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  1. Common sponges from shallow marine habitats from Bocas del Toro Region, Panama
    Diaz, M.C.(REBR1002572)
  2. Contribution to the feeding ecology of the predatory wingfin anchovy Pterengraulis atherinoides (L.) in north Brazilian mangrove creeks
    Krumme, U.(REBR1002577)
  3. Coastal wetlands of the northern Gulf of California; inventory and conservation status
    Glenn, E.P.(REBR1002591)
  4. Composição e abundância de caranguejos (Decapoda, Brachyiura) nas regiões de Ubatuba e Caraguatatuba, litoral norte paulista, Brasil
    Braga, A.A.(REBR1002601)
  5. Connectivity of reef fish between mangroves and coral reefs: Algorithms for the design of marine reserves at seascape scales
    Mumby, P.J.(REBR1002611)
  6. Capabilities of a forest coherent scattering model applied to radiometry, interferometry, and polarimetry at P- and L-band
    Thirion, L.(REBR1002638)
  7. Concentration, stock and transport rate of heavy metals in a tropical red mangrove, Natal, Brazil
    Silva, C.A.R.(REBR1002643)
  8. COX-2 and sPLA(2) inhibitory activity of aqueous extracts and polyophenols of Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove)
    Marrero, E.(REBR1002659)
  9. Climate change and population history in the Pacific lowlands of Southern mesoamerica
    Neff, H.(REBR1002662)
  10. Coral reefs and mangroves; Implications from the tsunami one year on
    Wells, S.(REBR1002663)
  11. Composição da fauna de caranguejos do manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
    Oliveira, L.M.S.(REBR1002730)
  12. Caracterização do mangue da praia gorda, Armação dos Búzios, Estado do Rio de Janeiro
    Oliveira, A.E.S.(REBR1002757)
  13. Comparação da estrutura populacional de Aratus pisonii (H. Milne-edwards, 1837) em quatro manguezais do Municipio de Francisco do Conde, BA
    Oliveira, R.G.(REBR1002767)
  14. Changes in biomass, chemical composition and nutritive value of Spartina alterniflora due to organic pollution in the Itanhaém river basin
    Biudes, J.F.V.(REBR1002798)
  15. Conchas de Moluscos no Artesanato Cearense
    Farias, M.F.(REBR1002800)
  16. Consultor en utilizacion industrial del mangle: informe de mision
    Chong, P.W. (REBR1100024)
  17. Coastal ecological systems of the United States
    Odum, H.T. (REBR1100051)
  18. Country report on the mangrove ecosystem of Papua New Guinea
    Unua, W.B.O.(REFJ0000034)
  19. Channel Island field study
    Micheal, M.(REFJ0000036)
  20. Coastal fisheries and the management of mangrove resources in Fiji
    Lal, P.N.(REFJ0000178)
  21. Contribution a l etude des peuplements ichtyologiques dans les mangroves de Guadeloupe (Antilles Francaises)
    Louis, M.(REFJ0000183)
  22. Community structure, density and standing crop of fishes in a subtropical Australian mangrove area
    Morton, R.M.(REFJ0000188)
  23. Coasts and tidal wetlands of the Australian monsoon region. Mangrove Monograph No.1
    Bardsley, K.N.(REFJ0000250)
  24. Coastal management in Northern Australia. Mangrove Monograph No.2
    Davie, J.D.(REFJ0000258)
  25. Carte sedimentologigue et carte du lagon de Nouvelle - Caledonie a 1/50,000 feuille Noumea
    Dugas, F.(REFJ0000285)
  26. Cartographie thematique des mangroves du littoral sud - ouest de Nouvelle - Caledonie
    Abrard, R.(REFJ0000301)
  27. Contribution des donnees satellitaires a la connaissance des resources halieutiques cotieres: les poissons de mangrove du lagon sud ouest de Nouvelle Caledonie
    Thollot, P.(REFJ0000302)
  28. Coastal and coral reefs studies in New Caledonia, using SPOT images, for environment and management monitoring
    Bour William(REFJ0000321)
  29. Conservation of the marine life of mangrove swamps, estuaries and coastal swamps
    Harrison, G.G.T.(REFJ0000328)
  30. Crocodiles of Palau Islands (in Japanese)
    Kimura, W.(REFJ0000361)
  31. Changes in Productivity of the Saltmarsh Mosquito, Aedos vigilax (Diptera: Culiadae) and Vegetation Cover Following Culvert Removal
    Turner, P.A.(REFJ0000367)
  32. Community Dynamics of Free-living Nematodes in some Tropical Mangrove and Sandflat Habitats
    Alongi, D.M.(REFJ0000374)
  33. Criconemalla Avicenniae n.sp. (Nematode: Criconematidae) and Enchodelus Coomansi n.sp. (Nematoda: Nordiidae) Associated with the roots of the mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk) Vierh
    Nicholas, W.l.(REFJ0000381)
  34. Coastal plants of New South Wales
    Clark, P.J.(REFJ0000386)
  35. Conservation status of brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) communities in Queensland
    Sattler, P.S.(REFJ0000391)
  36. Commentary of the New Zealand Coastal policy statement
    Nugent, D.(REFJ0000414)
  37. Corals and coral reefs and mangroves (Teachers Guide)
    Musso, B.(REFJ0000422)
  38. Characteristiques fonctionnelles de l'ichtyofaune des mangroves de Nouvelle-Caledonie
    Thollot, P.(REFJ0000438)
  39. Coastal survey of Guam
    Randall, R.H.(REFJ0000468)
  40. Coastal flowers of the tropical Pacific, A guide to widespread seashore plants of the Pacific Islands
    Whistler, W.A.(REFJ0000475)
  41. Coastal changes produced by tropical cyclone Althea in Queensland, December 1971
    Hopley, D.(REFJ0000521)
  42. Cairns Wetlands - Preliminary Report
    Graham, M.(REFJ0000538)
  43. Chemical Composition of Australian Mangroves III, Free Amino Acids, Total Methylated Onium Compounds and Total Nitrogen
    Popp, M.(REFJ0000614)
  44. Composition and Geographic Distribution of Mangrove Macroalgal Communities in New South Wales
    King, R.J.(REFJ0000631)
  45. Carbon export from mangroves
    Boto, K.G.(REFJ0000660)
  46. Cytogenetics and reproductive biology of mangroves of Fiji
    Tyagi, A.P.(REFJ0000748)
  47. Coastal land resources- Mangroves
    Saenger, P.(REFJ0000762)
  48. Coastal wetlands of New South Wales
    Adam, P.(REFJ0000789)
  49. Carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange in the White Mangrove
    Attiwill, P.M.(REFJ0000793)
  50. Community structure and zoogeographic affinities of the coastal fishes of the Dampier region of North-western Australia
    Blaber, S.J.M.(REFJ0000799)

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