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- Variação morfológica do talo de Boodleopsis pusila (Udoteacea, chlorophyta) no manguezal da Ilha Matarandiba, APA da Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia, Brasil
Freitas, N.S.(REBR1002721)
- Variabilidad espacio-temporal de la dinámica fluviomarina en los manglares de la Bahia de Cispatá, Caribe Colombiano
Ruiz-Uchoa, M.(REBR1002751)
- Velocidad de deconposicion de la hojarasca en diferentes sustratos de manglar durante la época de lluvia en San Andrés isla, Caribe Colombiano
Sierra-Rozo, O.A.(REBR1002753)
- Vegetação Costeira do Nordeste
Brito, A.E.R.M.(REBR1002799)
- Vegetation survey of the Republic of Palau
Cole, T.G.(REFJ0000071)
- Vegetation survey of Moen, Dublon, Fefan and Eten, State of Truk, federated states of Micronesia
Falanruw, M.(REFJ0000087)
- Variation in Fiji mangrove vegetation and its response to development
Hassal, J.(REFJ0000090)
- Vegetation survey of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
Falanruw, M.(REFJ0000094)
- Vegetation survey of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Falanruw, M.(REFJ0000096)
- Vegetation survey of Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia
Falanruw, M.(REFJ0000099)
- Vegetational relationships in the mangroves of tropical Australia
Bunt, J.S.(REFJ0000126)
- Variation temporelles des populations de poissons de trois habitats de la Baie de St Vincent (Nouvelle Caledonie): recifs corallines, fonds meubles et mangroves = temporal patterns of fish populations in three habitats of the St Vincent Bay area (New Caledonia): coral reefs, soft bottoms and mangroves
Kulbicki, M.(REFJ0000324)
- Vernacular plant names in Melanesia. Some examples from Northern New Caledonia
Barrau, J.(REFJ0000339)
- Vegetation of Moreton Islands
Durrington, L.R.(REFJ0000537)
- Valuing mangrove resources in Kosrae, Micronesia
Naylor, R.(REFJ0000563)
- Variation in environmental characteristics and vegetation in high-rainfall mangrove swamps in Kosrae, Micronesia
Ewel, K.C.(REFJ0000572)
- Variability in surface water chemistry and phytoplankton biomass in two tropical, tidally dominated mangrove creeks
Trott, L.A.(REFJ0000625)
- Vegetation of upper mangrove creek, Wyong, New South Wales
Benson, D.H.(REFJ0000684)
- Variability in detrital production and tidal flushing in mangrove swamps
Woodroffe, C.D.(REFJ0000718)
- Visual aspects of mangroves
Watkins, T.(REFJ0000747)
- Vegetative phenology of mangroves along the Queensland Coastline
Saenger, P.(REFJ0000758)
- Vegetation classification by reference to strategies
Grime, J.P.(REFJ0000833)
- Vulnerability of xylem to embolism in a mangrove vs. an inland species of Rhizophoraceae
Sperry, J.S.(REFJ0000868)
- Valuation of mangroves
Dixon, J.A.(REFJ0000898)
- Vaka I Taukei: The Fijian way of life
Ravuvu, A.(REFJ0000913)
- Vulnerability assessment of predicted climate change and sea level rise in the Alligator River region, Northern Territory Australia
Bayliss, B.(REFJ0000948)
- Variations in condition and body constitution in a tropical estuarine fish with year-round recruitment
Molony, B.W.(REFJ0001072)
- Vascular plants of the mangroves, navesi, veisari, Rewa Province, Viti Levu, Fiji: A preliminary listing.
Keppel, G.(REFJ0001106)
- Valuation of tropical coastal resources: Theory and application of linear programming
Cruz-Trinidad, A. (ed.)(REFJ1100002)
- Vegetation of the Tropical Pacific Islands.
Mueller, D.D.(REFJ1100080)
- Variations spatio-temporelles du zooplancton d'un estuaire hyperhalin: la Casamance
Diouf, P.S.(REGH1000528)
- Vulnerability of forest resources to global climate change: Case study of CAmeroon and Ghana
Dixon, R.K.(REGH1000548)
- Vertical migrations of the tree crab, Sesarma Ieptosoma (Decapoda, Grapsidae)
Vannini, M.(REGH1001008)
- Valuing the environment as imput: Review of applications to mangrove-fishing linkages
Baran, E.(REGH1001137)
- Vegetation damage in an oil field in the Niger Delta of Nigeria.
Fagbami, A. A.(REGH1001462)
- Vegetative and floral phenology of three mangroves in Mgeni Estuary
Steinke, T.D.(REGH1001463)
- Vegetation and land use in Sierra Leone: a reconnaissance survey
Gordon, O.L.A. (REGH1100068)
- Variation in nuclear DNA content and karyotype analysis in three species of Avicennia, a tree mangrove of coastal Orissa
Das, A.B.(REIN0000228)
- Vegetation analysis of restored and natural mangrove forest in Sagar island, Sundarbans, east coast of India
Santanu, S.(REIN0000229)
- Vegetation dynamics in impounded marshes along the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA
Rey, J.R.(REIN0000230)
- Vegetative propagation through air-layering in two species of mangroves
Kathiresan, K.(REIN0000231)
- Vertical distribution of fungi in Sunderban mangrove mud
Garg, K.L.(REIN0000232)
- Variations in major nutrients content of mangrove leaves during decomposition in sewage polluted water
Athithan, S.(REIN0000939)
- Vegetation dynamics of mangrove of Indian Sundarban - economic importance
Chowdhury, M.K.(REIN0000940)
- Vegetation pattern and soil characteristics of some mangrove forest zones of the Sunderbans, West Bengal
Pal, D.(REIN0000941)
- Vertical distribution and abundance of sediment dwelling macro-invertebrates in an estuarine mangrove biotope - southwest coast of India
Kumar, R.S.(REIN0000942)
- Vertical distribution of fungi in Sunderban mangrove mud India
Garg, K.L.(REIN0000943)
- Vegetation analysis of a typical mangrove swamp - Lai Chi Wo coast of Hong Kong
Lu, C.Y.(REIN0001127)
- Variations of soil nutrient and organic matter content in a subtropical mangrove ecosystem
Tam, N.F.Y.(REIN0001243)
- Ventilation and respiration in roots of one-year-old seedlings of grey mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh
Hovenden, M.J.(REIN0001244)
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