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  1. Essais d'ostreiculture des huitres locales
    Bourret, P.B.(REFJ0000334)
  2. El genero Nypa (Palmae) en el Eoceno de la depression central catalana
    Biosca, J.P.(REFJ0000349)
  3. Estimating Clearance of Acacia-dominated Ecosystems in Central Queensland Using Land System Mapping Data
    Freshman, R.J.(REFJ0000390)
  4. Environmental Effects of Canopy Gap Formation in High Rainfall Mangrove Forests
    Katherine, C.(REFJ0000394)
  5. Ecophysiology of mangroves
    Ball, M.C.(REFJ0000395)
  6. Effect of Tannins on the Palatability of Mangrove Leaves to the Tropical Sesarminid Crab Neosarmatium smithi
    Neilson, M.J.(REFJ0000408)
  7. Ecological observations on Melarapha (Littorinopsis) scabra (Linnaeus) inhabiting the mangrove tree
    Aba, N.(REFJ0000444)
  8. Environmental factors affecting the growth and establishment of Avicennia marina in Western Port Bay
    Ministry of Conservation(REFJ0000546)
  9. Effects of salinty and nitrogen on growth and water relations in the mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk) Vierh.
    Naidoa, G.(REFJ0000623)
  10. Ecophysiological Studies on Six Species of the Mangrove Red Algal Genus Caloglossa
    Karsten, V.(REFJ0000645)
  11. Evidence of recent mangrove decline from an archaelogical site in Western Australia
    Kendrick, G.W.(REFJ0000653)
  12. Ecology of mangroves of Port Curtis: Regional biogeography, productivity and demography
    Saenger, P.(REFJ0000777)
  13. Establishment of mangrove seedlings in regulation to salinity
    Ball, M.C.(REFJ0000796)
  14. Epibenthos of mangrove waterways and open embayments: Community structure and relationship between exported mangrove detritus and epifaunal standing stocks
    Daniel, P.A.(REFJ0000823)
  15. Effects of oil spills on macro-invertebrates of salt marshes and mangrove forests in Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia
    McGuinness, K.A.(REFJ0000840)
  16. Effects of flooding on leaf water potential and stomatal resistance in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam.
    Naidoo, G.(REFJ0000852)
  17. Effects of waterlogging and salinity on plant-water relations and on the accumulation of solutes in three mangrove species
    Naidoo, G.(REFJ0000853)
  18. Electron microscopic structure and oxygen evolution activity of thylakoids from Avicennia marina prepared under different osmotic and ionic conditions
    Preston, C.(REFJ0000855)
  19. Effects of burrowing crabs on the topography of mangrove swamps in New South Wales
    Warren, J.H.(REFJ0000873)
  20. Evaluation of mangrove ecosystem: A comparison of the non-market approach officially adopted in Fiji with the incomes approach
    Lal, P.N.(REFJ0000883)
  21. Economic value of wetlands systems
    Faber, S. (REFJ0000900)
  22. Environment Fiji - The national state of the environment report
    Watling, D.(REFJ0000923)
  23. Evidence that abaxial leaf glands are the sites of salt secretion in leaves of the mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh
    Fitzgerald, M.A.(REFJ0000965)
  24. Exploring the wetlands
  25. Ecological studies on the freshwater fishes of the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory. Volume Synecology
    Bishop, K.A.(REFJ0001005)
  26. Ecology of Ohiwa Harbour
    Larcombe, M.F.(REFJ0001047)
  27. Effects of oil and dispersed oil on nature mangroves in field trials at Gladstone, Australia
    Duke, N.C.(REFJ0001048)
  28. Effects of movement of some fishes within an estuary in tropical Australia
    Sheaves, M.J.(REFJ0001067)
  29. Evaluation of mangrove rehabilitation in sub-tropical and temperate Australia
    Latif, M.Md.A.(REFJ1100001)
  30. Environmental aspects of the (forest) sector
    Watling, D.(REFJ1100008)
  31. Empowerment and the Challengers of involving local communities.
    Veitayaki, J.(REFJ1100064)
  32. Economic valuation of mangroves and decision-making in the Pacific.
    Lal, P.(REFJ1100066)
  33. Effects of sea-level rise on island mangrove swamps.
    Ellison, C.J.(REFJ1100093)
  34. Etude des Poissons benthiques du plateau continental Congolais
    Baudin Laurencin, F.(REGH1000016)
  35. Estuarine fishes
    Day, J.H.(REGH1000046)
  36. Ecology of coastal and estuarine fishes in Southeast Asia: a Phillippine case study
    Pauly, D.(REGH1000079)
  37. Etude sedimentologique des milieux de mangrove du Benin occidental (Afrique de l'Ouest).
    Gaillard, M.(REGH1000146)
  38. Ecologie des mangroves du Senegal
    Marius, C.(REGH1000149)
  39. Evolution geochemique et exemple d'amenagement des mangroves au Senegal (Casamance).
    Marius, C.(REGH1000151)
  40. Ecology and chemical composition of commercially important molluscs and crabs of the Niger Delta
    Deekea, S.N. (REGH1000168)
  41. Evolution des zones a mangroves du Senegal au Quaternaire recent: Etudes geologiques et geochimiques
    Kalck, Y. (REGH1000173)
  42. Endangered mangrove systems. The case of the Kunduchi and Mbweni mangrove forests
    Banyikwa, F.F. (REGH1000175)
  43. Environmental impacts of saltwork and aquaculture development on ecosystem at Ngomeni, Kenya
    Karanja, F.K.(REGH1000196)
  44. Evaluation of the socio-economic importance of mangroves located in the East of the estuary of the River Volta
    John Macpherson Ocansey(REGH1000217)
  45. Ecological studies of tropical coastlines. 1.The Gold Coast, West Africa
    Boughey, A.S.(REGH1000234)
  46. Ecology of Southern African estuaries. 11. Managazara- mangrove estuary in Transkei.
    Branch, G.M.(REGH1000246)
  47. Estuarine fishes of West Africa
    Pillay, T.N.R.(REGH1000265)
  48. Ecology of Gastropoda in a South African mangrove swamp
    Brown, D.S.(REGH1000269)
  49. Ecological zonation of the hypersaline estuary of the Casamance river (Senegal): Foraminifera, Zooplancton and abiotic variables
    Debeanay, J.P.(REGH1000292)
  50. Ecophysiological and kinetic characteristics of denitrifying bacteria isolated from anoxic hypolimnion of a stratified bay of Ebrie lagoon (Cote D'Ivoire)
    Esnault, G.(REGH1000297)

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