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- Fitoplâncton do estuário do Rio Congo (Itapissuma-Pernambuco):Produtividade e hidrologia.
Fernandes, M.A.(REBR1001465)
- Fenologia reprodutiva da Avicennia germinans y Rhizophora mangle en el delta exterior del Rio Magdalena, Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano
Castaneda, E.(REBR1001509)
- Fishes in mangrove prop-root habitats of north-eastern Florida bay: Distinct assemblages across an estuarine gradient
Ley, J.A.(REBR1001533)
- Fauna associada a troncos de madeira no complexo estuarino lagunar Mudau-Manguaba, Alagoas - Brasil
Correia, M.D.(REBR1001563)
- Floração de algas cianofíceas no complexo estuarino lagunar Mundau/Manguaba, Alagoas, Brasil
Melo-Magalhães, E.M.(REBR1001568)
- Fitoplankton do estua´[ario do rio Jaguaribe, Itamaraca, Pernambuco, Brasil: produção e Biomassa
Santos, T.L.(REBR1001605)
- First assessment of hydrocarbon pollution in a mangrove estuary
Bernard, D.(REBR1001610)
- Feeding clusters and olfaction in the mangrove snail Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus) (Potamididae: Gastropoda)
Fratini, S.(REBR1001721)
- Formation of heteroaromatic nitrogen after prolonged humification of vascular plant remains as revealed by nuclear resonance spectroscopy
Knicker, H.(REBR1001912)
- Fish communities in two environmentally different estuarine systems of Mexico
Raz-Guzman, A.(REBR1002007)
- Fish feeding guilds along a gradient of bay biotopes and coral reef depth zones
Nagelkerken, I.(REBR1002030)
- Fish as food: aquaculture's contribution
Tidwell, J.H.(REBR1002121)
- Fungal diversity and plant disease in mangrove forests: salt excretion as a possible defense mechanism
Gilbert, S.G.(REBR1002138)
- Factors affecting the concentration amnd flux of materials in two southern Everglades mangrove wetlands
Davis, S.E.(REBR1002148)
- Feeding ecology of three juvenile phases of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus in a tropical reef lagoon
Fourzan, P.B.(REBR1002155)
- Fertilidade do caranguejo do mangue Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ocypodidae), em Iguape (São paulo, Brazil)
Hattori, G.Y.(REBR1002270)
- Floristics and structure of the Pterocarpus officinalis swamp forest in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
Imbert, D.(REBR1002290)
- Fish communities of a sea-grass beds in the Lesser Antilles: interest of their protection
Bouchon-Navaro, Y.(REBR1002302)
- Fluorescense fingerprint of fulvic and humic acids from varied origin as viewed by single-scan and excitation/emission matrix techniques
Sierra, M.M.D.(REBR1002416)
- Food sources of tropical thalassinidean shrimps: A stable-isotope study
Abed-Navandi, D.(REBR1002529)
- Fossil Siphonaceous green algal diversity of Key Largo and Miami limestone formations - south Florida (Part I)
Dragastan, O.N.(REBR1002534)
- Fontes Institucionais das Ciências do Mar no Brasil
Paiva, M.P.(REBR1002590)
- Fan beheading and drainage diversion as evidence of a 3200-2800 BP earthquake in the esmeraldas-Tumaco seismic zone; a case study for the effects of great subduction earthquakes
Dumont, J.P.(REBR1002637)
- Florivory by the crab Armases angustipes (Grapsidae) influences hummingbird visits to Aechmea pectinata
Sazima, M.(REBR1002668)
- Fractionation and extractability of sulfur, iron and trace elements in sulfidic sediments
Burton, E.D.(REBR1002688)
- Flux of organic carbon in a riverine mangrove wetland in the Florida coastal everglades
Romigh, M.M.(REBR1002691)
- Fish distribution and ontogenetic habitat preferences in non-estuarine lagoons and adjacent reefs
Gratwicke, B.(REBR1002695)
- Fluxo de nitrogênio e fósforo em um manguezal de franja no setoer euhalino da Baía de Paranaguá, PR
Silva, K.R.(REBR1002724)
- Fecundidade em Ucides cordatus (Linneus) (Crustacea, Decapado, Brachyura) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Cruz, C.S.(REBR1002733)
- Fecundidade do caranguejo Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Sesarmidae) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Flor, H.R.(REBR1002739)
- Fish assemblages in seagrass habitats of the florida Keys, Florida:Spatial and temporal characteristics
Acosta, A.(REBR1002772)
- Forest inventory. Summary of methods and appropriate techniques for mangrove ecosystems. Practical experiences in Guanal area, EFI
Menendez Perez, E.C. (REBR1100019)
- Forest management plan for playa garza pilot area: terraba-sierpe mangrove reserve, Costa Rica. The first 10-year period: 1989-1998
Chong, P.W. (REBR1100021)
- Floristics and ecology of the mangrove vegetation of Papua New Guinea
Percival, M.(REFJ0000030)
- Field guide to the mangroves of Queensland
Lovelock, C.(REFJ0000040)
- Flora and fauna of mangrove formations in Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, Fiji
Richmond, A.(REFJ0000070)
- Final report on mangrove research in Truk Islands, April 19 - May 10, 1985
Kogo, M.(REFJ0000100)
- Flora and fauna of mangroves in Rewa Delta, Fiji
Raj, U.(REFJ0000104)
- Fish fauna and ecology
Haines, A.K.(REFJ0000114)
- Feeding ecology of four fishes from a mangrove creek in North Queensland
Beumer, J.P.(REFJ0000157)
- Fish transect surveys to determine the influences of neighbouring habitats on fish community structure in the tropical pacific
Birkeland, C.(REFJ0000160)
- Feeding selectivity of a guild of piscivorous fish in mangrove areas of north-west Australia
Blaber, S.J.M.(REFJ0000161)
- Factors influencing community structure and distribution of different life-cycle categories of fishes in shallow water of a large Australian estuary
Loneragan, N.R.(REFJ0000181)
- Food chains in tropical Australian mangrove habitats: A review of recent research
Robertson, A.I.(REFJ0000198)
- Food pathways associated with Penaeid shrimps in a mangrove fringed estuary
Stoner, A.W.(REFJ0000203)
- Flowers of the Pacific island seashore: A guide to the littoral plants of Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Fiji and Micronesia
Whistler, A.W.(REFJ0000291)
- Formations halophiles
Virot, R.(REFJ0000346)
- Field and Laboratory Studies of Desmodora cacza Gerlach, 1956 (Desmodoridae: Nematoda) from Mangrove Mudflats
Nicholas, W.l.(REFJ0000382)
- Florists and Ecology of the mangrove vegetation of PNG, Lae (Papua New Guinea)
Percival, M.(REFJ0000434)
- Feeding Ecology of Mangrove Crabs in North Eastern Australia : Mangrove Litter Consumption by Sesarma messa and Sesarma smithii
Micheli, F.(REFJ0000470)
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