Search pattern :reference -> M

Matches (1 - 50 of 990)

  1. Mangrove forests protect the coastal environment
    Sugi, J.(REBR1000014)
  2. Mercury-organic matter associations in estuarine sediments and interstitial water
    Lindberg, S.E.(REBR1000045)
  3. Mangrove muds - A sink and a source for trace metals
    Harbinson, P.(REBR1000046)
  4. Metal contamination in surface sediments of mangroves, lagoons and southern bay in Florianopolis Island
    Silva, M.R.(REBR1000048)
  5. Metallic composition of mangrove leaves from the south-eastern Brazilian coast
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000054)
  6. Metallic composition of Sediments from mangroves of the SE Brazilian coast
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000065)
  7. Mangrove swamps and coastal lagoons: Uses and stressors
    Ledo, B.S. (REBR1000068)
  8. Mangrove forests as a buffer zone between anthropogenically polluted areas and the sea
    Saenger, P. (REBR1000072)
  9. Metais pesados no pescado da Baia de Sepetiba, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, RJ
    Pfeiffer, W.C. (REBR1000073)
  10. Metal reservoir in a red mangrove forest
    Silva, C.A.R. (REBR1000077)
  11. Metodos para la valuacion economica de ecossistemas
    Pina, C.M.(REBR1000123)
  12. Mangrove restoration: Do we know enough
    Ellison, A.M.(REBR1000135)
  13. Marine food webs associated with Caribbean island mangrove wetlands
    Lopes, J.M.(REBR1000153)
  14. Methane flux from mangrove sediments along the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico
    Sotomayor, D.(REBR1000154)
  15. Mangrove associated nitrogen fixation
    Zuberer, D.(REBR1000165)
  16. Mass mortality in a mangrove roots fouling community in a hypersaline tropical lagoon
    Orihuela, B.(REBR1000176)
  17. Mangrove macroalgae communities of Latin America: the state of the art and perspectives
    Cordeiro-Marino, M.(REBR1000188)
  18. Mangrove forests of the Pacific coast of Central America
    Jimenez, J.A.(REBR1000192)
  19. Mangrove ecosystems of the Pacific coast of Mexico: Distribution, Structure, litterfall, and detritus dynamics
    Flores-Verdugo, F.(REBR1000193)
  20. Microbial degradation of Rhizophora mangle leaves immersed in the sea
    Cundel, A.M.(REBR1000196)
  21. Microbial utilization of dissolved organic matter from leaves of red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, in Fresh Creek Estuary, Bahamas
    Benner, R.(REBR1000197)
  22. Macrofauna bentica de fundos sublitorais nao consolidados da Baia de Paranagua (Parana)
    Lana, P.C.(REBR1000222)
  23. Mapa da vegetacao original do Estado do Parana
    Romariz, D.A.(REBR1000240)
  24. Manguezais do Parana diagnostico, conflitos e prognostico
    Lana, P.C.(REBR1000264)
  25. Macrofauna-plant biomass interactions in a euhaline salt marsh of Paranagu* Bay (SE Brazil)
    Lana, P.C.(REBR1000268)
  26. Meio ambiente e desenvolvimento no litoral do Parana diagnostico
    Lima, R.E.(REBR1000270)
  27. Mapa fitogeografico do Estado do Parana
    Maack, R.(REBR1000271)
  28. Manual for investigation of hydrological processes in mangrove ecosystems
    Kjerfve, B.(REBR1000278)
  29. Mangrove ecosystem collapse during predicted sea-level rise: Holocene analogues and implications
    Ellison, J.C.(REBR1000279)
  30. Mineral distribution and ecological role of a recently formed halophyte community in the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000288)
  31. Mangroves impacted by human-induced disturbances: A case study of the Orinoco Delta Mangrove ecosystem
    Pannier, F.(REBR1000302)
  32. Mangrove carbon export to the sea:¡¡a reevalution of a paradiom
    Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000345)
  33. Mercury in a northeastern brazilian mangrove area, a case study: potential of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae as bioindicator for mercury
    Meyer, U.(REBR1000347)
  34. Mangroves and aquaculture
    Ong, J.E.(REBR1000424)
  35. Monitoramento do manguezal do rio Mucuri - BA, sob influencia antropica e de residuos industriais
    Santos, J.J.(REBR1000432)
  36. Manguezais brasileiros: Caravelas, Estado da Bahia
    Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1000437)
  37. Metodologia para o plantio de mudas de mangue - Ilha de Santa Catarina - Brasil
    Abrahao, G.R.(REBR1000446)
  38. Manguezal do Rio Tavares, Ilha de Santa catarina: uma contribuicao sedimentologica para o estudo do ecossistema
    Oliveira, J.S.(REBR1000474)
  39. Microbial degradation of leachable and lignocellulosic components of leaves and wood from Rhizophora mangle in a tropical mangrove swamp
    Benner, R.(REBR1000485)
  40. Marine incursions and the influence of Andean tectonics on the Miocene depositional history of Northwestern Amazonia: results of a palynostratigraphic study
    Hoorn, C.(REBR1000493)
  41. Manguezal do Rio Camboriu, Preservacao e controle da qualidade ambiental
    Rodrigues, A.M.T.(REBR1000509 )
  42. Man-made nutrient enrichment in a mangrove system of Santa Catarina Island, Brazil: Problems and proposal for restoration
    Soriano-Sierra, E.J.(REBR1000513)
  43. Metais pesados na Baia de Santos e estuario de Santos e Sao Vicente; Bioacumulação
    Boldrini, C.V. (REBR1000528)
  44. Macroalgal reproductive patterns in mangroves of Ilha do Cardoso, SP, Brazil
    Braga, M.R.A.(REBR1000529)
  45. Metthode de Teledetection des mangroves de l'ile de Santa Catarina a partir de donnes spot
    Froidefond, J.M.(REBR1000536)
  46. Metais pesados em organismos aquaticos do Rio Ribeira de Iguape e do complexo estuarino-lagunar Iguape-Cananéia: avaliação preliminar
    Eysink, G.G.J.(REBR1000540)
  47. Macroalgal colonization patterns on artificial substrates inside Southeastern Brazilian mangroves
    Eston, V.R.(REBR1000543)
  48. Mangrove macroalgae in Southeastern Brazil: spatial and temporal patterns
    Eston, V.R.(REBR1000544)
  49. Musgos do manguezal do Rio Itanhaem
    Yano, O.(REBR1000545)
  50. Mangrove of arid environments in Puerto Rico and adjacent islands
    Cintron, G.(REBR1000547)


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