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  1. Changes in gas exchange characteristics and water use efficiency of mangroves in response to salinity and Vapour pressure deficit
    Clough, B.F.(REFJ0000813)
  2. Comparative gas exchange characteristics of three mangrove species during the winter
    Moore, R.T.(REFJ0000846)
  3. Characteristics of mangrove soils in relation to their agricultural land use potential
    Moormann, F.R.(REFJ0000848)
  4. Conservation or conversion of mangrove ecosystem in Fiji
    Lal, P.N.(REFJ0000881)
  5. Conservation and protected areas in the South Pacific islands: The importance of tradition
    Carew-Reid, J.(REFJ0000893)
  6. Community based and multiple use of protected areas: A model to select and manage protected areas with lessons from the Pacific islands
    Gilman, E.L.(REFJ0000901)
  7. Change to women's roles in fisheries development in Fiji
    Ram-Bidesi, V.(REFJ0000911)
  8. Country report Fiji
    Swarup, R.(REFJ0000919)
  9. Coastal resources development options in the South-East Asia and Pacific regions: Economic valuation methodologies and applications in mangrove development
    Thurairaja, V.(REFJ0000920)
  10. Country Report: Mangrove forests in the Federated States of Micronesia
    Devoe, N.N.(REFJ0001031)
  11. Climate change, sea-level rise impacts on mangrove ecosystems
    Ellison, J.C.(REFJ0001060)
  12. Coastal wetland resources of the Bowen region: cape upstart to Gloucester Island
    Bruinsma, C.(REFJ0001082)
  13. Coastal wetlands resources investigation of the Burdekin Delta for declaration as fisheries reserves: report to ocean rescue 2000.
    Danaher, K.(REFJ0001084)
  14. Case study of a traditional marine management system: sasa village, Macuata Province, Fiji
    Fong, G.M.(REFJ0001092)
  15. Country report of Fiji on the economic and environmental value of mangrove forest and present state of conservation
    Jaffer, M.(REFJ0001093)
  16. Country report on mangrove ecosystem of the Republic of Fiji
    Jaffer, M.(REFJ0001094)
  17. Conservation or reclamation: economics and ecological interactions within the mangrove ecosystem in Fiji
    Lal, N.P.(REFJ0001097)
  18. Coastal environments in the South Pacific
    King, M.(REFJ1100009)
  19. Coasts of Pacific Islands
    Sherwood, A.(REFJ1100046)
  20. Chromosal pairing and pollen viability in Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora stylosa hybrids
    Tyagi Anand, P.(REFJ1100049)
  21. Climate change in the South Pacific; impacts and reponses in Australia, New Zealand and small island states.
    Gillespies, A. (ed.)(REFJ1100069)
  22. Communication mer-lagune: impact d'une reouverture sur l'ichtyofaune de la lagune Ebrie (Cote d'Ivoire)
    Albaret, J.J.(REGH1000008)
  23. Comparaison d'un estuaire et d'un bras de mer en Guinee: abondance et richesse specifique de l'ichtyofaune.
    Baran, E.(REGH1000014)
  24. Comparaison des ichtyofaunes estuariennes du Senegal, de Gambie et de Guinee
    Baran, E.(REGH1000015)
  25. Changes in intertidal and shallow-water communities of the south and west coasts of South Africa during the 1982/1983 temperature anomaly
    Branch, G.M.(REGH1000033)
  26. Catch efficiencies of purse and beach seines in Ivory Coast lagoons
    Charles-Dominique, E.(REGH1000035)
  27. Coastal lagoons and estuaries as an environment for nekton
    Day, J.W.(REGH1000047)
  28. Comparisons between the roles played by estuaries in the life cycles of fishes in temperate Western Australia and Southern Africa
    Potter, I(REGH1000084)
  29. Contribution a l'etude de l'environnement et de la dynamique des mangroves de Guinee: donnees de terrain et apport de la teledection
    Bertrand, F.(REGH1000109)
  30. Conserving the mangrove forest of the Niger Delta
    Kinako, P.D.S.(REGH1000124)
  31. Construction of fish ponds in the mangrove swamps of the Niger Delta
    Wokoma, S.A. (REGH1000138)
  32. Contribution a l'etude botanique et ecologique des mangroves de l'estuarie du Cameroun
    Din, N.(REGH1000143)
  33. Contribution a l'etude des mangroves du Senegal et de la Gambie. Ecologie - pedologie - geochimie - mise en valeur amenagement.
    Marius, C.(REGH1000150)
  34. Compte rendu de mission sur les mangrove de Gambie
    Degeorges, P.A. (REGH1000177)
  35. Coastal Resources and Management Systems Influenced by Conflict and Migration: Mecufi, Mozambique
    Bryceson, I.(REGH1000197)
  36. Coastal communities in Tanzania and their mangrove environment
    Mitzlaff, U.V.(REGH1000203)
  37. Carbon, nitrogen contents and stable isotope abundance in mangrove leaves from an east African Coastal Lagoon (Kenya)
    Rao, R.G.(REGH1000207)
  38. Coastal mangement in Eastern Africa: Status and Future
    Shah, N.J.(REGH1000225)
  39. Conserving the mangrove forest of the Niger Delta, West Africa
    Kinako, P.D.S.(REGH1000242)
  40. Crabs, pests of rice in the tidal mangrove swamps of Sierra Leone
    Agyen-Sampong, M.(REGH1000268)
  41. Contribution a l'etude des variatons quantitative et qualitative de la production de crevettes en fonction de la salinite dans l'estuaire de la Casamance
    Le Reste, L.(REGH1000307)
  42. Contribution de la télédétection à l'etude de l'évolution des paysages de mangroves de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
    Moreau, N.(REGH1000321)
  43. Contribution à l'étude géographique des espaces aquatiques:la Casamance
    Cormier, M.C.(REGH1000324)
  44. Cristaux d'hydroxyde d'aluminium néoformes dans les sédiments actuels des mangroves du Sénégal (Sine-Saloum et Casamance)
    Gouleau, D.(REGH1000337)
  45. Continuité des paléofacies palynologiques et physicochimques de sédiments récents en milieu de mangrove au Sénégal
    Tissot, C.(REGH1000340)
  46. Contribution à l'étude du cycle du soufre dans les sols de mangrove: ses rapports avec l'acidification naturelle ou provoquée
    Vieillefon, J.(REGH1000343)
  47. Caractérisation des formes du soufre dans les sols de mangrove : mise en évidence d'une fraction liée à la matière organique
    Vieillefon, J.(REGH1000347)
  48. Contribution à l'étude de la pédogenese dans le domaine fluvio-marin en climat tropical d'Afrique de l'Ouest:importance du comportement géochimique du soufre dans l'aquisition et le développement des caractéres pédologiques
    Vieillefon, J(REGH1000348)
  49. Cartographie des mangroves: exemple de la vallée de Bignona (Casamance-Sénégal)
    Aubrun, A.(REGH1000361)
  50. Contribution aux possibilités de sylviculture et d'amenagement des mangroves du Sud-Ouest du Sénégal et de la Gambie
    Ndiaye, A.(REGH1000384)

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