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- Phycomyceten aus der mangrove bei Cananéia (São Paulo), Brasilien
Ulken, A.M.(REBR1000630)
- Physiological studies on a phycomycete from mangrove swamp at Cananéia, São Paulo, Brasil
Ulken, A.M.(REBR1000631)
- Plankton studies in a mangrove environment. III. Bacteriological analysis of mangrove waters at Cananéia
Watanabe, K. (REBR1000636)
- Produccion primaria en dos estuarios tropicales de la costa caribena de Venezuela
Rodrigues, G.L.(REBR1000644)
- Pyrite formation in mangrove sediments, Brazil
Aragon, G.T.(REBR1000658)
- Puerto Morelos, Quintana, Mexico
Ruiz-Renteria, F.(REBR1000672)
- Parque Nacional Morrocoy, Venezuela
Bone, D.(REBR1000680)
- Punta del Mangle, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela
Varela, R.J.(REBR1000681)
- Parque nacional del Este, Dominican Republic
Geraldes, F.X.(REBR1000686)
- Plant communities of Cuba, I: Fresh and salt water, swamp, coastal vegetation
Borhidi, A.(REBR1000693)
- Preliminary observations on floral biology in mangrove Rhizophoraceae
Tomlinson, P.B.(REBR1000733)
- Pollination in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora mucronata in Ishigaki Island, The Ryukyus Islands, Japan
Kondo, K.(REBR1000742)
- Patterns of herbivory in Belizean mangrove swamps
Farnsworth, E.J.(REBR1000750)
- Primary herbivory by wood-boring insects along an architectural gradient of Rhizophora mangle
Feller, I.C.(REBR1000759)
- Plantas e formacao organogenica das dunas no litoral Paulista
Hueck, K.(REBR1000813)
- Primary production in mangrove lagoon waters
Ricard, M.(REBR1000824)
- Pesquerias en la region de la laguna de Terminos
Yanez-Arancibia, A.(REBR1000838)
- Polen registers of the South and Southeastern regions of Brazil during the last 40,000 years
Lorscheitter, M.(REBR1000848)
- Productivity and composition of mangrove forests at Boca Chica and Estero Pargo
Day, J.W.(REBR1000853)
- Pesquisa de indices ecotoxicologicos no ictioplancton do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Jequia, AL.
Mafalda Junior, P.O.(REBR1000858)
- Plano de gestao e diagnostico geoambiental e socio-economico da Apa Delta do Parnaiba
- Processo de sedimentacao na baia de Sao Marcos, Estado do Maranhao, Brasil
Morais, J. O.(REBR1000925)
- Pescadores e coletores pre-historicos do litoral de cabo Frio, RJ
Kneip, L.M.(REBR1000954)
- Perspectives on Coastal Zone Management
Salomons, W.(REBR1001000)
- Principles and benefits of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM)
Turner, R.K.(REBR1001006)
- Pore water dynamics and the formation of sulfide in a mangrove ecosystems, Sepetiba Bay, Brazil
Aragon, G.T.(REBR1001017)
- Patterns of North Queensland mangrove vegetation
Buckley, R.C.(REBR1001032)
- Production of mangrove litter in a macrotidal embayment, Darwin Harbor, N.T., Australia
Woodroffe, C.D.(REBR1001039)
- Physiological studies in germination of mangroves
Joshi, G.V.(REBR1001055)
- Pesquisas dão suporte ao desenvolvimento da carcinocultura no Ceará
Neves, S.R.A.(REBR1001089)
- Phlogenetic analysis of the highland papayas (Vasconcellea) and allied genera (Caricaceae) using PCR-RFLP
Van Droogenbroeck, B.(REBR1001131)
- Pathways of metallic elements between structural components of a mangrove ecosystem in the south region of Brazil
Sierra de Ledo, B.(REBR1001136)
- Pre-historia de Saquarema
Kneip, L.M.(REBR1001147)
- Pre-historia da Terra Brasilis
Tenorio, M.C.(REBR1001150)
- Plankton, epibenthos and fish communities
Robertson, A.I.(REBR1001160)
- Primary productivity and growth of mangrove forests
Clough, B.(REBR1001161)
- Physical setting of the discovery coast: Porto Seguro region, Bahia
Martin, L.(REBR1001166)
- Polen evidence of Late Holocene mangrove development in Bermuda
Ellison, J.(REBR1001177)
- Plataforma Agropecuária da malacocultura
Proença, C.E.M.(REBR1001216)
- Patrones espacio-temporales de la abundancia de peces en la laguna de Pueblo Viejo, Veracruz
Castillo-Rivera, M.(REBR1001245)
- Procesamiento digital de imagenes de satelite para el reconocimiento de patrones espectrales de los manglares
Herz, R.(REBR1001265)
- Productividad secundaria, utilizacion del habitat y estrutura trofica
Lara-Dominguez, A.L.(REBR1001268)
- Proceso de decomposicion de Avicennia germinans, Rhizophora mangle y Laguncularia racemosa sometidos a derrames de petroleo
Bastardo, H.(REBR1001283)
- Planctologia na plataforma continental do Brasil
Brandini, F.R.(REBR1001297)
- Photosynthetic efficiency in rhizophoracean mangroves with reference to compartmentalization of photosynthetic pigments
Moorthy, P.(REBR1001328)
- Phytoplankton Diversity And Primary Productivity Evaluation Of Potengi Estuary Of Natal In Relation To Anthropogenic Impact During The Period Of 1990 - 1999
Chellappa, N.T.(REBR1001330)
- Phenological patterns of Rhizophora L., Avicennia L. and Laguncularia Gaertn.f. in Amazonian mangrove swamps
Fernandes, M.E.B.(REBR1001338)
- Phytoplankton, Chlorophyll-A And Seston Variabilities in a small mangrove Tidal Creek Near Bragança (PA, North Brazil)
Schories, D.(REBR1001349)
- Protoperidinium belizeanum sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) from Manatee Cay, Belize, Central America
Faust, M.A.(REBR1001360)
- Percepção da paisagem da ilha de Itamarac*: diferentes usos da paisagem.
Lombardo, M.A.(REBR1001392)
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