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- Subsistence fishing and natural environment: Mangroves in Vanuatu - Their halieutic value
David, G.(REFJ0000411)
- Sonneratiaceae
Backer, C.A.(REFJ0000428)
- Studies of Mangrove Basin, Tuff Crator, New Zealand (1) Mangrove Biomass and Production of Detritus
Woodroffe, C.(REFJ0000441)
- Strategies for the management of mangrove forests in New Zealand
Nature Conservation Council(REFJ0000443)
- Shallow water coral reef and mangrove Amphipoda (Gemmaridae) of Fiji
Myers, A.A.(REFJ0000465)
- Seed Predation in a Tropical Mangrove Forest: A Test of the Dominance - Predation Model in Northern Australia
McGuinness, K.A.(REFJ0000469)
- Species overlap between the fish fauna inventories of coral reefs, soft bottoms and mangroves of Saint- Vincent bay (New Caledonia)
Thollot, P.(REFJ0000490)
- Spore extrusion of mangrove fungi in Papua New Guinea and Australia
Show, D.E.(REFJ0000495)
- Structure and texture of a Gravelly Barrier Island in the Fitzroy Estuary, Western Australia and the role of mangroves in shore dynamics
Jennings, J.N.(REFJ0000522)
- Structural analysis of mangroves communities on the Central Queensland coastline
Saenger, P.(REFJ0000531)
- Scientific report on the Belgian Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef in 1967. Nematodes XII. Ecological Notes on the Nematode Fauna in and around Mangroves on Lizard Island
Decraemer, W.(REFJ0000542)
- Structural Variation, Litter Production and Nutrient Status of Mangrove Vegetation in Moreton Bay
Davie, J.D.S.(REFJ0000583)
- Seasonal Patterns of Shoot Growth in Avicennia eucalyptifolia zipp ex. mig along a Natural Salinity Gradient in the Northern Territory
Dieters, M.J.J.(REFJ0000584)
- Structure of mangrove trees and forests in Micronesia
Cole, T.G.(REFJ0000597)
- Studies on the Growth of the Red Mangrove (Rhizophora Mangle L)
Gill, A.M.(REFJ0000605)
- Salt Balance of Leaves of the Mangrove Avicennia marina
Waisel, Y.(REFJ0000615)
- Salinity Tolerance in Mangroves Aegiceras corniculation and Avicennia marina I. Water Use in Relation to Growth, Carbon Partitioning and Salt Balance
Ball, M.C.(REFJ0000620)
- Short Term Influences Affecting Growth and Distribution of Mangrove Communities in the Sydney Region
Burchett, M.D.(REFJ0000621)
- Seasonal Variations in Concentrations and Fluxes of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Materials in a Tropical, Tidally-dominated Mangrove Waterways
Boto, K.G.(REFJ0000627)
- Studies on Australian mangrove algae II. Composition and geographic distribution of communities in Spencer Gulf, South Australia
Beanland, W.R.(REFJ0000632)
- Studies on Australian mangrove algae I. Victorian Communities: Composition and geographic distribution
Davey, A.(REFJ0000635)
- Some aspects of the microbial ecology of the Purari River, Papua New Guinea
Pearl, H.W.(REFJ0000642)
- Status and virtues of mangroves
Morton, J.(REFJ0000647)
- Shell Middens in the Context of Estuarine Development, South Alligator River, Northern Territory
Woodroffe, C.D.(REFJ0000656)
- Seed predation by insects in tropical mangrove forests: Extent and effects on seed viability and the growth of seedlings
Robertson, I.A.(REFJ0000672)
- Seacoast in the seventies
Morton, J.(REFJ0000704)
- Structural features of the salt gland of Aegiceras
Field, C.D.(REFJ0000732)
- Studies of gas exchange in the white mangroves
Attiwill, P.M.(REFJ0000733)
- Studies on the growth of Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.). I. Habit and General Morphology
Gill, A.M.(REFJ0000751)
- Salt regulation in the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata, Lam and Aegialitis annulata R.Br.
Atkinson, M.R.(REFJ0000792)
- Sulphate reduction in soil: Effects of redox potential and pH
Connel, W.E.(REFJ0000815)
- Seaviews: Marine ecosystem management: Obligations and opportunities
Wallace, C.(REFJ0000818)
- Stimulation of photosynthetic eletron transport on a salt tolerant plant by high chloride concentrations
Critchley, C.(REFJ0000819)
- Seasonal water relations and salt content of two contrasting mangroves growing on hypersaline soils in tropical-arid Australia
Gordon, D.M.(REFJ0000832)
- Salt tolerance of mangroves and submerged aquatic plants
McMillan, C.(REFJ0000842)
- Seasonal change in gas exchange characteristics of three mangrove species
Moore, R.T.(REFJ0000847)
- Studies on nitrate assimilation in mangrove leaves
Moorthy, P.(REFJ0000849)
- Studies on the growth of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.). II. Growth and differentiation of aerial roots
Gill, A.M.(REFJ0000927)
- Studies on the growth of Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.). IV. The adult root system
Gill, A.M.(REFJ0000931)
- Sonneratiaceae and other mangrove- swamp families, anatomical structure and water relations
Reinders, C.A.(REFJ0000933)
- Strategy plan for the management of Brisbane waterways. Vol.1: Background and philosophy
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation(REFJ0000941)
- Strategy plan for the management of Brisbane waterways. Vol.2: Planning units data
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation(REFJ0000942)
- Strategy plan for the management of Brisbane waterways
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation(REFJ0000943)
- Structure of Bat builds in the Kimberley mangroves, Australia
McKenzie, N.L.(REFJ0000956)
- Stratigraphy of the South Alligator tidal river plains, Northern Territory
Woodroffe, C.D.(REFJ0000967)
- Syntaxonomy of the Australian mangal refined through iterative odinations
Bridgewater, P.B.(REFJ0000990)
- Structure and production in neotropical mangroves
Rodriguez, G.(REFJ0000991)
- Seasonal tidal and freshwater chemistry of the South Alligator and Daly Rivers
Chappel, J.M.A.(REFJ0000994)
- Stability of mangrove systems
Bird, E.C.F.(REFJ0001019)
- Surveys of mangrove plants from Northern Australia for phytochemical constituents and UV-absorbing compounds
Bandaranayake, W.M.(REFJ0001037)
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