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Matches (101 - 150 of 990)
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- Mangroves as nursery sites: comparisons of the abundance and species composition of fish and crustaceans in mangroves and other nearshore habitats in tropical Australia
Robertson, A.I.(REBR1001049)
- Mangroves Biogeography
Chapman, V.J.(REBR1001051)
- Mangroves as successional stages, inner reefs of the Northern Great Barrier Reef
Stoddart, D.R.(REBR1001052)
- Meltwater pulse 1A from Antarctica as a trigger of the Bolling-allerod warm Interval
Weaver, A.J.(REBR1001064)
- Moluscos do Sambaqui Ze Espinho -Dados ecologicos e utilizacao como alimento
Mello, E.M.B.(REBR1001070)
- Mangroves: A summary of knowledge with emphasis on Pakistan
Snedaker, S.C.(REBR1001078)
- Moluscos associados a las areas de manglar de la costa Pacifica de America Central
Soto, R.A.C.(REBR1001092)
- Moluscos comestíveis do litoral sul de Pernambuco
Mello, R.L.S.(REBR1001102)
- Mangroves sediments and geomorphology
Woodroffe, C.(REBR1001155)
- Mangrove hydrodynamics
Wolanski, E.(REBR1001156)
- Mangrove floristics and biogeography
Duke, N.C.(REBR1001157)
- Mangrove species zonation and soil redox state, sulphide concentration and salinity in Gazi Bay (Kenya), a preliminary study
Matthijs, S.(REBR1001171)
- Mangrove structure, litter and macroalgal productivity in a northern-most forest of Florida
Dawes, C.(REBR1001173)
- Mangrove forests, a tough system to invade but easy one to rehabilitate
Lugo, A.E.(REBR1001186)
- Mangrove conservation and coastal management in Southeast Asia: what impact on fishery resources?
Baran, E.(REBR1001187)
- Mangrove soils in removing pollutants from municipal waste water of different salinities
Tam, N.F.Y.(REBR1001217)
- Microgeographic genetic structure of the fiddler crab, Uca arcuata De Haan (Ocypodidae) in Taiwan
Huang, S.(REBR1001224)
- Mangrove outwelling: a review
Lee, S.Y.(REBR1001238)
- Mangroves and brackishwater pond culture in the Philippines
Honculada Primavera, J.(REBR1001246)
- Mapa geológico da Regiao Metropolitana de Fortaleza
Brandao, R.L.(REBR1001252)
- Mangrove distribution during the Holocene in Tribuga, Colombia
Jaramillo, C.(REBR1001256)
- Mangrove ecosystems in tropical America
Yanez-Arancibia, A.(REBR1001257)
- Mercury in bottom sediments of the tropical Rio Marabasco, its estuary and Laguna de Navidad, Mexico
Willerer, A.O.M.(REBR1001258)
- Mangroves of Latin America: The need for conservation and sustainable utilization
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001259)
- Mangrove ecosystems research with emphasis on nutrient cycling
Lugo, A.E.(REBR1001261)
- Mangrove swamp communities: an approach in Belize
Rutzler, K.(REBR1001262)
- Mangrove physiology: The challenge of salt, heat and light stress under recurrent flooding
Medina, E.(REBR1001266)
- Mangrove ecosystem analysis
Lugo, A.E.(REBR1001280)
- Moluscos del complexo lagunar Larga-Redonda-Mandinga, Veracruz, Mexico
Reguero, M.(REBR1001282)
- Marine fungi (Chytridiomycetes and Thraustochytriales) from a mangrove area at Punta Morales, Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica
Ulken, A.(REBR1001290)
- Manguezal, Ecossistema entre a Terra e o Mar
Shaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1001316)
- Mangrove rehabilitation: choice and necessity
Field, C.D.(REBR1001337)
- Mangrove-saltmarsh dynamics on a bay-head delta in the Hawkesbury River estuary, New South Wales, Australia
Saintilan, N.(REBR1001342)
- Mangrove dynamics in the Rivieres du Sud area, West Africa: an ecogeographic approach
Bertrand, F.(REBR1001344)
- Mangrove mapping in North-western Madagascar using SPOT-XS and SIR-C radar data
Pasqualini, V.(REBR1001345)
- Modelos tróficos de fluxos de energia em ecossistemas estuarinos: um instrumento para compreender a função e a sustentabilidade do sistema
Matthias, W.(REBR1001347)
- Microzooplâncton do sistema estuarino do Rio Goiana, Pernambuco, Brazil
Moura, M.C.O.(REBR1001348)
- Manguezais Paraenses: ecossistema-chave para a sustentabilidade
Prost M.T.(REBR1001401)
- Mangroves of the Salgadinho complex - Olinda/PE: Monitoring for aerial photographs and reambulation
Silva, A.T.(REBR1001402)
- Mangroves as geological indicator of coastal changes in Bragança, Par*, northern Brazil
Souza Filho, P.W.M.(REBR1001405)
- Material fluxes across a mangrove area: Guaratiba-Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hamacher, C.(REBR1001407)
- Molluscs production associated to lunar-tide cycle: a case study in paraíba state under ethnoecology viewpoint
Nishida, A.K.(REBR1001416)
- Mangrove ecosystem: a critical habitat for fish populations in a coastal lagoon from Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
Vega-Cendejas, M.E.(REBR1001421)
- Mollusks of the mangrove-root fouling communities in two oceanic islands of the Colombian western Caribbean
Vilardy, S.P.(REBR1001422)
- Mangroves of Santa Cruz's Channel: Composition and structure
Andrade, V.C.(REBR1001425)
- Manguezal do Rio Baguaçu (Baía de Paranaguá - PR): estrutura e produção de serapilheira
Sessegolo, G.C.(REBR1001435)
- Mangrove productivity and litter decomposition of Rhizophora mangle and Laguncularia racemosa in the Jacarap* Lagoon, Northeast Brazil
Soares, D.M.B.(REBR1001436)
- Mangrove litterfall and decomposition in the Graeme Hall Swamp, Barbados
Simms, A.(REBR1001442)
- Metals in Mytella guyanensis (Lamarck, 1891) from itacorubi and ratones mangroves (Santa Catarina Island, Brazil)
Masutti, M.B. (REBR1001464)
- Mangrove oyster culture
Santos, F.C.V.(REBR1001470)
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