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- Thraustochytrid and fungal component of marine detritus. 4. Laboratory studies on decomposition of leaves of the mangrove Rhizophora apiculata Blume
Raghukumar, S.(REIN0000927)
- Threats to mangrove vegetation from marine wood-infesting organisms along Indian coasts
Santhakumaran, L.N.(REIN0000928)
- Tintinnid swarms of Porto Novo waters
Naidu, W.D.(REIN0000929)
- Toxic effect of mangrove plant (Excoecaria agallocha L.) latex on the larvae of fresh water prawn Macrobrachium lamarrei lamarrei
Krishnamoorthy, P.(REIN0000930)
- Toxic effects of coastal and marine plant extracts on mosquito larvae
Devi, P.(REIN0000931)
- Trace metal concentration in vegetative parts of Sonneratia apetala
Niyogi, S.(REIN0000932)
- Two new records for Goa and Gujarat
Kothari, M.J.(REIN0000933)
- Two new species of Pestalotiopsis on mangrove trees in the Sundarbans, India
Purkayastha, R.P.(REIN0000934)
- Typical differences between the chemical characteristics of Rhizophora and Avicennia mangrove forest soils in south Andamans
Mongia, A.D.(REIN0000935)
- The measurement and study on sedimentation rates in mangrove tidal flats
Zhang, Q.(REIN0001112)
- The biomass and energy of Avicennia marina community in Dongyu of Xiamen, Fujian
Lin, P.(REIN0001113)
- The degradation of diesel oil micro-organisms in the mangrove-soil
Zhuang, T.(REIN0001114)
- The determination of selenium in mangrove by oscilloscope polarography
Su, X.(REIN0001115)
- The effects of salinity on membrane protection system for various organs of Aegiceras corniculatum seedling
Zheng, H.(REIN0001116)
- The law for vertical structure and succession dynamics of mangrove on Qinglan harbour, Hainan Island
Zheng, D.(REIN0001117)
- The mangrove communities in Guangxi
Lin, P.(REIN0001118)
- The mangroves of Hong Kong
Chen, S.(REIN0001119)
- The preliminary study on the ecology of the intertidal zone in the north to Minjiang River, Fujian. 1. The biomass and its distribution
Chen, P.(REIN0001121)
- The relationship between mangrove zone on tidal flats and tidal levels
Zhang, Q.(REIN0001122)
- The utilization, protection and afforestation of mangrove wetlands
Zheng, D.(REIN0001123)
- The vascular plants resources on the Gaolan Islands in Guangdong Province
Feng, Z.(REIN0001124)
- Tideland pollution in Guangdong Province of China and mangrove afforestation
Zheng, S.(REIN0001125)
- The fate of traditional extensive (gei wai) shrimp farming at the Mai Po marshes nature reserve, Hong Kong
Cha, M.W.(REIN0001151)
- The ground-dwelling molluscan faunas of mangrove swamps in Hong Kong and Xiamen
Xue, L.(REIN0001152)
- The importance of Sasarminae crabs Chiromanthes spp. and inundation frequency on mangrove (Kandelia candel (L.) Druce) leaf litter turnover in a Hong Kong tidal shrimp pond
Lee, S.Y.(REIN0001153)
- The life cycle and sexual strategy of Gafrarium pectinatum (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in a Hong Kong mangrove
Morton, B.(REIN0001154)
- The management of traditional tidal ponds for aquaculture and wildlife conservation in Southeast Asia: Problems and prospects
Lee, S.Y.(REIN0001155)
- The reproductive strategy of the mangrove bivalve Polymesoda (Geloina) erosa (Bivalvia: Corbiculoidea) in Hong Kong
Morton, B.(REIN0001156)
- Tide-tank system simulating mangrove wetland for removal of nutrients and heavy metals from wastewater
Chu, H.Y.(REIN0001157)
- The applications of high resolution satellite data for coastal management and planning in a Pacific Coral Island
Loubersac, L.(REIN0001227)
- The biology and functional morphology of Modiolus metcalfei (Bivalvia : Mytilacea) from the Singapore mangrove
Morton, B.(REIN0001228)
- The distribution of ground-dwelling gastropods in a small mangrove stand in Hong Kong
Yipp, M.W.(REIN0001229)
- The effect of mangrove leaf litter enrichment on macrobenthic colonization of defaunated sandy substrates
Lee, S.Y.(REIN0001230)
- The growth performances of two mangrove crabs, chiromanthes bidens and parasesarma plicata under different leaf litter diets
Kwok, P.W.(REIN0001231)
- The measurement of mangrove characteristics in southwest Florida using SPOT multispectral data
Jensen, J.(REIN0001232)
- The population dynamics and reproductive cycle of Brachidontes variabilities (Bivalvia : Mytilidae) in a Hong Kong mangrove
Morton, B.(REIN0001233)
- The population dynamics of the mangrove Avicennia marina: demographic synthesis and predictive modeling
Clarke, P.J.(REIN0001234)
- The Potamididae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Hong Kong, with an examination of habitat segregation in a small mangrove system
Wells, F.E.(REIN0001235)
- The relationship between vertical distribution, thermal tolerance, evaporative water loss rate, and behaviour on emergence in six species of mangrove gastropods from Hong Kong
McMahon, R.F.(REIN0001236)
- The structure of the salt gland of Aegiceras corniculatum
Cardale, S.(REIN0001237)
- Thermo-osmotic gas supply not detected in Avicennia marina seedlings
Skelton, N.J.(REIN0001238)
- Tidal rhythms of Littorina melanostoma and L. scabra in a Hong Kong mangal
Yipp, M.W.(REIN0001239)
- Transport of sediment in mangrove swamps
Wolanski, E.(REIN0001241)
- The functions of mangroves
de la Cruz, A.A.(REIN0001401)
- The macroinvertabrates in intact and cleared mangrove forests in Malaysia
Zakaria, Z.A.(REIN0001415)
- The physical and chemical characteristics of the Matang mangrove waters
Sasekumar, A.(REIN0001417)
- The fish community of Matang mangrove waters, Malaysia
Sasekumar, A.(REIN0001418)
- The rate of degradation of mangrove leaves Rhizophora apiculata BL. and Avicennia marina (FORSK) VIERH. at Phuket island, Western peninsular of Thailand
Boonruang, P.(REIN0001517)
- The trophic relationships of the fish community of the Angsa Bank, Selangor, Malaysia
Thong, K.L.(REIN0001530)
- The effect of agricultural pollutants on fish and fish products in the mangrove swamps of south westcoast of India
Ramamurthy, V.D.(REIN0001547)
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