Search pattern :reference -> M
Matches (1 - 50 of 990)
- Mangrove forests protect the coastal environment
Sugi, J.(REBR1000014)
- Mercury-organic matter associations in estuarine sediments and interstitial water
Lindberg, S.E.(REBR1000045)
- Mangrove muds - A sink and a source for trace metals
Harbinson, P.(REBR1000046)
- Metal contamination in surface sediments of mangroves, lagoons and southern bay in Florianopolis Island
Silva, M.R.(REBR1000048)
- Metallic composition of mangrove leaves from the south-eastern Brazilian coast
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000054)
- Metallic composition of Sediments from mangroves of the SE Brazilian coast
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000065)
- Mangrove swamps and coastal lagoons: Uses and stressors
Ledo, B.S. (REBR1000068)
- Mangrove forests as a buffer zone between anthropogenically polluted areas and the sea
Saenger, P. (REBR1000072)
- Metais pesados no pescado da Baia de Sepetiba, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Pfeiffer, W.C. (REBR1000073)
- Metal reservoir in a red mangrove forest
Silva, C.A.R. (REBR1000077)
- Metodos para la valuacion economica de ecossistemas
Pina, C.M.(REBR1000123)
- Mangrove restoration: Do we know enough
Ellison, A.M.(REBR1000135)
- Marine food webs associated with Caribbean island mangrove wetlands
Lopes, J.M.(REBR1000153)
- Methane flux from mangrove sediments along the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico
Sotomayor, D.(REBR1000154)
- Mangrove associated nitrogen fixation
Zuberer, D.(REBR1000165)
- Mass mortality in a mangrove roots fouling community in a hypersaline tropical lagoon
Orihuela, B.(REBR1000176)
- Mangrove macroalgae communities of Latin America: the state of the art and perspectives
Cordeiro-Marino, M.(REBR1000188)
- Mangrove forests of the Pacific coast of Central America
Jimenez, J.A.(REBR1000192)
- Mangrove ecosystems of the Pacific coast of Mexico: Distribution, Structure, litterfall, and detritus dynamics
Flores-Verdugo, F.(REBR1000193)
- Microbial degradation of Rhizophora mangle leaves immersed in the sea
Cundel, A.M.(REBR1000196)
- Microbial utilization of dissolved organic matter from leaves of red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, in Fresh Creek Estuary, Bahamas
Benner, R.(REBR1000197)
- Macrofauna bentica de fundos sublitorais nao consolidados da Baia de Paranagua (Parana)
Lana, P.C.(REBR1000222)
- Mapa da vegetacao original do Estado do Parana
Romariz, D.A.(REBR1000240)
- Manguezais do Parana diagnostico, conflitos e prognostico
Lana, P.C.(REBR1000264)
- Macrofauna-plant biomass interactions in a euhaline salt marsh of Paranagu* Bay (SE Brazil)
Lana, P.C.(REBR1000268)
- Meio ambiente e desenvolvimento no litoral do Parana diagnostico
Lima, R.E.(REBR1000270)
- Mapa fitogeografico do Estado do Parana
Maack, R.(REBR1000271)
- Manual for investigation of hydrological processes in mangrove ecosystems
Kjerfve, B.(REBR1000278)
- Mangrove ecosystem collapse during predicted sea-level rise: Holocene analogues and implications
Ellison, J.C.(REBR1000279)
- Mineral distribution and ecological role of a recently formed halophyte community in the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000288)
- Mangroves impacted by human-induced disturbances: A case study of the Orinoco Delta Mangrove ecosystem
Pannier, F.(REBR1000302)
- Mangrove carbon export to the sea:¡¡a reevalution of a paradiom
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000345)
- Mercury in a northeastern brazilian mangrove area, a case study: potential of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae as bioindicator for mercury
Meyer, U.(REBR1000347)
- Mangroves and aquaculture
Ong, J.E.(REBR1000424)
- Monitoramento do manguezal do rio Mucuri - BA, sob influencia antropica e de residuos industriais
Santos, J.J.(REBR1000432)
- Manguezais brasileiros: Caravelas, Estado da Bahia
Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1000437)
- Metodologia para o plantio de mudas de mangue - Ilha de Santa Catarina - Brasil
Abrahao, G.R.(REBR1000446)
- Manguezal do Rio Tavares, Ilha de Santa catarina: uma contribuicao sedimentologica para o estudo do ecossistema
Oliveira, J.S.(REBR1000474)
- Microbial degradation of leachable and lignocellulosic components of leaves and wood from Rhizophora mangle in a tropical mangrove swamp
Benner, R.(REBR1000485)
- Marine incursions and the influence of Andean tectonics on the Miocene depositional history of Northwestern Amazonia: results of a palynostratigraphic study
Hoorn, C.(REBR1000493)
- Manguezal do Rio Camboriu, Preservacao e controle da qualidade ambiental
Rodrigues, A.M.T.(REBR1000509 )
- Man-made nutrient enrichment in a mangrove system of Santa Catarina Island, Brazil: Problems and proposal for restoration
Soriano-Sierra, E.J.(REBR1000513)
- Metais pesados na Baia de Santos e estuario de Santos e Sao Vicente; Bioacumulação
Boldrini, C.V. (REBR1000528)
- Macroalgal reproductive patterns in mangroves of Ilha do Cardoso, SP, Brazil
Braga, M.R.A.(REBR1000529)
- Metthode de Teledetection des mangroves de l'ile de Santa Catarina a partir de donnes spot
Froidefond, J.M.(REBR1000536)
- Metais pesados em organismos aquaticos do Rio Ribeira de Iguape e do complexo estuarino-lagunar Iguape-Cananéia: avaliação preliminar
Eysink, G.G.J.(REBR1000540)
- Macroalgal colonization patterns on artificial substrates inside Southeastern Brazilian mangroves
Eston, V.R.(REBR1000543)
- Mangrove macroalgae in Southeastern Brazil: spatial and temporal patterns
Eston, V.R.(REBR1000544)
- Musgos do manguezal do Rio Itanhaem
Yano, O.(REBR1000545)
- Mangrove of arid environments in Puerto Rico and adjacent islands
Cintron, G.(REBR1000547)
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