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- Common sponges from shallow marine habitats from Bocas del Toro Region, Panama
Diaz, M.C.(REBR1002572)
- Contribution to the feeding ecology of the predatory wingfin anchovy Pterengraulis atherinoides (L.) in north Brazilian mangrove creeks
Krumme, U.(REBR1002577)
- Coastal wetlands of the northern Gulf of California; inventory and conservation status
Glenn, E.P.(REBR1002591)
- Composição e abundância de caranguejos (Decapoda, Brachyiura) nas regiões de Ubatuba e Caraguatatuba, litoral norte paulista, Brasil
Braga, A.A.(REBR1002601)
- Connectivity of reef fish between mangroves and coral reefs: Algorithms for the design of marine reserves at seascape scales
Mumby, P.J.(REBR1002611)
- Capabilities of a forest coherent scattering model applied to radiometry, interferometry, and polarimetry at P- and L-band
Thirion, L.(REBR1002638)
- Concentration, stock and transport rate of heavy metals in a tropical red mangrove, Natal, Brazil
Silva, C.A.R.(REBR1002643)
- COX-2 and sPLA(2) inhibitory activity of aqueous extracts and polyophenols of Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove)
Marrero, E.(REBR1002659)
- Climate change and population history in the Pacific lowlands of Southern mesoamerica
Neff, H.(REBR1002662)
- Coral reefs and mangroves; Implications from the tsunami one year on
Wells, S.(REBR1002663)
- Composição da fauna de caranguejos do manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Oliveira, L.M.S.(REBR1002730)
- Caracterização do mangue da praia gorda, Armação dos Búzios, Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Oliveira, A.E.S.(REBR1002757)
- Comparação da estrutura populacional de Aratus pisonii (H. Milne-edwards, 1837) em quatro manguezais do Municipio de Francisco do Conde, BA
Oliveira, R.G.(REBR1002767)
- Changes in biomass, chemical composition and nutritive value of Spartina alterniflora due to organic pollution in the Itanhaém river basin
Biudes, J.F.V.(REBR1002798)
- Conchas de Moluscos no Artesanato Cearense
Farias, M.F.(REBR1002800)
- Consultor en utilizacion industrial del mangle: informe de mision
Chong, P.W. (REBR1100024)
- Coastal ecological systems of the United States
Odum, H.T. (REBR1100051)
- Country report on the mangrove ecosystem of Papua New Guinea
Unua, W.B.O.(REFJ0000034)
- Channel Island field study
Micheal, M.(REFJ0000036)
- Coastal fisheries and the management of mangrove resources in Fiji
Lal, P.N.(REFJ0000178)
- Contribution a l etude des peuplements ichtyologiques dans les mangroves de Guadeloupe (Antilles Francaises)
Louis, M.(REFJ0000183)
- Community structure, density and standing crop of fishes in a subtropical Australian mangrove area
Morton, R.M.(REFJ0000188)
- Coasts and tidal wetlands of the Australian monsoon region. Mangrove Monograph No.1
Bardsley, K.N.(REFJ0000250)
- Coastal management in Northern Australia. Mangrove Monograph No.2
Davie, J.D.(REFJ0000258)
- Carte sedimentologigue et carte du lagon de Nouvelle - Caledonie a 1/50,000 feuille Noumea
Dugas, F.(REFJ0000285)
- Cartographie thematique des mangroves du littoral sud - ouest de Nouvelle - Caledonie
Abrard, R.(REFJ0000301)
- Contribution des donnees satellitaires a la connaissance des resources halieutiques cotieres: les poissons de mangrove du lagon sud ouest de Nouvelle Caledonie
Thollot, P.(REFJ0000302)
- Coastal and coral reefs studies in New Caledonia, using SPOT images, for environment and management monitoring
Bour William(REFJ0000321)
- Conservation of the marine life of mangrove swamps, estuaries and coastal swamps
Harrison, G.G.T.(REFJ0000328)
- Crocodiles of Palau Islands (in Japanese)
Kimura, W.(REFJ0000361)
- Changes in Productivity of the Saltmarsh Mosquito, Aedos vigilax (Diptera: Culiadae) and Vegetation Cover Following Culvert Removal
Turner, P.A.(REFJ0000367)
- Community Dynamics of Free-living Nematodes in some Tropical Mangrove and Sandflat Habitats
Alongi, D.M.(REFJ0000374)
- Criconemalla Avicenniae n.sp. (Nematode: Criconematidae) and Enchodelus Coomansi n.sp. (Nematoda: Nordiidae) Associated with the roots of the mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk) Vierh
Nicholas, W.l.(REFJ0000381)
- Coastal plants of New South Wales
Clark, P.J.(REFJ0000386)
- Conservation status of brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) communities in Queensland
Sattler, P.S.(REFJ0000391)
- Commentary of the New Zealand Coastal policy statement
Nugent, D.(REFJ0000414)
- Corals and coral reefs and mangroves (Teachers Guide)
Musso, B.(REFJ0000422)
- Characteristiques fonctionnelles de l'ichtyofaune des mangroves de Nouvelle-Caledonie
Thollot, P.(REFJ0000438)
- Coastal survey of Guam
Randall, R.H.(REFJ0000468)
- Coastal flowers of the tropical Pacific, A guide to widespread seashore plants of the Pacific Islands
Whistler, W.A.(REFJ0000475)
- Coastal changes produced by tropical cyclone Althea in Queensland, December 1971
Hopley, D.(REFJ0000521)
- Cairns Wetlands - Preliminary Report
Graham, M.(REFJ0000538)
- Chemical Composition of Australian Mangroves III, Free Amino Acids, Total Methylated Onium Compounds and Total Nitrogen
Popp, M.(REFJ0000614)
- Composition and Geographic Distribution of Mangrove Macroalgal Communities in New South Wales
King, R.J.(REFJ0000631)
- Carbon export from mangroves
Boto, K.G.(REFJ0000660)
- Cytogenetics and reproductive biology of mangroves of Fiji
Tyagi, A.P.(REFJ0000748)
- Coastal land resources- Mangroves
Saenger, P.(REFJ0000762)
- Coastal wetlands of New South Wales
Adam, P.(REFJ0000789)
- Carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange in the White Mangrove
Attiwill, P.M.(REFJ0000793)
- Community structure and zoogeographic affinities of the coastal fishes of the Dampier region of North-western Australia
Blaber, S.J.M.(REFJ0000799)
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