Search pattern :reference -> U
Matches (1 - 50 of 71)
- Uma setorizacao enderecada ao planejamento regional
Ab'saber, A.N(REBR1000085)
- Use of DCB technique for extraction of hydrous iron oxides from roots of wetland plants
Taylor, G.J.(REBR1000183)
- Utilization of the isthmian land bridge during the Cenozoic - paleobotanical evidence for timing, and the selective influence of altitudes and climate
Graham, A.(REBR1000285)
- Utilizacion de zonas de manglares en el Estado de Pernambuco (Brasil) para fins de acuicultura
Calvacanti, L. B.(REBR1000298)
- Utilization economique de ecossistemes fragiles: un defi pour la getion integree dans la zone cotie soustropicale du Brasil
Ledo, B.S. (REBR1000505)
- Use of mangroves by traditional fishermen in Madagascar
Rasolofo, M.V.(REBR1000738)
- Una aproximacion de los humedales de Colombia
Guerrero, E.(REBR1001205)
- Utilização de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto para identificação de manguezais na área estuarina do Canal de Santa Cruz, litoral norte de Pernambuco
Silva, H.P.(REBR1001404)
- Unidades pedo-geomorfologicas quaternarias e o planejamento do uso do solo na Baixada de Sepetiba, RJ
Moura, J.R.S.(REBR1001709)
- Ultraestructure od ascus and ascospore appendages of the mangrove fungus Halosarpheia ratnagiriensis (Halosarphaeriales, Ascomycota)
Baker, T.A.(REBR1001838)
- Uma análise sobre a produção, demanda e preços do camarão cultivado, com ênfase para o mercado norte americano
Rocha, I.P.(REBR1002102)
- Utilization and knowledge of biodiversity in the Ranong Biosphere Reserve, Thailand
Macintosh, D.J.(REBR1002135)
- Use of synthetic aperture radar for recognition of coastal geomorphological features, land-use assessment and shoreline chnages in bragança coast, Pará, Norhtern Brazil
Souza-Filho, P.W.M.(REBR1002151)
- Uso de habitat del manati antillano Trichechus mantus en el Magdalena Medio (Santander, colombia)
Castelblanco-Martinez, D.(REBR1002240)
- Un refugio en la enramada, el bosque de manglar
Sanchez, B.L.(REBR1002308)
- Using biogeography to help set priorities in marine conservation
Lourie, S.A.(REBR1002358)
- Use of cell-specific PAM-fluorometry to characterize host shading in the epyphitic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus
Villareal, T.A.(REBR1002383)
- Using otolith microchemistry of Haemulon flavolineatum (French grunt) to characterize mangroves and coral reefs throughout Turneffe Atoll, Belize: difficulties at small spatial scales
Chittaro, P.M.(REBR1002546)
- Urban influences on the nitrogen cycle in Puerto Rico
Ortiz-Zayas, J.(REBR1002690)
- Using mangroves as geological indicators of coastal changes in the Bragança macrotidal flat, Brazilian Amazon, A remote sensisng approach
Souza, P.W.M.(REBR1002710)
- Using mangroves as a geological indicator of coastal changes in Bragança macrotidal flat, brazilian Amazon:A remote sensing data approach
Souza Filho, P.W.M.(REBR1002791)
- Use of mangrove areas as sewerage treatment plants
Green, G.(REFJ0000089)
- Using marine plants as nutrient bioindicators in the region of Pioneer Bay, Airlie Beach, Queensland - Summary and recommendations
Dennison, W.C.(REFJ0000280)
- Une mangrove a Avicennia L.en Mediterranee occidentale au Miocene inferieur et moyen .Implications paleogeograques
Bessedic, M.(REFJ0000348)
- Une mangrove complexe dans le Bartonien du bassin de l'Erbe (Ne'de l'Espagne )
Cavagnetto, C.(REFJ0000359)
- Utilization and management of mangroves, 'marong' resources in Vanuatu
Lal, P.(REFJ0000410)
- Utilization and management of inshore marine ecosystems of the tropical pacific Islands
Helfrich, P. (ed.)(REFJ0000457)
- Use classification of mangrove areas, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Devoe, N.N.(REFJ0000525)
- Understanding and managing mangrove forests in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia
Ewel, K.C.(REFJ0000556)
- Unvegetated saline flats in North Queensland
Spenceley, A.P.(REFJ0000867)
- Use of a mangrove estuary as a nursery area by postlarval and juvenile Banana Prawns, Penaeus merguiensis de Man, in Northern Australia
Vance, D.J.(REFJ0000871)
- Utilisation and conservation of western Australian mangroves
Kenneally, K.F.(REFJ0001020)
- Understanding the linkages between biodiversity and Tourism: A Study of Ecotourism in a Coastal Village in Fiji.
Sinha, C.C.(REFJ1100063)
- Utiliazation of mangroves by birds on the Freetown Penisula, Sierra Leone
Field, G. D.(REGH1000263)
- Utilization of mangrove by birds in Guinée-Bissau
Altemburg, W(REGH1000404)
- Une visite au Parc National du Banc d'Arguin. Itineraires Presentation des principale composantes naturelles.
Gowthorpe, P.(REGH1001240)
- Ultrastructure and function of the salt gland in Avicennia marina.
Gordon-Ish Shalom, N.(REGH1001476)
- Use of textural (CM) pattern for identification of depositional processes and environments of sediments of the Cauvery delta
Seralathan, P.(REIN0000936)
- Utilization of mangrove ecosystem for aquaculture in India
Kuthalingam, M.D.K(REIN0000937)
- UV-B induced alterations in composition of thylakoid membrane and amino acids in leaves of Rhizophora apiculata blume
Moorthy, P.(REIN0000938)
- Uptake, retention and elimination of enteric bacteria and bivalve molluscs
Kueh, C.S.W(REIN0001158)
- Ultrastructure of asci and ascospores of the mangrove ascomycete Dactylospora haliotrepha
Au, D.W.T.(REIN0001242)
- Utilization of mangrove trees in Peninsular Malaysia
Kader, R.A.(REIN0001428)
- Utilization of mangrove areas as breeding grounds for major demersal fish species in Matang, west coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Mohammad-Isa, M.(REIN0001658)
- Utilization of remote sensing in the ecology of large river valleys
Decamps, H.(REJP0000024)
- Use and management of nipa palm (Nypa fruticans, Arecaceae): a review
Hamilton, L.S.(REJP0000069)
- Utilization of mangrove wood product around Mida Creek (Kenya) amongst subsistence and commercial users
Dahdouh-Guebas, F.(REJP0000074)
- Underplanting-A means to ensure sustainable mangrove plantations in Bangladesh
Siddiqi, N.A.(REJP0000155)
- Urban mangroves at Marapendi and Rodrigo de Freitas lagoons-Rio de Janeiro- Brazil-an experiment on restoration
Moscatelli, M.(REJP0000285)
- Use of natural resources in the mangrove ecosystem of Thai Binh Province-ecological and economic consequences and solutions
Chin, V.P.(REJP0000334)
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