Search pattern :reference -> W
Matches (51 - 88 of 88)
- Water ciculation and coastal trapping of brackish water in a tropical mangrove-dominated bay in Kenya
- Wetlands as accreting systems: Nutrient recyling in wetlands
Twinch, A. J.(REGH1001132)
- Water circulation dynamics, water column nutrients and plankton productivity in a well-flushed tropical bay in Kenya
Kitheka, J. U.(REGH1001133)
- Water circulation and coastal trapping of brackish water in a tropical mangrove-dominated bay in Kenya
Kitheka, J. U.(REGH1001134)
- Wetlands water resources and agariculture productivity an important for biodiversity conservation
Tindamanyire, T.(REGH1001488)
- Wildlife in Bangladesh mangrove ecosystem
Khan, M.A.R(REIN0000817)
- Waterfowl status at Coringa wildlife sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh
Rao, V.V.(REIN0000944)
- Wood-boring molluscs of the family Pholadidae of the Panaji coast
Santhakumaran, L.N.(REIN0000945)
- Wood-boring organisms from Valapattanam backwaters, south west coast of India
Nair, N.B.(REIN0000946)
- Wood structure of Aegiceras corniculatum and its ecological adaptations to salinities
Sun, Q.(REIN0001246)
- Water purification by bivalves in shallow areas of Tokyo Bay
Kohata, K.(REJP0000089)
- World Mangrove Atlas
Mark, S.(REJP0000223)
- Water quality measurement methods for sea grass habitat
Stephen, G.(REJP0000358)
- Writing on the environment a journalist as an educationalist
Tuan, V.M.(REJP0000543)
- What attracts juvenile coral reef fish to mangrove habitat complexity or shade?
Morinie're, de la E.C. (REJP0000794)
- What we can do for mangroves
Baba, S.(REJP0000842)
- Working plan of mangrove forests (coastal forests) from 1985-86 to 2004-2005
Qureshi, M.T.(REJP0000864)
- Wonders of marine forests (Chinese)
Lizhong, M.(REJP0000969)
- Women's role in mangrove plantation and protection in Can Gio
Tuan, L.D.(REJP0001150)
- Wetland exploitation and utilization in Tam Giang-Cau Hai coastal lagoon: importance and current status
Thanh, T.D.(REJP0001180)
- Where women take control
Hinrichsen, D.(REJP0001280)
- water pollution and habitat degradation in the Gulf of Thailand
Cheevaporn, V.(REJP0001345)
- What is special about mangroves?
Vannucci, M.(REJP0001374)
- Wetland systems for bioregenerative reclamation of wastewater: from closed systems to developing countries
Nelson, M.(REJP0001412)
- Wetlands or aquatic ape? Availability of food resources
Ellis, D.V.(REJP0001430)
- Why do juvenile fish utilise mangrove habitats?
Laegdsgaard, P.(REJP0001748)
- Water states and water gates in osmotic processes, and the inoperative concept of molfraction of water
Scholander, P.F.(REJP0001751)
- What makes mangroves attractive to fish? Use of artificial units to test the influence of water depth, cross-shelf location, and presence of root structure
Nagelkerken, I.(REJP0002161)
- Wave reduction in a mangrove forest dominated by Sonneratia sp.
Mazda, Y.(REJP0002180)
- Wetlands of the Pacific Island region
Ellison, J.C.(REJP0002192)
- Water quality in the Great Barrier Reef region: Responses of mangrove, seagrass and macroalgal communities
Schaffelke, B.(REJP0003005)
- Where have all the BIG crab gone?
Chonchuenchob, P.(REJP1100021)
- West Bengal, Indian east coast (environmental situation)
Holmgren, S.(REJP1100032)
- Woodfuel position with particular reference to mangrove areas in Myanmar
Ohn, U.(REJP1100064)
- Woodfuel production an marketing in Pakistan. National workshop, Faisalabad, Pakistan 28-30 October 1997
- Why do uvenile fish mangrove habitats
Pia, L.(REJP1100173)
- What survives in Bangladesh? (Distribution and conservation of Primates in forest areas)
Gittins, S.P.(REJP1100193)
- Worldwide compendium of mangrove-associated aquatic species of economic importance
Matthes, H. (ed.)(REJP1100246)
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