Search pattern :reference -> C

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  1. Contribution of a medium size tropical river to the particular heavy-metal load for the South Atlantic Ocean
    Carvalho, C.E.V.(REBR1001897)
  2. Carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus fluxes in the coastal zone: the LOICZ approach to global assessment and scaling issues with available data
    Smith, S.V.(REBR1001925)
  3. Código de melhores práticas de manejo para a aquicultura
    Queiroz, J.F.(REBR1001975)
  4. Comparative evidence that salt marshes and mangroves may protect seagrass meadows from land-derived nitrogen loads
    Valiela, I.(REBR1001981)
  5. Contribuição ao estudo geomorfológico-sedimentológico do litoral de Beberibe (Ceará-Brasil)
    Morais, J.O.(REBR1001991)
  6. contribuição ao estudo da biologia do caranguejo-uça Ucides cordatus cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachiura) no manguezal do Rio Ceará (Brasil)
    Alcantara-Filho, P.(REBR1001996)
  7. Cultivo experimental de Mytella falcata (Orbigny, 1846) e M. guayanensis (Lamarck, 1819), no estuário do Rio Piraquê-Açu (Aracruz, ES)
    Costa, K.G.(REBR1002014)
  8. Coastal change and the Anthropocene
    LOIZ IPO(REBR1002022)
  9. Concentrations of selected trace metals (Cu, Pb,Zn), organochlorines (PCB's, HCB) and total PAHs in mangrove oysters from the Pacific Coast of Mexico: an overview
    Alves, S.R.(REBR1002041)
  10. Clean Coastal Waters: Understanding and Reducing the Effects of Nutrient Pollution
    Committee on the Causes and Managment of Coastal Eutrophication(REBR1002042)
  11. Crustacea Decapoda of the Paripe River Estuary, Pernambuco, Brazil
    Coelho dos Santos, M.A.(REBR1002048)
  12. Chrysophycean stomatocysts in a Caribbean mangrove
    Rull, V.(REBR1002051)
  13. Caribbean Basins: LOICZ Global change assessment and synthesis of river catchment/Island-coastal sea interaction and human dimensions: with a desktop study of Oceania Basins
    Kjerfve, B.(REBR1002070)
  14. Cracas invasoras do litoral brasileiro
    Apolinario, M.(REBR1002097)
  15. Changes in structures and protein binding ability of condensed tannins during decomposition of fresh needles and leaves
    Maie, N.(REBR1002115)
  16. Carbon and carbonate metabolism in coastal aquatic ecosystems
    Gattuzo, J-P.(REBR1002127)
  17. Complexity, the spice of life
    Beaton, P.(REBR1002136)
  18. Cloning and detection of metallothionein mRNA by RT-PCR in mangrove oysters
    Rebelo, M.F.(REBR1002139)
  19. Concentration and distribution of heavy metals in tissues of wild and farmed shrimp Penaeus vannamei from North-West coast of Mexico
    Páes-Ozuma, F.(REBR1002150)
  20. Corrected western Atlantic sea-level curve for the last 11,000 years based on calibrated 14C dates from Acropora palmata framework and intertidam mangrove peat
    Toscano, M.A.(REBR1002158)
  21. Chemical and physical properties of shrimp pond bottom soils in Ecuador
    Sonnenholzner, S.(REBR1002164)
  22. Checklist of marine algae and sea grasses from the ponds of Pelican Cays, Belize
    Littler, D.S.(REBR1002190)
  23. Caracterização hidroquímica, distribuição e especiação de mercúrio nos estuarios dos rios Ceará e Pacotí, Região metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
    Marins, R.V.(REBR1002195)
  24. Changes in invertebrate taxa at two pre-Columbian sites in southwester Jamaica, AD 800-1500
    Keegan, W.F.(REBR1002198)
  25. Concentração de emtais-traço em sedimentos de superfície do estuário Santos-Cubatão (SP) e seu comportamento sazonal
    Luiz-Silva, W(REBR1002210)
  26. Comparação da produção de serrapilheira de dois bosques de mangue com diferentes paddõres estruturais na Península Bragantina, Bragança, Pará
    Farias, A.S.C.(REBR1002233)
  27. Caracterização estrutural e sedimentar do manguezal do Rio Paráiba do Sul, REJ, Resultados preliminares
    Santos, D.O.(REBR1002241)
  28. Carbon-water flux ratio of amangrove ecosystem at Bragança, PA
    Costa, J.M.N.(REBR1002247)
  29. Coletores artificiais para obtenção de turus (Bivalvia, Teredinidae)
    Santos, S.M.L.(REBR1002258)
  30. Comparing endemism and habitat restriction in mesoamerican tropical deciduous forest birds: implications for biodiversity conservation planning
    Gordon, C.E.(REBR1002277)
  31. Control of Avicennia germinans recruitment and survival by Junonia evarete larvae in a disturbed mangrove forest in Colombia
    Elster, C.(REBR1002288)
  32. Coastal classification: systematic approaches to consider in the development of a comprehensive scheme
    Finkl, C.W.(REBR1002292)
  33. Comparative analysis of the relative growth of Uca pugnax (Smith) (Crustacea, Ocypodidae), from two mangroves in São paulo, Brazil)
    Castiglioni, D.S.(REBR1002293)
  34. Coupling between sedimentary dynamics, early diagenetic processes, and biogeochmical cycling in the Amazon-guianas mobile mud belt: coastal French Guiana
    Aller, R.C.(REBR1002334)
  35. Cyanobacteria - a neglected component of biodiversity: patterns of species diversity in inland marshes of norhtern Belize (Central America)
    Rejmankova, E.(REBR1002356)
  36. Calidad de los sedimentos superficiales de la ensenada grande del Obispo, Estado de Sucre - Venezuela
    Bonilla, J.(REBR1002368)
  37. Cysts and symbionts of Staurojoenina assimilis Kirby from Neotermes
    Dolan, M.F.(REBR1002397)
  38. Canopy gaps formed by mangrove trimming: an experimental test of impact on litter fall and standing stock in Southeast Florida (USA)
    Ellis, W.L.(REBR1002399)
  39. Coliformes fecais em ostras Crassostrea rhizophorae
    Silva, A.I.(REBR1002402)
  40. Catching some needed attention
    Watson, R.(REBR1002426)
  41. Comments on Corrected western Atlantic sea-level curve for the last 11,000 years based on calibrated 14C dates from Acropora palmata framework and intertidal mangrove peat
    Blanchon, P.(REBR1002431)
  42. Characterization of microsatellite markers for the mangrove tree Avicennia germinans L. (Avicenniaceae)
    Nettel, A.(REBR1002435)
  43. Coastal wetland habitat dynamics in selected New South Wales estuaries
    Wilton, K.(REBR1002443)
  44. Comparative population dynamics of four fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, genus Uca) from a North Brazilian mangrove
    Kock, V.(REBR1002513)
  45. Composição do microfitoplancton no sistema estuarino de Barra de Janguadas (Jaboatão dos Guararapes -= pernambuco- Brasil)
    Feitosa, F.A.N.(REBR1002521)
  46. Changes in mass and nutrient content of wood during decomposition in south Florida mangrove forest
    Romero, L.M.(REBR1002532)
  47. Census, distribution and conservation status of Roseate spoonbill (Plataka ajaja) in the Guayaquil Gulf Estuary
    Alava, J.J.(REBR1002533)
  48. Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene
    Crossland, C.J.(REBR1002549)
  49. Check List 1994-2003: papers published along the last 10 years about Icthyology and fishery at the Guaratuba Bay and its adjacent continetal shelf zone, Southeastern Brazil
    Chaves, P.T.(REBR1002551)
  50. Cage polyculture of the Pacific white shrimp Litopennaeus vannamei and the Phillipines seaweed kappaphycus alvarezii
    Lombardi, J.V.(REBR1002555)

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