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- Contribution of a medium size tropical river to the particular heavy-metal load for the South Atlantic Ocean
Carvalho, C.E.V.(REBR1001897)
- Carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus fluxes in the coastal zone: the LOICZ approach to global assessment and scaling issues with available data
Smith, S.V.(REBR1001925)
- Código de melhores práticas de manejo para a aquicultura
Queiroz, J.F.(REBR1001975)
- Comparative evidence that salt marshes and mangroves may protect seagrass meadows from land-derived nitrogen loads
Valiela, I.(REBR1001981)
- Contribuição ao estudo geomorfológico-sedimentológico do litoral de Beberibe (Ceará-Brasil)
Morais, J.O.(REBR1001991)
- contribuição ao estudo da biologia do caranguejo-uça Ucides cordatus cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachiura) no manguezal do Rio Ceará (Brasil)
Alcantara-Filho, P.(REBR1001996)
- Cultivo experimental de Mytella falcata (Orbigny, 1846) e M. guayanensis (Lamarck, 1819), no estuário do Rio Piraquê-Açu (Aracruz, ES)
Costa, K.G.(REBR1002014)
- Coastal change and the Anthropocene
- Concentrations of selected trace metals (Cu, Pb,Zn), organochlorines (PCB's, HCB) and total PAHs in mangrove oysters from the Pacific Coast of Mexico: an overview
Alves, S.R.(REBR1002041)
- Clean Coastal Waters: Understanding and Reducing the Effects of Nutrient Pollution
Committee on the Causes and Managment of Coastal Eutrophication(REBR1002042)
- Crustacea Decapoda of the Paripe River Estuary, Pernambuco, Brazil
Coelho dos Santos, M.A.(REBR1002048)
- Chrysophycean stomatocysts in a Caribbean mangrove
Rull, V.(REBR1002051)
- Caribbean Basins: LOICZ Global change assessment and synthesis of river catchment/Island-coastal sea interaction and human dimensions: with a desktop study of Oceania Basins
Kjerfve, B.(REBR1002070)
- Cracas invasoras do litoral brasileiro
Apolinario, M.(REBR1002097)
- Changes in structures and protein binding ability of condensed tannins during decomposition of fresh needles and leaves
Maie, N.(REBR1002115)
- Carbon and carbonate metabolism in coastal aquatic ecosystems
Gattuzo, J-P.(REBR1002127)
- Complexity, the spice of life
Beaton, P.(REBR1002136)
- Cloning and detection of metallothionein mRNA by RT-PCR in mangrove oysters
Rebelo, M.F.(REBR1002139)
- Concentration and distribution of heavy metals in tissues of wild and farmed shrimp Penaeus vannamei from North-West coast of Mexico
Páes-Ozuma, F.(REBR1002150)
- Corrected western Atlantic sea-level curve for the last 11,000 years based on calibrated 14C dates from Acropora palmata framework and intertidam mangrove peat
Toscano, M.A.(REBR1002158)
- Chemical and physical properties of shrimp pond bottom soils in Ecuador
Sonnenholzner, S.(REBR1002164)
- Checklist of marine algae and sea grasses from the ponds of Pelican Cays, Belize
Littler, D.S.(REBR1002190)
- Caracterização hidroquímica, distribuição e especiação de mercúrio nos estuarios dos rios Ceará e Pacotí, Região metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
Marins, R.V.(REBR1002195)
- Changes in invertebrate taxa at two pre-Columbian sites in southwester Jamaica, AD 800-1500
Keegan, W.F.(REBR1002198)
- Concentração de emtais-traço em sedimentos de superfície do estuário Santos-Cubatão (SP) e seu comportamento sazonal
Luiz-Silva, W(REBR1002210)
- Comparação da produção de serrapilheira de dois bosques de mangue com diferentes paddõres estruturais na Península Bragantina, Bragança, Pará
Farias, A.S.C.(REBR1002233)
- Caracterização estrutural e sedimentar do manguezal do Rio Paráiba do Sul, REJ, Resultados preliminares
Santos, D.O.(REBR1002241)
- Carbon-water flux ratio of amangrove ecosystem at Bragança, PA
Costa, J.M.N.(REBR1002247)
- Coletores artificiais para obtenção de turus (Bivalvia, Teredinidae)
Santos, S.M.L.(REBR1002258)
- Comparing endemism and habitat restriction in mesoamerican tropical deciduous forest birds: implications for biodiversity conservation planning
Gordon, C.E.(REBR1002277)
- Control of Avicennia germinans recruitment and survival by Junonia evarete larvae in a disturbed mangrove forest in Colombia
Elster, C.(REBR1002288)
- Coastal classification: systematic approaches to consider in the development of a comprehensive scheme
Finkl, C.W.(REBR1002292)
- Comparative analysis of the relative growth of Uca pugnax (Smith) (Crustacea, Ocypodidae), from two mangroves in São paulo, Brazil)
Castiglioni, D.S.(REBR1002293)
- Coupling between sedimentary dynamics, early diagenetic processes, and biogeochmical cycling in the Amazon-guianas mobile mud belt: coastal French Guiana
Aller, R.C.(REBR1002334)
- Cyanobacteria - a neglected component of biodiversity: patterns of species diversity in inland marshes of norhtern Belize (Central America)
Rejmankova, E.(REBR1002356)
- Calidad de los sedimentos superficiales de la ensenada grande del Obispo, Estado de Sucre - Venezuela
Bonilla, J.(REBR1002368)
- Cysts and symbionts of Staurojoenina assimilis Kirby from Neotermes
Dolan, M.F.(REBR1002397)
- Canopy gaps formed by mangrove trimming: an experimental test of impact on litter fall and standing stock in Southeast Florida (USA)
Ellis, W.L.(REBR1002399)
- Coliformes fecais em ostras Crassostrea rhizophorae
Silva, A.I.(REBR1002402)
- Catching some needed attention
Watson, R.(REBR1002426)
- Comments on Corrected western Atlantic sea-level curve for the last 11,000 years based on calibrated 14C dates from Acropora palmata framework and intertidal mangrove peat
Blanchon, P.(REBR1002431)
- Characterization of microsatellite markers for the mangrove tree Avicennia germinans L. (Avicenniaceae)
Nettel, A.(REBR1002435)
- Coastal wetland habitat dynamics in selected New South Wales estuaries
Wilton, K.(REBR1002443)
- Comparative population dynamics of four fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, genus Uca) from a North Brazilian mangrove
Kock, V.(REBR1002513)
- Composição do microfitoplancton no sistema estuarino de Barra de Janguadas (Jaboatão dos Guararapes -= pernambuco- Brasil)
Feitosa, F.A.N.(REBR1002521)
- Changes in mass and nutrient content of wood during decomposition in south Florida mangrove forest
Romero, L.M.(REBR1002532)
- Census, distribution and conservation status of Roseate spoonbill (Plataka ajaja) in the Guayaquil Gulf Estuary
Alava, J.J.(REBR1002533)
- Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene
Crossland, C.J.(REBR1002549)
- Check List 1994-2003: papers published along the last 10 years about Icthyology and fishery at the Guaratuba Bay and its adjacent continetal shelf zone, Southeastern Brazil
Chaves, P.T.(REBR1002551)
- Cage polyculture of the Pacific white shrimp Litopennaeus vannamei and the Phillipines seaweed kappaphycus alvarezii
Lombardi, J.V.(REBR1002555)
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