Search pattern :reference -> I
Matches (1 - 50 of 329)
- In the Mangroves of Southern Africa
Berjak, P.(REBR1000019)
- Impact of deforestation on C, N, P concentrations and heavy metals, in sediments from mangroves of Guanabara Bay, Brazil
Santos Paes, J.E.(REBR1000043)
- Iron and chromium transport and accumulation in a mangrove ecosystem
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000063)
- Influence of Spartina alterniflora on superficial sediment characteristics of tidal flats in Paranagua Bay (South-eastern Brazil)
Netto, S.A.(REBR1000098)
- Intertidal zonation of benthic macrofauna in a subtropical salt marsh and nearby unvegetated flat (SE, Brazil)
Netto, S.A. (REBR1000099)
- Informe sobre manglares de Nicaragua
Garcia, N.H.(REBR1000117)
- Isotopic and elemental variations of carbon and nitrogen in a mangrove estuary
Cifuentes, L.A.(REBR1000162)
- Ion regulation in mangroves
Joshi, G.V.(REBR1000167)
- Interaction of soil texture with salinity tolerances of Black mangrove (Avicennia) and white mangrove (Laguncularia) from North America
McMillan, C.(REBR1000168)
- Intertidal growth rates of Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828) in a tida creek of Paranagua, Bay
Absher, T.M.(REBR1000201)
- Ictioplacton do ecossistema da Baia de Paranagua
Sinque, C.(REBR1000244)
- Ictioplancton do complexo estuarino-Baia de Paranaguae adjacencias Parana Brasil. I. Aspectos gerais
Sinque, C.(REBR1000245)
- Institutional prospects in managing coastal environmental conservation units in Paran* State, Brazil.
Andriguetto-Filho, J.M.(REBR1000253)
- Interacoes, fatores de mudanca e sustentabilidade das praticas materiais e dinamicas ambientais nos sistemas tecnicos da pesca artesanal
Andriguetto-Filho, J.M.(REBR1000254)
- Influencia da graminia Spartina alterniflora sobre a distribuicao e densidade de Neritina virginea (Gastropoda; Neritidae) em marisma da Baia de Paranagua(Parana Brasil).
Bonnet, B.R.P.(REBR1000260)
- Influence of Spartina alterniflora on structure and temporal variability of macrobenthic associations in a tidal flat of Paranagu* Bay (southeastern Brazil).
Lana, P.C. (REBR1000267)
- Impacto ambiental sobre o manguezal de SUAPE, PE
Braga, R.A.P.(REBR1000292)
- Impacto da implantacao do complexo industrial-portuário da Suape (PE) sobre populacoes de moluscos comestiveis
Braga, R.A.P.(REBR1000293)
- Inorganic sediment budget in the mangrove fringed Fly River Delta, Papua New Guinea
Wolanski, E.(REBR1000476)
- Iron-plaques in Rhizophora mangle L. and Avicennia schaueriana Litapf & Leech Roots
Tanizaki-Fonseca, K.(REBR1000481)
- Introduction: carbon fixation and storage in mangroves and their relevance to the global climate change - a case study in Hinchinbrook Channel, in Northeastern Australia
Ayukai, T.(REBR1000523)
- Impacto causado por petróleo no manguezal do Canal de Bertioga
Ponte, A.C.E.(REBR1000584)
- Interpretacion fisoecologica de la distribuicion de manglares en las costas del continente sudamericano
Pannier, F.(REBR1000707)
- Interaction between the ants Zacryptocerus maculatus and Azteca trigona: interspecific parazitation of information
Adams, E.S.(REBR1000751)
- Intracrown distribution of herbivore damage on Laguncularia racemosa in a tidally influenced riparian habitat
Stowe, K.A.(REBR1000752)
- Informaçao arqueo-geologica sobre sambaquis da planicie de mare de Guaratiba
Kneip, L.M. (REBR1000842)
- Informes preliminares sobre alguns componentes quimicos de algas marinhas bentonicas do itoral da Ilha de Sao Luis (Estado do Maranhao, Brasil)
Caldas, M.J.T.(REBR1000901)
- Inventario dos moluscos estuarinos do sudeste da Ilha de Sao Luis, Estado do Maranhao, Brasil
Costa, M.L. (REBR1000907)
- Introducao ao conhecimento da area maranhense abrangida pelo plano de valoracao economica da Amazonia
Galvao, R.(REBR1000918)
- Ictiofauna das aguas estuarinas do rio Parnaiba (Brasil)
Oliveira, A.M.E.(REBR1000926)
- In-situ degradation of mangrove tissues
Albright, L.J.(REBR1000980)
- Integrated coastal zone management in Venezuela: The Maracaibo System
Conde, J.E.(REBR1001014)
- Influence of external salinity on the osmolarity of xylem sap, leaf tissue and leaf gland secretion of the mangrove Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn.
Sobrado, M.A.(REBR1001026)
- Ion transport in the salt gland of Aegiceras
Caradale, S.(REBR1001057)
- III Workshop REVIZEE Nordeste
Hazin, F.H.V.(REBR1001091)
- Indicators of mangrove zonality: the Normanby river, N.E. Australia
Bunt, J.S.(REBR1001109)
- Interactions between epibenthos and meiobenthos in a high intertidal Avicennia marina mangrove forest
Schrijvers, R.(REBR1001113)
- Ichthyoplankton of selected estuaries in Saravak and Sabah: composition, distribution and habitat affinities
Blaber, S.J.M.(REBR1001119)
- Interstitial water hydrochemistry of a mangrove forest and adjoining water system, South West coast of India
Bava, K.A.(REBR1001218)
- Impacts of sediment burrial on mangroves
Ellison, J.C.(REBR1001220)
- Interpretação ecológica dos foraminíferos de sedimentos modernos da Baía de Sepetiba e adjacências, Rio de Janeiro
Suguio, K.(REBR1001285)
- Importance of marine inputs to the sediment and nutrient load of coastal-plain estuaries: A case study of Pumice stone Passage, South-eastern Queensland, Australia
Eyre, B.(REBR1001286)
- Impacts of ecological factors on the regeneration of mangroves in the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia
Elster, C.(REBR1001332)
- Identification and characterization of stressors in the estuarine waters of Mara*, BA
Veloso, E.L.(REBR1001369)
- Identificação, avaliação de impactos ambientais e uso da flora em manguezais paraenses
Almeida, S.S.(REBR1001447)
- Iron geochemistry in the sediments of a Brazilian mangrove, Paraiba do sul River Estuary, RJ, Brazil
Silva, F.L.(REBR1001471)
- Impact and benefits of shrimp culture on mangrove
Igarashi, M. A.(REBR1001476)
- Identification of unseen flood hazard impacts in Southeast Florida through integration of remote sensing and geographic information system techniques
Finkl, C.W.(REBR1001535)
- Influence of tidal restriction floodgates on decomposition of mangrove litter
Dick, T.M.(REBR1001575)
- Interaction between Hg(II) and natural dissolved organic matter: A fluorescence spectroscopy based study
Lu, X.(REBR1001622)
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