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- O cultivo da ostra de mangue Crassostraea rhizophorae como atividade produtiva para populações costeiras
Gesteira, T.C.V.(REBR1001088)
- Overlap in mangrove species zonal pattern: same methods of analysis
Bunt, J.S.(REBR1001107)
- Osmolality and 13C of leaf tissues of mangrove species from environments of contrating rainfall and salinity
Medina, E.(REBR1001116)
- Observacoes ficologicas no manguezal de Piedade
Mitchel, G.J.P.(REBR1001127)
- Os ocupantes pre-historicos do litoral brasileiro
Gaspar, M.D.(REBR1001145)
- Os pescadores-coletores-cacadores do litoral norte brasileiro
Gaspar, M.D.(REBR1001148)
- O metabolismo dos ecossistemas aquaticos
Carmouze, J-P.(REBR1001149)
- Outwelling of organic matter and nutrients from a mangrove in North Brazil: Evidence from organic tracers and flux measurements
Dittmar, T.(REBR1001165)
- O ecossitema da lagoa da Conceicao
Ledo, B.S.(REBR1001208)
- Observations on vertical distribution of fungi associated with senesxcent Acanthus ilicifolius stems at Mai Po mangrove, Hong Kong
Sadaba, R.B.(REBR1001231)
- Ocorrencia de pirita e gipso no estuario do Rio Pacoti, Euzebio, Ceara
Freire, G.S.S.(REBR1001295)
- Ocypodidae (Crustacea Decapoda) da regiåÐ estuarina do Canal de Santa Cruz, Pernambuco, Brasil
Santos, M.A.C.(REBR1001410)
- On the state of coastal hazards mapping
Young, R.S.(REBR1001534)
- Osprey ecology in the mangroves of Southeastern Brazil
Silva, R.S.E.(REBR1001548)
- Overview on land-based sources and activities affecting the marine, coastal and associated freshwater environment in the Upper Southwest Atlantic Ocean
- Origin and transport of n-alkane-2-ones in a subtropical estuary: potential biomarkers for seagrass-derived organic matter
Hernadez, M.E.(REBR1001744)
- Organic carbon accumulation and metabolic pathways in sediments of mangrove forests in southern Thailand
Alongi, D.M.(REBR1001801)
- Observations of mercury levels in Brachiosoma caribaeum
Jernelov, A.(REBR1001820)
- O manejo integrado dos recursos costeiros e a carcinocultura marinha
Seiffert, W.Q.(REBR1001856)
- Oceanografia del Delta del San Juan: mareas, circulacion, dispersion salina y relaciones ambientales
Restepro, J.D.(REBR1001942)
- Origin of Amazon mudbanks along the northeastern coast of South America
Allison, M.A.(REBR1002010)
- Oxidative stress in the mussel Mytella guyanensis from polluted mangroves on Santa Catarina Island, Brazil
Torres, M.A.(REBR1002040)
- Os naturalistas e o Ceará
Paiva, M.P.(REBR1002149)
- Observation of fish migration in a macrotidal mangrove channel in Northern Brazil using a 200-kHz split-beam sonar
Krumme, U.(REBR1002168)
- Ordinal placement of selected marine Dothideomycetes inferred from small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence analysis
Tam, W.Y.(REBR1002171)
- O historico do cultivo da ostra do mangue Crassostreea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828) no Estuário do Rio Jaguaribe, Fortim, CE
Neto, M.P.D.(REBR1002223)
- Organização hierárquica dos manguezais: aplicação no sistema costeiro Cananéia-Iguape, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil
Cunha-Lignon, M.(REBR1002239)
- Observação pela preferência pelo substrato do megalopa do caranguejo Uçá - Ucides cordatus
Monteiro, V.F.(REBR1002260)
- Ocorrência de Fistulobalanus citerosum (Henry, 1974) no estuário do Rio Caetá, Bragança, Pará, Brasil
Farias, M.I.A.(REBR1002264)
- Our shifting perspectives on the oceans
Roberts, C.M.(REBR1002289)
- Overview of the biogeochemical controls and concerns with trace metal accumulation in mangrove sediments
Machado, W.(REBR1002315)
- Olhando o Mar e o Ambiente
Ivanissevich, A.(REBR1002588)
- Occurrence of diamondback terrapins, malaclemys terrapin, on Bermuda: Native or introduced?
Davenport, J.(REBR1002592)
- O entendimento sobre o manguezal dos professores e alunos do Colegio Estadual Jose Francisco de Salles, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ.
Maciel, C.P.(REBR1002744)
- Os manguezais da costa norte Brasileira
Fernandes, M.E.B.(REBR1002784)
- Os manguezais da costa norte Brasileira
Fernandes, M.E.B.(REBR1002793)
- Oyster culture in the Caribbean
Newkirk, G.F.(REBR1100009)
- Ordenacion integrada de los manglares: sintesis de siete seminarios nacionales en America Latina
Rollet, B. (REBR1100030)
- Our mangroves
Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries(REFJ0000003)
- Oil spill study helps protect coastal mangroves
- Outline of the mangrove and strand forests of Micronesian Islands
Hosokawa, T.(REFJ0000082)
- Ornithological survey of wetlands in Guam, Saipan, Tinian and Pagan
Tenorio, J.C. (REFJ0000121)
- Outline of the mangrove and stand forests of the Micronesian Islands
Hosokawa, T.(REFJ0000355)
- On the hatchlings of crocodiles of Palau Islands (in Japanese)
Kimura, W.(REFJ0000362)
- Observations on the mangroves of South Eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
Saenger, P.(REFJ0000530)
- Observations on the Floral and Vegetative Phenologies of North-eastern Australian Mangroves
Duke, N.C.(REFJ0000579)
- Observations on the distribution of Bankia australis calman (Mollusca : Teredinidae) in the Patonga Creek mangrove swamp, New South Wales
Rimmer, M.A.(REFJ0000611)
- Orgnization of mangrove forests along natural salinity gradients in Northern Territory: An ecophysiological perspective
Ball, M.C.(REFJ0000658)
- Observations on water salinity in mangroves associating at two localities in Papua New Guinea
Womersley, J.S.(REFJ0000666)
- Overcoming problems in the management of New Zealand mangrove forests
Dingwall, P.R.(REFJ0000685)
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