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Matches (201 - 250 of 372)
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- Regeneration and colonization of mangrove on clay-filled reclaimed land in Singapore
Lee, S.K.(REGH1001250)
- Recent Foraminifera in paralic ecosystems of West Africa
Debenay, J. P.(REGH1001475)
- Rivieres du Sud: societes et mangroves ouest-africaine
Cormier-Salem, M.C.(ed).(REGH1100003)
- Recuperation des Terres de Mangrove pour la Production de Riz dans les Regions de Tombali et Quinara, Guinee-Bissau. Conclusions et recommandations du projet
FAO, Rome (Italy)(REGH1100024)
- Report on brackish water/coastal aquaculture development
Tiensongrusmee, B.(REGH1100040)
- Rapport du Seminaire sur l'amenagement de la pecherie en crabe des mangroves (Scylla serrata) du nord-ouest de Madagascar
Andrianaivojaona, C. (REGH1100046)
- Recuperation des Terres de Mangroves pour la Riziculture dans les Regions Sub-Buba et Tombali, Guinee-Bissau.
FAO, Rome(REGH1100063)
- Radiocarbon dates of sediment cores from inner continental shelf off Taingapatnam, southwest coast of India
Nambiar, A.R.(REIN0000177)
- Recent evolution of mangrove vegetation in the Cauvery Delta: A palynological study
Tissot, C.(REIN0000178)
- Rehabilitation of coastal wetlands of India
Untawale, A.G.(REIN0000180)
- Relict mangrove stand on last interglacial terrace, Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
Woodroffe, C.D.(REIN0000181)
- Research and management of mangrove ecosystems in India
Untawale, A.G.(REIN0000182)
- Role and importance of mangrove forests
Ramdial, B.S.(REIN0000183)
- Role of Godavari mangroves (India) in the production and survival of prawn larvae
Mohan, P.C.(REIN0000184)
- Role of mangrove forests of Pichavaram as fish nurseries
Jeyaseelan, P.M.J.(REIN0000185)
- Role of mangroves in island ecosystems with particular reference to the bay islands
Bandopadhyay, A.K.(REIN0000186)
- Rearing of commercially important brackishwater shellfish and finfish for promoting aquaculture
Ghosh, A.(REIN0000517)
- Rotifers of the Pitchavaram mangroves (southeast coast of India): A hydrobiological approach
Govindasamy, C.(REIN0000610)
- Role of Avicennia L. plantation on brackishwater fisheries with special reference to their taxonomy and ecological notes in the tidal mangrove forests of Sundarbans
Naskar, K.(REIN0000616)
- Riverbed vegetation in the tidal estuary of Sunderbans and its impact on brackishwater fisheries.
Naskar, K.(REIN0000620)
- Riches from mangroves
Achuthankutty, C.T.(REIN0000630)
- Rice-fish production system - a viable technology for coastal wetland management in West Bengal
Ghosh, A.(REIN0000641)
- Rice cum fish cultivation in coastal paddy fields - package of practices for increasing production
Ghosh, A(REIN0000645)
- Rhizosphere and rhizoplane mycoflora of some Indian mangrove plants Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia officinalis and Heritiera minor
Garg, K.L.(REIN0000647)
- Rhizophora annamalai: A new species of mangroves
Kathiresan, K.(REIN0000648)
- Response of the mangrove mudsnail Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus) (Prosobranchia : Potamididae ) to different substrata
Rambabu, A.V.S.(REIN0000655)
- Resource sustainability and mangrove ecosystem
Bhosle, L.J.(REIN0000666)
- Resource potential of juvenile marine prawns in the estuaries of Goa
Parulekar, A.H.(REIN0000669)
- Research and Training Needs (mangrove vegetation)
Untawale, A.G.(REIN0000670)
- Reproductive cycle of a salt marsh snail Pythia plicata
Shanmugam, A.(REIN0000672)
- Reproductive cycle in an ellobiid snail Cassidula nucleus
Shanmugam, A.(REIN0000680)
- Reproductive biology of three mangrove plant species
Reddi, C.S.(REIN0000683)
- Remote sensing data applied to mangroves of Kenya coast
Blasco, F.(REIN0000684)
- Remote sensing application for delineating coastal vegetation - a case study
Kunte, P.D.(REIN0000688)
- Remote Sensing and its applications in fisheries
Kingston, S.D.(REIN0000692)
- Relation between the pollen spectra and the vegetation of a South Indian mangrove
Caratini, C.(REIN0000694)
- Record of two orthoclad genera in the mangrove ecosystem of West Bengal, India (Diptera: Chironomidae)
Mazumdar, A.(REIN0000699)
- Remote sensing application to study the coastal shrimp farming area in Bangladesh
Abdus Shahid, M.(REIN0000812)
- Role of crabs in the natural regeneration of mangroves in the Sundarbans forest of Bangladesh
Siddiqi, N.A.(REIN0000813)
- Reproductive biology and population genetic structure of Kandelia candel (Rhizophoraceae), a viviparous mangrove species
Sun, M.(REIN0001147)
- Response of Aegiceras corniculatum to synthetic sewage under simulated tidal conditions
Wong, Y.S.(REIN0001148)
- Retention and distribution of heavy metals in mangrove soils receiving wastewater
Tam, N.F.Y.(REIN0001149)
- Retention of wastewater-borne nitrogen and phosphorus in mangrove soils
Tam, N.F.Y.(REIN0001150)
- Reproductive biology and genetic diversity of a cryptoviviparous mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae) using allozyme and intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis
Ge, X.J.(REIN0001219)
- Retention of nutrients and heavy metals in mangrove sediment receiving wastewater of different strengths
Tam, N.F.Y.(REIN0001220)
- Rubidium transport in membrane vesicles from the halophyte Suaeda maritima
Field, C.D.(REIN0001221)
- Research and management of mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia
Soegiarto, A.(REIN0001263)
- Remnant mangrove of Sei Kecil, Simpang Hilir, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Abdulhadi, R.(REIN0001334)
- Research and management of soils in Indonesia
Hardjowigeno, S.(REIN0001335)
- Resource use and management in the coastal zone of Indonesia
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