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- The mangroves conservation issues: the case of the rung sac of Ho Chi Minh city
Lang, T.B.(REJP0000330)
- The importance of property rights in mangrove areas: A case-study from Indonesia
Luttrell, C.(REJP0000331)
- The use of natural resources in the mangrove ecosystem of Bac Lieu-economic-ecological consequences and solutions
Ly, H.T.(REJP0000335)
- The role of mangroves in sea dyke protection and in the control of natural disasters
Hong, N.P.(REJP0000338)
- Techniques for quantitative sampling of infauna and small epifauna in seagrass
Andrea, R.(REJP0000350)
- The outwelling hypothesis and North inlet, South Carolina
Dame, R.(REJP0000367)
- The need for protected areas in lowland development schemes in Indonesia
Van Lavieren, L.P.(REJP0000371)
- The influence of fish cage aquaculture on pelagic carbon flow and water chemistry in tidally dominated mangrove estuaries of peninsular Malaysia
Alongi, D.M.(REJP0000373)
- The path to success: Some pioneering examples of environmental education
Bhandari, B. (ed.)(REJP0000395)
- Timber volume inventory in the Sunderbans using aerial photography and other remote sensing techniques
Khan, A.F.(REJP0000396)
- Traditional uses of the mangrove ecosystem in Malaysia
Tuck, C.H.(REJP0000397)
- Timber volume inventory
Islam, M.J.(REJP0000398)
- The Organizational approach and tripartite partnership framework in community based coastal resource management
Savaris, J.P.(REJP0000422)
- The role of households in mangrove management at Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh City, Vetnam
Nam, V.N.(REJP0000425)
- The Can Gio environment and protection forest: Aquaculture, social forestry, and petroleum
Potkin, A.(REJP0000430)
- The status of mangroves in Kerala: Its spatial extent and biotic pressures- an assessment
Nandakumara, D.(REJP0000438)
- The management of shrimp-ponds culture in and around mangrove areas-data collected by the field survey in Vietnam and Thailand
Ajiki, K.(REJP0000454)
- The need for local participation in policy making and contract allocations for mangrove forest protection in Can Gio
Nam, V.N.(REJP0000455)
- The application of forestry principles to the design, execution and evaluation of mangrove restoration projects
Stubbs, J.B.(REJP0000483)
- The development of halophytes to crops and other useful plants as systems research objective
Lieth, H.(REJP0000487)
- Timber beetles of the Ranong mangrove forests
Murphy, D.H.(REJP0000498)
- The recognition of some insects associated with mangroves in Thailand
Murphy, D.H.(REJP0000500)
- Tide-dominated estuary and tide-dominated delta of middle pleistocene, in the Dong Nai River area, Southern Vietnam
Kitazawa, T.(REJP0000507)
- The Ecology of Mangroves
Lugo, A.E.(REJP0000522)
- Theoretical and practical foundations of environmental education
Nhuan, H.D.(REJP0000535)
- The need for environmental education and propagation, promoting good habits, lifestyles and public movements towards environmental protection
Dung, B.V.(REJP0000539)
- The formation of environmental knowledge in secondary school botany subject
Chu, N.X.(REJP0000556)
- The effectiveness of organizing a visit for secondary students of outstanding academic
Onah, N.T.K.(REJP0000569)
- The effectiveness of environmental education in schools through community based practical activities
Lan, N.K.(REJP0000570)
- The patch mangroves of Ibajay, Aklan in Panay Island: A microcosm of Philippine mangroves
Primavera, J.H.(REJP0000576)
- The eco-economic importance of the Sawi Bay Thai mangrove ecosystem
Havanond, S.(REJP0000587)
- The values of wetlands: landscape and institutional perspectives: Valuing the environment as input: review of applications to mangrove-fishery linkages
Edward, B.B.(REJP0000604)
- The mangroves of Belize part 1. distribution, composition and classification
Murray, M.R.(REJP0000619)
- The impact of shrimp pond effluent on water quality and phytoplankton biomass in a tropical mangrove estuary
Trott, L.A.(REJP0000623)
- The trophic fate of shrimp farm effluent in mangrove creeks of North Queensland, Australia
McKinnon, A.D.(REJP0000643)
- Technologies and information generated for coastal afforestation in Bangladesh
Nandy, P.(REJP0000654)
- The vertical distribution of mangrove gastropods and environmental factors relative to tide level at Buenaventura Bay, Pacific Coast of Colombia
Blanco, J.F.(REJP0000660)
- The mangroves of Balochistan, Pakistan: An overview
Saifullah, S.M.(REJP0000670)
- Technologies and information generated for coastal forestation in Bangladesh
Nandy, P.(REJP0000673)
- The ecology of hydromedusae from the Cochin area
Vannucci, M.(REJP0000689)
- The hydromedusae and water masses of the Indian Ocean
Pereira, D.N.(REJP0000692)
- The mangroves of Balcochistan, Pakistan: an overview
Saifullah, S.M.(REJP0000698)
- The effect of salt stress on the catabolism of sugars in leaves and roots of a mangrove plant, Avicennia marina
Fukushima, Y.(REJP0000708)
- The rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystem and shrim farming in the coastal area of Minh Hai Province
Cuong, T.P.(REJP0000712)
- Thanh Phu forestry enterprise (Ben tre) with its effective silvo-fishery combination model
Ngan, V.V.(REJP0000714)
- The farming and exploitation of aquaproducts in the mangrove coastal zone of Nam ha Province
Kiem, V.D.(REJP0000716)
- The results of planting, taking care, protecting and developing Can Gio mangrove forests (1978-1995)_
Cuong, N.D.(REJP0000717)
- The study of optima for preservation of the seeds of Snneratia caseolaris
Satori, O.(REJP0000718)
- The biomass of a Rhizophora apiculata plantation in Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh City
Nam, V.N.(REJP0000727)
- The effect of light density and fertilizers on the growth and ecophysiological characteristics of Sonneratia caseolaris
Dang, H.C.(REJP0000729)
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