Search pattern :reference -> F
Matches (1 - 50 of 268)
- Foliage and soil nutrients in Rhizophora apiculata Bl. stands
Srivastava, P.B.L.(REBR1000030)
- Fundamentos de Limnologia
Esteves, F.A.(REBR1000038)
- Fungi associated with the roots of red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle
Lee, B.K.H.(REBR1000136)
- Facultative mutualism between red mangrove and root-fouling sponges in Belizean mangal
Ellison, A.M.(REBR1000158)
- Floating, rooting and growth of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) seedlings: Effects on expansion of mangroves in southwestern Puerto Rico
Banus, M.D.(REBR1000171)
- First appraisal on releasing and reinvasion of decapode larvae in a subtropical estuary from Brazil
Negreiros-Fransozo, M.L.(REBR1000174)
- Fitogeografia geral do Estado do Parana
Stellfeld, C.(REBR1000247)
- Factors influencing the variability of Mg, Ca, K in waters of a mangrove creek in Braganca, North Brazil
Cohen, M.C.L.(REBR1000277)
- Field and model studies of the fate of particulate carbon in mangrove-fringed in Hinchinbrook Channel, Australia
Wolanski, E.(REBR1000364)
- Forest structure and biomass distribution in a red mangrove stand in Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro
Silva, C.A.R.(REBR1000428)
- Fishery production, anthropogenic and natural stress in Conceicao Lagoon, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Sierra De L.(REBR1000489)
- Fontes de energia auxiliar no ecossistema do manguezal de Itacorub*, Ilha de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Ledo, B.S.(REBR1000503)
- Fluxos de mares e interferencias antropogenicas dinamica, no espaco funcional de um manguezal naturalmente estressado. Estudo de caso
Soriano-Sierra, E.J.(REBR1000511)
- Field measurements of gas exchange in Avicennia marina and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Naidoo, G.(REBR1000522)
- Flora marinha do litoral norte do Estado de Sao Paulo e regioes circunvizinhas
Joly, A.B.(REBR1000555)
- Free-living/attached bacteria ratio in the Cananéia estuary (25 \SYMBOL 176 \f "Symbol" S - 48 \SYMBOL 176 \f "Symbol" W) Brazil
Mesquita, H. de S.L.(REBR1000572)
- Ferro e manganês em folhas de mangue em decomposição no estuário de Cananéia, SP
Schmidt, G.(REBR1000605)
- Fish eggs and larval survey of Cananéia estuary, São Paulo, Brazil
Sinque, C. (REBR1000612)
- Fitoplâncton da região lagunar de Cananéia: estudos ecológicos e interações com fatores climátológicos e hidrológicos
Tundisi, J.G.(REBR1000626)
- Fluxos de mare e interferencias antropogenicas a hidrodinamica no interior de um manguezal naturalmente estressado
Soriano-Sierrra, E.J.(REBR1000639)
- Fundamentals for a preliminary ecological model of the Terminos Lagoon
Soberon-Chaves, G.(REBR1000836)
- Folclore na Regiao do Salgado, Para
Andrade, J.(REBR1000845)
- Factores affecting the hydrochemistry of a mangrove tidal creek, Sepetiba Bay, Brazil
Ovalle, A.R.C(REBR1000846)
- Fauna vagil associada a paineis experimentais no complexo estuarino-lagunar Mundau/Manguaba, Alagoas, Brasil
Correia, M.D(REBR1000857)
- Fish associations in creeks of a river in the Island of Sao Luis, Northeastern Brazil
Batista, V.D.S.(REBR1000899)
- Flora ficologica marinha da Ilha de Sao Luis (Estado do Maranhao, Brasil). I * Chlorophyta
Ferreira-Correia, M.M. (REBR1000916)
- Foraminiferos da facies mangue da planicie de mare de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Bronniman, P.(REBR1000948)
- Food sources of the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii: a carbon isotopic study
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000960)
- Fluxes of nutrients and dissolved and particulate organic carbon in two mangrove creeks in Northeastern Australia
Ayukai, T.(REBR1000962)
- Further new staurosporine derivatives from the ascidian Eudistoma toealensis and its predatory flatworm Pseudoceros sp.
Schumpp, P.(REBR1000977)
- From mangroves to petroleum precursos: an example from tropical northeast Australia
Risk, M.J.(REBR1000993)
- Fungi associated with aerial parts of Malaysian mangrove plants
Kuthubutheen, A.J.(REBR1000998)
- Fate of metals in biota and biological interactions in the tropical coastal zone
Brown, B.E.(REBR1001020)
- Flushing of salt from mangrove swamps
Wolanski, E.(REBR1001030)
- Forest structure
Smith III, T.J.(REBR1001158)
- Food chains and carbon fluxes
Robertson, A.I.(REBR1001163)
- Flow through animal burrows in mangrove creeks
Ridd, P.V.(REBR1001180)
- Fractionation of phosphate in sediments of four representative mangrove stages (French Guiana)
Fabre, A.(REBR1001221)
- Frequency of occurrence of fungi on wood of Malaysian mangroves
Alias, S.A.(REBR1001228)
- Forest structure and biomass of mangroves in the Mgeni estuary, South Africa
Steinke, T.D.(REBR1001234)
- Fish and aquatic invertebrates use of mangrove prop root habitat in Florida, a review
Thayer, G.W.(REBR1001269)
- Filed guide to North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins
Boschung, H.T.(REBR1001288)
- Frente salina e balanço de sal no estuario do Rio Pacoti, Ceara
Freire, G.S.S.(REBR1001296)
- Faunal zonation and assemblages in the Pacific Colombian mangroves
Cantera, J.R.(REBR1001336)
- Fisheries and shrimp aquaculture supported by mangroves: The ecological basis for economic valuation
Rönnbäck, P.(REBR1001371)
- Foraminifera and Arcellacea ("Thecamoebians") zonation in South Brazilian mangroves
Barbosa, C.F.(REBR1001372)
- Faunistic characterization of inhabitants of Rhizophora logs galleries in Araciteua mangrove (PA).
Mello, C.F.(REBR1001384)
- Factors that influence the oxidation of the manganese in a growth of mangrove forest, Itacuruca, R.J.
Canesin, F.P.(REBR1001409)
- Forest structure and litter production in fringe mangroves of North Brazil
Reise, A.(REBR1001432)
- Feeding habits of the giant goby, Gobioides broussonnetti L., in the Amazon estuary
Silva, I.B.(REBR1001445)
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