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- Marine nematoden aus dem mangrove-gebiet von Cananéia. abhandlungen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche klasse
Gerlach, S.A.(REBR1000548)
- Manguezais do Brasil
Herz, R.(REBR1000553)
- Manguezais: projeto de revegetação na Baixada Santista, SP, Brasil
Menezes, G.V.(REBR1000571)
- Mangrove swamp-inhabiting harpacticoida of the family darcythopsoniidae lang
Por, F.D.(REBR1000600)
- Macrofauna e biomassa microfitobentônica da região estuarino-lagunar de Iguape - Cananéia (25o00'S - 48o00'W), São Paulo, Brasil
Varoli, F.M.F.(REBR1000632)
- Mangal fishes of the world
Por, F.D.(REBR1000646)
- Modelling chemical changes of tidal waters emerging from a mangrove forest at Cananeia, Brazil
Carmouze, J.P.(REBR1000652)
- Metal geochemistry in mangrove sediments
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000654)
- Mangrove swamps and the oil industry
Baker, J.M.(REBR1000666)
- Methane flux and production from sediments of a mangrove wetland on Hainan Island, China
Lu, C.Y.(REBR1000695)
- Marine incursion into South America
Lovejoy, N.R.(REBR1000706)
- Marine fungi from the tropics
Kohlmeyer, J.(REBR1000712)
- Manual sobre dinamica de crescimento, regeneracion natural y aspectos fenologicos de los manglares del Caribe colombiano
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente(REBR1000717)
- Molluscs in mangrove swamps: Physiognomy, diversity and regional differences
Vermeij, G.J.(REBR1000720)
- Manguezais: Florestas de Beira Mar
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000726)
- Mangroves of arid environments in Puerto Rico and adjacent islands
Cintron, G.(REBR1000732)
- Mangrove ecosystems; Successional or steady state?
Lugo, A.E.(REBR1000734)
- Mangrove wood pulp, an alternative food source for the tree-crab Aratus pisonii
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000736)
- Mass defoliation of mangroves in Sumatra, Indonesia
Whitten, A.J.(REBR1000744)
- Mangrove species distribution and propagule predation in Belize: an exception to the dominance-predation hypothesis
McKee, K.L.(REBR1000755)
- Mangrove forests in Brazil and their importance to the tropical coastal zones
Schimidt, H.(REBR1000772)
- Mangroves of the Pacific Islands: research opportunities
Lugo, A.E.(REBR1000774)
- Manglares del Caribe Colombiano, sintesis de su conocimiento
Alvarez-Leon, R.(REBR1000784)
- Mangrove ecosystems of Latin America and the Caribbean: a summary
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000798)
- Mangroves of Peru
Echevarria, J.(REBR1000799)
- Mangrove ecosystems of Ecuador
Bodero, A.(REBR1000800)
- Mangroves of Colombia
Alvarez-Leon, R.(REBR1000801)
- Mangroves of Costa Rica
Polania, J.(REBR1000803)
- Mangroves of Nicaragua
Polania, J.(REBR1000804)
- Mangroves of Cuba
Padron, C.M.(REBR1000805)
- Mangroves in the Lesser Antilles, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago
Bacon, P.R.(REBR1000806)
- Mangroves of Venezuela
Conde, J.E.(REBR1000807)
- Mangroves of Brazil
Kjerfve, B.(REBR1000808)
- Mapeamento dos Ecossistemas costeiros do Estado de Sao Paulo
Lamparelli, C.C.(REBR1000814)
- Mangroves and pollution
Lugo, A.E.(REBR1000817)
- Manguezais Brasileiros, uma bibliografia (1614-1986)
Shaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1000829)
- Mangrove Preservation: Past and Present Efforts
Maciel, N.C.(REBR1000830)
- Macrozoneamento da zona costeira do Brasil
Ministerio do Meio Ambiente, Recursos Hidricos e Amazonia Legal(REBR1000841)
- Macroalgas bentonicas no manguezal do Rio Ceara (Ceará-Brasil). II Distribuicao em funcao das condicoes hidrologicas
Miranda, P.T.C.(REBR1000875)
- Macrofauna de invertebrados do estuario do Rio Santa Maria da Vitoria, Vitoria, ES
Carmo, T.M.S.(REBR1000890)
- Monitoring the black mangrove restoration with nursery-reared seedlings on an arid coastal lagoon
Toledo, G.(REBR1000936)
- Mapeamento e monitoramento dos manguezais da APA - Guapimirim, RJ, atraves de tecnicas de sensoramento remoto: sistemas de classificacao
Pires, I.O.(REBR1000942)
- Mineral concentrations in leaves of mangroves trees
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000961)
- Mycoflora of mangrove mud
Rai, J.N.(REBR1000999)
- Mangrove Forests
Lewis, R.R.(REBR1001002)
- Methods and tools to support CZM
van der Weide, J.(REBR1001008)
- Manganese dynamics in a mangrove mud flat tidal creek in SE Brazil
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001016)
- Metals in coastal environments of Latin America
Seeleiger, U.(REBR1001018)
- Mangrove litter fall in North-eastern Australia. II. Periodicity
Wlliams, W.T.(REBR1001025)
- Mangrove litter fall in North-eastern Australia. I. Annual totals by component in selected species
Duke, N.C.(REBR1001028)
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