Search pattern :reference -> Z

Matches (1 - 41 of 41)

  1. Zonacao estratificacao da macrofauna bentica em um banco areno-lodoso do setor euhalino de alta energia da Baia de Paranagua (Parana, Brasil)
    Netto, S.A.(REBR1000097)
  2. Zoneamento do litoral paranaense
  3. Zooplancton dos estuarios dos rios Massangana e Tatuoca, Suape (PE - Brasil)
    Neumann-Leitao, S.(REBR1000355)
  4. Zooplankton of the Suape area (Pernambuco, Brazil)
    Paranagua, M.N.(REBR1000362)
  5. Zooplancton da area costeira do Porto do Recife
    Paranagua, M.N.(REBR1000365)
  6. Zooplancton do estuario do Rio Capibaribe, Recife - PE (Brasil)
    Silva, T.A.(REBR1000388)
  7. Zonacao vertical da fauna de raizes do mangue do Rio Jacuruna, Bahia, Brasil
    Nunes, T.B.(REBR1000414)
  8. Zonation in mangrove and salt marsh vegetation at Laguna de Mecoacan, Mexico
    Lopez-Portillo, J.(REBR1000709)
  9. Zoneamento vertical dos crustáceos bentônicos em substratos incosolidados do manguezal do Quebra-Pote na Ilha de São Luis, Maranhão, Brasil
    Silva, J.R.R.(REBR1001053)
  10. Zinc accumulation in phosphate granules of Ucides cordatus hepatopancreas
    Correa Junior, J.D.(REBR1001254)
  11. Zonação vertical da macrofauna bêntica de substratos consolidados do estuário do Rio Paripe (Itamarac* - Pernambuco)
    Farrapeira, C.M.(REBR1001380)
  12. Zooplâncton recifal de Tamandar* - PE (Brasil) e a influência dos manguezais na sua biodiversidade e biomassa
    Porto Neto, F.(REBR1001420)
  13. Zinc and copper accumulation in sediments impacted by landfill wastewaters in Jardim Gramacho, SE Brazil
    Machado, W.T.(REBR1001556)
  14. Zinc in fish, crabs, oysters and mangrove flora and fauna from Cleveland Bay
    Jones, G.B(REBR1001595)
  15. Zinc distribution and excretion in the leaves of the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh
    MacFarlane, G.R.(REBR1001687)
  16. Zonation pattern of an isolated mangrove community at Playa Medina, Venezuela
    Vilarrubia, T.V.(REBR1001706)
  17. Zn and Cd production and pollution in a Brazilain coastal region
    Barcellos, C.(REBR1001886)
  18. Zooplankton composition, abundance and spatial distribution in the estuarine complex of Paranaguá during winter, 1993 and summer, 1994.
    Lopes, R.M.(REBR1001972)
  19. Zonation of shrubs in western Atlantic salt marshes
    Pennings, S.C.(REBR1001980)
  20. Zooplancton gelatinoso do estuário do Rio Caeté, costa norte do Brasil
    Martins, A.A.V.(REBR1002230)
  21. Zonation patterns of Belizean offshore mangrove forests 41 years after a catasthrophic hurricane
    Piou, C.(REBR1002630)
  22. Zonation within mangroves associated with estuaries in North Queensland
    Macnae, W.(REFJ0000432)
  23. Zonation of Molluscs in a mangrove swamp in the Kimberley, Western Australia
    Wells, F.E.(REFJ0000608)
  24. Zooplankton Dynamics in Mangrove and Other Nearshore Habitats in Tropical Australia
    Robertson, I.A.(REFJ0000669)
  25. Zoogeography of the fishes of the Indian Ocean
    Cohen, D.M.(REGH1000037)
  26. Zonation and vegetation structure of mangrove communities in Tanzania
    Semesi, A.K.(REGH1000216)
  27. Zonation and distribution of Creek and Fringe mangroves in the Semi-Arid Kenyan Coast
    Ruwa, R.K.(REGH1000475)
  28. Zonation de la Casamance basée sur les peuplements de foraminfères et de thécamoebiens. Comparaison avec d'autres zonations écologiques
    Debenay, J.P.(REGH1000505)
  29. Zonation of crabs that burrow or bury in mangrove vegetation soils on the East coast of Africa.
    Ruwa, R. K.(REGH1001010)
  30. Zonation and Seasonality of Benthic primary production of two mangrove forest
    Alongi, D.M.(REGH1001091)
  31. Zooplankton and salinity in the Rufiji River delta, Tanzania
    Tafe, D. J.(REGH1001129)
  32. Zonation and distribution of creek and fringe mangrove in the semi-arid Kenyan coast
    Ruwa, R.K.(REGH1001265)
  33. Zooplankton of Porto Novo, South India
    Santhanam, R.(REIN0000233)
  34. Zoeae and megalopa of the mangrove crab Sesarma andersoni De Man reared in the laboratory
    Vijayakumar, G.(REIN0000948)
  35. Zooplankton ecology of the mangrove habitats of Goa
    Goswami, S.C.(REIN0000949)
  36. Zoospore chemotaxis of two mangrove strains of Halophytophthora vesicula from Mai Po, Hong Kong
    Leano, E.M.(REIN0001159)
  37. Zonation of burrowing crabs in the mangroves of the east coast of Kenya
    Ruwa, K.R.(REJP0000208)
  38. Zooplankton of coastal lagoons with emphasis on the mangrove environment
    Jacobs, N.J.(REJP0000819)
  39. Zooplankton studies in the Hooghly estuary around Sagar Island, Sunderbans, India
    Sarkar, S.(REJP0000889)
  40. Zones prote'ge'es et ame'nagement du territoire :Application au cas des parcs nationaux
    Maldague, M.(REJP0001793)
  41. Zonal and seasonal variation in the distribution and abundance of mangrove macroalgae in the Parramatta River, Australia
    Melville, F.(REJP0002127)

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