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  1. Fitoplâncton do estuário do Rio Congo (Itapissuma-Pernambuco):Produtividade e hidrologia.
    Fernandes, M.A.(REBR1001465)
  2. Fenologia reprodutiva da Avicennia germinans y Rhizophora mangle en el delta exterior del Rio Magdalena, Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano
    Castaneda, E.(REBR1001509)
  3. Fishes in mangrove prop-root habitats of north-eastern Florida bay: Distinct assemblages across an estuarine gradient
    Ley, J.A.(REBR1001533)
  4. Fauna associada a troncos de madeira no complexo estuarino lagunar Mudau-Manguaba, Alagoas - Brasil
    Correia, M.D.(REBR1001563)
  5. Floração de algas cianofíceas no complexo estuarino lagunar Mundau/Manguaba, Alagoas, Brasil
    Melo-Magalhães, E.M.(REBR1001568)
  6. Fitoplankton do estua´[ario do rio Jaguaribe, Itamaraca, Pernambuco, Brasil: produção e Biomassa
    Santos, T.L.(REBR1001605)
  7. First assessment of hydrocarbon pollution in a mangrove estuary
    Bernard, D.(REBR1001610)
  8. Feeding clusters and olfaction in the mangrove snail Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus) (Potamididae: Gastropoda)
    Fratini, S.(REBR1001721)
  9. Formation of heteroaromatic nitrogen after prolonged humification of vascular plant remains as revealed by nuclear resonance spectroscopy
    Knicker, H.(REBR1001912)
  10. Fish communities in two environmentally different estuarine systems of Mexico
    Raz-Guzman, A.(REBR1002007)
  11. Fish feeding guilds along a gradient of bay biotopes and coral reef depth zones
    Nagelkerken, I.(REBR1002030)
  12. Fish as food: aquaculture's contribution
    Tidwell, J.H.(REBR1002121)
  13. Fungal diversity and plant disease in mangrove forests: salt excretion as a possible defense mechanism
    Gilbert, S.G.(REBR1002138)
  14. Factors affecting the concentration amnd flux of materials in two southern Everglades mangrove wetlands
    Davis, S.E.(REBR1002148)
  15. Feeding ecology of three juvenile phases of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus in a tropical reef lagoon
    Fourzan, P.B.(REBR1002155)
  16. Fertilidade do caranguejo do mangue Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ocypodidae), em Iguape (São paulo, Brazil)
    Hattori, G.Y.(REBR1002270)
  17. Floristics and structure of the Pterocarpus officinalis swamp forest in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
    Imbert, D.(REBR1002290)
  18. Fish communities of a sea-grass beds in the Lesser Antilles: interest of their protection
    Bouchon-Navaro, Y.(REBR1002302)
  19. Fluorescense fingerprint of fulvic and humic acids from varied origin as viewed by single-scan and excitation/emission matrix techniques
    Sierra, M.M.D.(REBR1002416)
  20. Food sources of tropical thalassinidean shrimps: A stable-isotope study
    Abed-Navandi, D.(REBR1002529)
  21. Fossil Siphonaceous green algal diversity of Key Largo and Miami limestone formations - south Florida (Part I)
    Dragastan, O.N.(REBR1002534)
  22. Fontes Institucionais das Ciências do Mar no Brasil
    Paiva, M.P.(REBR1002590)
  23. Fan beheading and drainage diversion as evidence of a 3200-2800 BP earthquake in the esmeraldas-Tumaco seismic zone; a case study for the effects of great subduction earthquakes
    Dumont, J.P.(REBR1002637)
  24. Florivory by the crab Armases angustipes (Grapsidae) influences hummingbird visits to Aechmea pectinata
    Sazima, M.(REBR1002668)
  25. Fractionation and extractability of sulfur, iron and trace elements in sulfidic sediments
    Burton, E.D.(REBR1002688)
  26. Flux of organic carbon in a riverine mangrove wetland in the Florida coastal everglades
    Romigh, M.M.(REBR1002691)
  27. Fish distribution and ontogenetic habitat preferences in non-estuarine lagoons and adjacent reefs
    Gratwicke, B.(REBR1002695)
  28. Fluxo de nitrogênio e fósforo em um manguezal de franja no setoer euhalino da Baía de Paranaguá, PR
    Silva, K.R.(REBR1002724)
  29. Fecundidade em Ucides cordatus (Linneus) (Crustacea, Decapado, Brachyura) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
    Cruz, C.S.(REBR1002733)
  30. Fecundidade do caranguejo Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Sesarmidae) no manguezal de Piedade, Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
    Flor, H.R.(REBR1002739)
  31. Fish assemblages in seagrass habitats of the florida Keys, Florida:Spatial and temporal characteristics
    Acosta, A.(REBR1002772)
  32. Forest inventory. Summary of methods and appropriate techniques for mangrove ecosystems. Practical experiences in Guanal area, EFI
    Menendez Perez, E.C. (REBR1100019)
  33. Forest management plan for playa garza pilot area: terraba-sierpe mangrove reserve, Costa Rica. The first 10-year period: 1989-1998
    Chong, P.W. (REBR1100021)
  34. Floristics and ecology of the mangrove vegetation of Papua New Guinea
    Percival, M.(REFJ0000030)
  35. Field guide to the mangroves of Queensland
    Lovelock, C.(REFJ0000040)
  36. Flora and fauna of mangrove formations in Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, Fiji
    Richmond, A.(REFJ0000070)
  37. Final report on mangrove research in Truk Islands, April 19 - May 10, 1985
    Kogo, M.(REFJ0000100)
  38. Flora and fauna of mangroves in Rewa Delta, Fiji
    Raj, U.(REFJ0000104)
  39. Fish fauna and ecology
    Haines, A.K.(REFJ0000114)
  40. Feeding ecology of four fishes from a mangrove creek in North Queensland
    Beumer, J.P.(REFJ0000157)
  41. Fish transect surveys to determine the influences of neighbouring habitats on fish community structure in the tropical pacific
    Birkeland, C.(REFJ0000160)
  42. Feeding selectivity of a guild of piscivorous fish in mangrove areas of north-west Australia
    Blaber, S.J.M.(REFJ0000161)
  43. Factors influencing community structure and distribution of different life-cycle categories of fishes in shallow water of a large Australian estuary
    Loneragan, N.R.(REFJ0000181)
  44. Food chains in tropical Australian mangrove habitats: A review of recent research
    Robertson, A.I.(REFJ0000198)
  45. Food pathways associated with Penaeid shrimps in a mangrove fringed estuary
    Stoner, A.W.(REFJ0000203)
  46. Flowers of the Pacific island seashore: A guide to the littoral plants of Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Fiji and Micronesia
    Whistler, A.W.(REFJ0000291)
  47. Formations halophiles
    Virot, R.(REFJ0000346)
  48. Field and Laboratory Studies of Desmodora cacza Gerlach, 1956 (Desmodoridae: Nematoda) from Mangrove Mudflats
    Nicholas, W.l.(REFJ0000382)
  49. Florists and Ecology of the mangrove vegetation of PNG, Lae (Papua New Guinea)
    Percival, M.(REFJ0000434)
  50. Feeding Ecology of Mangrove Crabs in North Eastern Australia : Mangrove Litter Consumption by Sesarma messa and Sesarma smithii
    Micheli, F.(REFJ0000470)

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