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  1. Effects of salinity on biomarker responses in Crassostrea rhizophorae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) exposed to diesel oil
    Da Silva, A.Z.(REBR1002557)
  2. Ecological monitoring and biodiversity surveys at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's at Bocas del Toro, Research Station
    Collin, R.(REBR1002580)
  3. Ecologia liquenica nos manguezais do sul-sudeste brasileiro
    Pinto, M.M.(REBR1002603)
  4. Effects of the exotic Brazilian pepper in a Florida mangrove ecosystem
    Donnely, M.J.(REBR1002615)
  5. Evolutionary relationships of Mycaureola dilseae (Agaricales), a basidomycete pathogen of a subtidal rhodophyte
    Binder, M.(REBR1002629)
  6. Effect of key deer herbivory on forest communities in the lower Florida Keys
    Barret, M.A.(REBR1002631)
  7. Evaluation of culture enclosures for the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophhorae suspended from raft and long-line systems
    Lodeiros, C.(REBR1002657)
  8. ET743: Chemical analyses of the sea squirt Ecteinascidia turbinata
    Manning, T.(REBR1002658)
  9. Effects of sand characteristics and innundation on the hatching success of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) cluches on low-reef mangrove islands in southwest Florida
    Foley, A.M.(REBR1002666)
  10. Early post-hurricane stand development in fringe mangrove forests of contrasting productivity
    Ross, M.S.(REBR1002670)
  11. Ectoenzyme kinetics in Florida Bay; Implications for bacterial carbon source and nutrient status
    Williams, C.J.(REBR1002683)
  12. Evaluating the relative contributions of hydroperiod and soil fertility on growth of South Florida Mangroves
    Hajje, N.(REBR1002687)
  13. Effect of ultraviolet-B radiation on salt march vegetation: Trends of the genus Salicornia along the Americas
    Costa, C.S.B.(REBR1002713)
  14. Escala de maturidade gonadal para Lucina pectinata (Gmelin, 1791) (Molusca, Bivalvia) n manguezal de Garapuá (Cairu, BA)
    Pires-Santos, F.(REBR1002727)
  15. Estrutura populaciona de uca rapx (Smith) (Crustacea, Decapado, Ocypodidae) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
    Bede, L.M.(REBR1002736)
  16. Efeitos do impacto ambiental em Aratus pisoni no manguezal de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro Brasil
    Souza, N.P.S.(REBR1002737)
  17. Estrutura populaciona de Armases rubripes (rathbun 1897) (Crustacea, Decapado, Sesarmidae) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
    Soares, M.R.S.(REBR1002738)
  18. Estructura y com´posición de la comunidad de manglar en Isla barú, Bolívar-Colombia
    Correa, V.A.(REBR1002754)
  19. Eficiencia de trampas en la colecta de poliquetos asociados a planos lodosos de manglar
    Lopes de mesa, L.A.(REBR1002758)
  20. Evaluacion de las relaciones ecologicas entre manglar y producion secundaria en una laguna costera tropical
    Mancera, P.J.E.(REBR1002759)
  21. Esponjas de substrato incosolidado da Baia de Cumamu e cercanias:Resultados Preliminares
    Peixinho, S.(REBR1002760)
  22. Effect of natural rubber on wood-reinforced tannin composites
    Mosiewicki, M.A.(REBR1002777)
  23. Effects of recreational angling on the post-release behavior and predation of bonefish (Albula vulpes):The role of equilibrium status and the time of release
    Danylchuck, S.E.(REBR1002783)
  24. Estudio tecnologico de la madera en tres especies de mangle
    Servicio Forestal Nacional; Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica).(REBR1100003)
  25. Evolution des littoraux de Guyane et de la zone Caraibe meridionale pendant le quaternaire
    Prost, M.T. (REBR1100004)
  26. Etude comparee de l'effet de differents niveaux d'eau sur le taux de reprise des propagules du manglier rouge (Rhizophora mangle) et la croissance en hauteur des plantules a "etang saumatre"
    Florvil, A. (REBR1100005)
  27. Ecologia de los manglares
    Menendez Carrera, L.(REBR1100014)
  28. Evaluacion preliminar del impacto ecologo-paisajistico en el area de estudio: zona del Guanal, provincia Pinar del Rio
    Priego Santander, A.G.(REBR1100018)
  29. Estudio de la poblacion y potencial para el cultivo de Anadara tuberculosa en los manglares de la reserva forestal Sierpe-Terraba, Costa Rica
    Campos, M.J.A.(REBR1100026)
  30. El Manglar del parque Nacional Natural Isla de Salamanca: verdadera crisis ecologica?
    Bohorquez, R.C.A. (REBR1100028)
  31. Experiments in mangrove oyster culture (Crassostrea rhizophorae)
    Nikolic, M.(REBR1100046)
  32. El ostion del mangle crassostrea rhizophorae guilding 1828 (algunas observaciones sobre susdimensiones, pesos y sexos)
    Soroa Bofill, J.(REBR1100052)
  33. Explotacion forestal del manglar. Introduccion de tecnologia mecanizada
    Poussin Molinet, E.(REBR1100053)
  34. Environmental South Australia catchment to coast Part 2: Land degradation of urban water users sustainable farming ecological tapestries Murray-Darling basin irrigation management trip through a mangrove forest
    Conservation Council of South Australia Inc.(REFJ0000012)
  35. Ecological economic analysis of the mangrove conservation. A case study from Fiji
    Lal, P. N.(REFJ0000038)
  36. Ecology of mangroves
    Hutchings, P.(REFJ0000054)
  37. Environmental implications of coastal development in Fiji
    Lal, P.N.(REFJ0000092)
  38. Ecology of the Tidal Forests in the Kikori - Romily Sound Area, Gulf of Papua
    Floyd, A. G.(REFJ0000108)
  39. Effects of seed predators and light level on the distribution of Avicennia marina (Forsk). Vierh. in tropical, tidal forests
    Smith, T.J.(REFJ0000142)
  40. Estuarine and mangrove shorelines
    Wilder, M. J.(REFJ0000148)
  41. Effect of exported mangrove litter on bacterial productivity and dissolved organic carbon fluxes in adjacent tropical nearshore sediments
    Alongi, D.M.(REFJ0000153)
  42. Ecological interactions between tropical coastal ecosystems
    Birkeland, C.(REFJ0000159)
  43. Etude du peuplement de poissons dans les lagunes des mangroves de Guadeloupe (Antillles Francaises)
    Louis, M.(REFJ0000184)
  44. Ecology of sea grasses in estuaries
    Dennison, W.C.(REFJ0000231)
  45. Economics and the value of coastal wetlands, Queensland Department of Primary Industries
    Blamey, R.(REFJ0000251)
  46. Ecological role of Grapsid Crabs in mangrove ecosystems: A Review
    Lee, S.Y.(REFJ0000284)
  47. Etude de l' ichtyofaune de la mangrove de Bourake (Nouvelle Caledonie)
    Abrard, R.(REFJ0000298)
  48. Etude de l' ichtyofaune des mangrove de deux ilots du lagon sud-ouest de la Nouvelle Caledonie (Puen et Le Preedour)
    Abrard, R.(REFJ0000299)
  49. Environment: Nouvelle Caledonia
    Marion, D.(REFJ0000325)
  50. Erosion, transport et sedimentation lies aux cyclones tropicaux dans les massifs d'ultrabayites de Nouvelle - Caledonnie. Premiere approche du bilan general de l'alteration, de l'erosion et de la sedimentation sur periodotite en zone tropicale
    Baltzer, F.(REFJ0000333)

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