass of coral reef fish communities in the Caribbean
Mumby, P.J.(REBR1002321)
- Material exchange between the continental shelf and mangrove fringed coast with special reference to the Amazon-Guiana coast
Baltzer, F.(REBR1002324)
- Mudflats and mud suspension observed from satellite data in French Guiana
Froidefond, J.M.(REBR1002327)
- Modern diatom distribution in mangrove swamps from the Kaw Estuary (French Guiana)
Sylvester, F.(REBR1002332)
- Movement and behabior of scarlet macaws (Ara macao) during post-fledging dependence period: implications for in situ versus ex situ management
Myers, M.C.(REBR1002339)
- Manejo integrado de manglares por comunidades locales Caribe de Colombia
Sanchez-Paez, G.(REBR1002351)
- Mapping land-cover and mangrove estructures with remote sensing techniques: A contribution to a synoptic GIS in support of coastal management in North Brazil
Krause, G.(REBR1002385)
- Molecular ecology of Schistosoma mansoni transmission inferred from composition of larval and adult infrapopulations within intermediate host
Theron, A.(REBR1002390)
- Mineralogy, geochemistry, and palynology of modern and late Tertiary mangrove deposits in the Barreiras Formation of Mosqueiro Island, northeastern Para State, eastern Amazonia
Behiling, H.(REBR1002400)
- Mapping mangrove leaf area index at the species level using IKONOS and LAI-2000 sensors for the Agua Brava Lagoon, Mexican Pacific
Kovacs, J.M.(REBR1002408)
- Morphology evaluation and chemistry-nutriitional in leaves of Avicennia schaueriana Stapf & Leecheman in an area of the growth of mangroves of the area os São Francisaco of the cout-Bahia, Brazil
Garcia, K.S.(REBR1002449)
- metal analysis weighted in sediment zones of the mangrove region São Francisaco do Conde-Bahia, Brazil
Garcia, K.S.(REBR1002450)
- Mercúrio em sedimentos de mangues, caranguejos (ucides cordatus) e cabelos humanos em torno dos manguezais do nordeste do Pará
Vilhena, M.P.S.(REBR1002510)
- Molecular formulae of marine and terrigenous dissolved organic matter detected by electroscopy ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
Koch, B.P.(REBR1002515)
- Mangroves, fishponds, and the quest for sustainability
Primavera, J.H.(REBR1002552)
- Marine fungi from the Bahamas Islands
Jones, E.B.G.(REBR1002560)
- Mineralogy and physical chemistry of mangrove soils from Iriri river at the bertioga Channel (Santos, São Paulo State, Brazil)
Prada-Gamero, R.M.(REBR1002570)
- Microbial contributions to N-0immobilization and organic matter preservation in decaying plant detritus
Tremblay, L.(REBR1002586)
- Mangroves, a major source of dissolved organic carbon to the oceans
Dittmar, T.(REBR1002613)
- Mangroves critical to ocean life
- Mangrove primary production at El Conchalito Estuary in la Paz Bay (Baja California Sur, Mexico)
Felix-Picol, E.F.(REBR1002633)
- Marine nurseries and effective juvenile habitats: concepts and applications
Dhalgren, C.P.C.(REBR1002649)
- mangroves contribution to ocean's biosphere
- Mangrove health in an environment encroached by urban development - a case study
Holguin, G.(REBR1002667)
- Manguezais do Nordeste e as mudanças globais
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1002674)
- Modeling mangrove forest migration along the southwest coast of florida under climate change
Doyle, T.(REBR1002676)
- Molecular characterization of proteinaceous material in the Florida everglades
Jones, V.(REBR1002682)
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