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  1. Mangroves of Fiji
    Pillai, G.(REFJ0000909)
  2. Mollusc species gathered for food at two selected villages in the Purari Delta
    Poraituk, S.(REFJ0000921)
  3. Mangrove forests: A vulnerable but threatened Indo-Pacific resource
    Rahman, M. J.(REFJ0000929)
  4. Mangrove stories
    Brisbane City Council(REFJ0000938)
  5. Micromorphological comparison of pyrite in tidal mangrove swamp and seasonally wet soils of South Australia
    Hundall, W.H.(REFJ0000955)
  6. Mangroves
    West, R.J.(REFJ0000976)
  7. Mangroves and grass swamps: Changes in the shoreline vegetation of the Middle Lane Cove River, Sydney, 1780's - 1889's
    McLoughlin, L.C.(REFJ0000977)
  8. Mangrove species richness in relation to salinity and waterlogging, A case study along the Adelaide River floodplain, Northern Australia
    Ball, M.C.(REFJ0000978)
  9. Mangrove biodiversity and ecosystem function
    Field, C.B.(REFJ0000979)
  10. Mangrove macroalgal: A review of Australian studies
    King, R.J.(REFJ0000981)
  11. Mangroves
    Bridgewater, P.B.(REFJ0000984)
  12. Mangrove species distribution in relation to tide at the seafront and up rivers
    Brunt, E.D.(REFJ0000985)
  13. Morphodynamics of Northern Territory tidal rivers and floodplains
    Chappell, J.M.A.(REFJ0001006)
  14. Mangrove ecology - A geomorphological perspective
    Thom, B.G.(REFJ0001010)
  15. Mangrove vegetation of Northern Australia
    Wells, A.G.(REFJ0001011)
  16. Mangrove communities of Queensland
    Dowling, R.M.(REFJ0001012)
  17. Mangrove vegetation of the Southern and Western Australian coastline
    Bridgewater, P.B.(REFJ0001014)
  18. Mangrove habitats as nurseries: Unique assemblage of juvenile fish in subtropical mangroves in Eastern Australia
    Laegdsgaad, P.(REFJ0001024)
  19. Mangrove assessments on Yap, Kosrae, and Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
    Devoe, N.N.(REFJ0001030)
  20. Mangrove use assessment and area classification, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
    Devoe, N.N.(REFJ0001032)
  21. Mangrove zonation: An examination of data from seventeen riverine estuaries in tropical Australia
    Bunt, J.S.(REFJ0001039)
  22. Mangrove productivity
    Clough, B.F.(REFJ0001042)
  23. Mangrove forest productivity and biomass accumulation in Hinchbrook Channel, Australia
    Clough, B.F.(REFJ0001043)
  24. Mangroves and reclamation
    Nature Conservation Council(REFJ0001051)
  25. Mangroves in New Zealand
    Chapman, V.J.(REFJ0001064)
  26. Marine vegetation of cape York Peninsula.
    Danaher, K.(REFJ0001083)
  27. Mangrove reclamation for agricultural purposes post, present and future
    Pepper, A.(REFJ0001099)
  28. Mangrove associated algae of Fiji
    Ashni, R.(REFJ0001101)
  29. Management of fisheries and aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems in Australia
    Pollock, B.R.(REFJ1100012)
  30. Mangrove palynology
    Thanikaimoni, G.(REFJ1100014)
  31. Mangrove forest study
    Ong, J.E. (REFJ1100016)
  32. Mangrove ecosystems in Australia: structure, function and management Proceedings
    Clough, B.F.(ed.)(REFJ1100017)
  33. Mangroves of the Solomon Islands
    Pillai, G.(REFJ1100025)
  34. Mangroves of the Port Moresby region
    Frodin, G, D.(REFJ1100026)
  35. Mangroves of Fiji
    Thaman, B.(REFJ1100027)
  36. Mangroves and Wetlands (Video recording)
    Zetlin, L.(REFJ1100028)
  37. Mangroves
    South, G, Robin(REFJ1100029)
  38. Mangrove : Ecology of Intertidal Forests
    Molony, B.W.(REFJ1100032)
  39. Mangroves as alien species : the case of Hawaii
    Allen, J. A.(REFJ1100033)
  40. Mangrove Education Resources: KIT
    Ongosia, M.M.(REFJ1100037)
  41. Mataniwin biken aban Kiribati
    Biribo-Atauea, N.(REFJ1100038)
  42. Mangroves and sedimentation in reef environments: indicators of past sea level changes, and present sea level trends.
    Choat, J. H. (REFJ1100041)
  43. Mangroves of the Caroline Islands
    Newell, L.(REFJ1100044)
  44. Mangroves
    Blaxland, B.(REFJ1100050)
  45. Mnagrove Forests: A valuable but threatened Indo-Pacific resource
    Agriculture Department Asian Development Bank(REFJ1100052)
  46. Michael Leyden's New Zealand's coastal environment: rocky and sandy shore, estuary and mangrove mudflats.
    Leyden, M. (REFJ1100056)
  47. Mangrove Forests and Firewood Demand in the Federated States of Micronesia.
    Kosrae Island Resource Management Program.(REFJ1100087)
  48. Maximum longetivities of Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata propagules.
    Drexler, Z.J.(REFJ1100090)
  49. Marine Protected Areas in the Eastern Region: How Successful Are They?
    Francis, J.(REGH1000018)
  50. Marine Biological Research in Mozambique: Past, Present and Future
    Bandeira, S. O.(REGH1000032)

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