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- Initial fermentation of sea sludge using aerobic and thermophilic microorganisms in a mangrove soil
Ando, Y.(REBR1001724)
- Integration of varying responses of different organisms to water and sediment quality at sites impacted and non impacted by the petroleum industry
Nascimento, A.(REBR1001751)
- Integrated management perspectives of the Bahia de Caraquez zone and Chone River estuary
Arriaga, L.(REBR1001765)
- Imposex and tributyltin contamination as a consequence of the establishment of a marina and increasing yachting activities at Puket Island, Thailand
Bech, M.(REBR1001889)
- Impact of Sundarban mangrove biosphere on the carbon dioxide and methane mixing ratios at the NE Coast of Bay of Bengal, India
Mukhopadhyay, S.K.(REBR1001896)
- Ictiofauna juvenil de fondios blandos durante la transición de secas a lluvias en la costa Pacífica de Colombia
Velasco, A.(REBR1001905)
- Indo-West Pacific Mangroves
Vannucci, M.(REBR1001931)
- Integrated and adaptative mangrove management framework - an action oriented option for the New Millennium
Lal, P.N.(REBR1001932)
- Impacts of land based activities on the Ceará coast
Marins, R.V.(REBR1001937)
- Influência da maré no sistema de amostragem de peixes no Estuário do Rio Tibiri, São Luis, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil
Batista, V.S.(REBR1001952)
- Influence of Spartina alterniflora and tidal level on the structure of polychaete associations in eurihalkine salt marsh in Cananéia estuarine region (SE Brazil).
Attoline, F.S.(REBR1001971)
- Ictiofauna das águas estuarinas do Rio Parnaíba
Furtado, E.(REBR1001999)
- Integrating natural and socio-economic science in coastal management
Turner, R.K.(REBR1002005)
- Intralocality variation in feeding biomechanics and prey use in Archosargus probatocephalus (Teleostei, Sparidae), with implication dfor the ecomorphology of fishes
Cutwa, M.M.(REBR1002033)
- Identifying ecosystem services using multiple methods: lessons from the mangrove wetlands of Yucatan, Mexico
Kaplowitz, M.D.(REBR1002036)
- Intertidal zonation of benthic macrofauna in a subtropical salt amrsh and nearby unvegetated flat (SE, Brazil)
Netto, S.A.(REBR1002049)
- Insect herbivory on mangrove leaves in Guadeloupe: effects of biomass and mineral content
Saur, E.(REBR1002052)
- International Newletter on Coastal Management Mangrove Special Edition
Young, C.(REBR1002141)
- Improving science application to coastal management
West, M.B.(REBR1002146)
- Intyracellular bacteria associated with the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata: phylogenetic and in situ hybridization analysis
Moss, C.(REBR1002156)
- Interpretation of polarimetric radar signatures of mangrove forests
Proisy, C.(REBR1002159)
- Identification of carbohydrate degrading bacteria in sub-tropical regions
Rosado, W.(REBR1002172)
- Impacto de atividades em bacias de drenagem e mudanças globais sobre a região costeira do semi-árido do nordeste do Brasil
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1002182)
- Influence of model mangrove trees on the hydrodynamics in a flume
Struve, J.(REBR1002193)
- Impacto ambiental nos manguezais e o plano de contingência para os derramamentos de óleo e substâncias tóxicas
Maranhão, R.A.(REBR1002202)
- Interações tróficas dos consumidores primários da ictiofauna do sitema estuarino de Itamaracá (Pernambuco- Brasil)
Vasconcelos Filho, A.N.S.(REBR1002234)
- Influencia de fatores abioticos e da vegetação na distribuição do caranguejo Uca maracoani Latreile, 1802 (Brachyura: Ocypodidae) nos estuários dos rios Pacoti e Ceará (Ceará, Brasil)
Bezerra, L.E.A.(REBR1002248)
- Intervalo de tempo entre as desovas sequenciais realizadas pelo caranguejo Aratus pisonii (Crustacea: Brachyura) em laboratório
Leme, M.H.A.(REBR1002250)
- Inventário da entomofauna utilizando armadilhas de intercepção do tipo malise e suspensa em áreas de floresta de terra firme e floresta de manguezal no Município de Bragança, Pará
Soares, S.J.(REBR1002257)
- Interaction of Cu (II) and Fe (III) with mangal humic substances studied by synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and potentiometric titration
Ghatak, H.(REBR1002294)
- Impact of allocthonous mammals on some autochthonous species of Fajou island (Grand Cul-de-Sac marin Natural Reserve, Guadeloupe, French West Indies) established after the eradication attempt
Lorvelec, O.(REBR1002304)
- Insect herbivory in polluted mangroves of the Indus Delta
SaifullaH, S.M.(REBR1002305)
- Influence of roots and climate on mineral and trace element storage and flux in tropical mangrove soils
Alongi, D.M.(REBR1002322)
- Importance of storm events in coontrolling ecosystem structure and fucntion in a Florida gulf coast estuary
Day, J.W.(REBR1002394)
- Impactos ambientais dos cultivos de camarões marinhos no nordeste do Brasil
Gesteira, T.C.V.(REBR1002401)
- Is there a trade-off between wound-healing and chemical defenses among Caibbean reef sponges
Walters, K.D.(REBR1002538)
- Ingestion of large diatoms, magrove detritus and zooplankton by zoeae of Aratus pisonii (Crustacea: Brachiura: Grapsidae)
Schwamborn, R.(REBR1002616)
- Invasion, colonization and disturbance; historical ecology of the endangered Miami blue butterfly
Carroll, S.P.(REBR1002623)
- Into the mangroves (Mangal das Garças, Belém, Rosa Kliass)
Martignoni, J.(REBR1002634)
- Influence of salinity on Na+ and K+ accumulation and gas exchage in Avicennia germinans
Suarez, N.(REBR1002660)
- Isolation and characterization of DNA microsatellite primers for Cynoscion acoupa, the most exploited sciaenid fish along the coast of Brazil
Farias, I.P.(REBR1002671)
- Integrated assessment of the climate change impacts on the Gulf Coast Region
Ning, Z.H.(REBR1002675)
- Influência da atividade bacteriana na distribuição de hidrocarbonetos no manguezal do Surui, Baía de Guanabara, Brasil
Fontana, L.F.(REBR1002720)
- identificação de marvcadores lipídicos em amostras de plantas e sedimentos do manguezal do Itacorubi, Ilha de Santa Catarina
Silva, C.A.(REBR1002725)
- Identificação em nível nacional de tanques de carcinicultura através de imagens obtidas pelo sensor CCD do satélite CBERS-2
Daldegan, G.A.(REBR1002796)
- Informe sobre los aspectos pesqueros
Perez, C.(REBR1100016)
- Integrated mangrove resource management in Guanal Forest Reserve, Cuba
Chong, P.W. (REBR1100020)
- Integrated research on mangrove ecosystems in Pacific Islands region. Proceedings of seminar and reports - Survey on mangrove ecosystems in the Pacific islands
Tekehisa, N. (REFJ0000002)
- Integrated research on mangrove ecosystems in Pacific Islands Region II, Proceedings and Reports
Japan International Association for Mangroves(REFJ0000007)
- Institutional aspects of the management of mangroves in Fiji
Lal, P.N.(REFJ0000057)
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