Search pattern :reference -> M

Matches (601 - 650 of 990)
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  1. Mangroves of south coastal Andhra Pradesh: State of the art report and conservation strategies
    Jayasundaramma, B.(REIN0000729)
  2. Mangroves of the Andamans - need for research for better productivity and utilization
    Singh, Y.(REIN0000730)
  3. Mangroves of the West Coast of India
    Jagtap, T.G.(REIN0000731)
  4. Mangroves of Uttara Kannada, Karnataka-Present status and management
    Sivabalan, A.(REIN0000732)
  5. Mangroves: Future shock
    Krishnamurthy, K.(REIN0000733)
  6. Mangroves: The diplomats of Neptune's court
    Subramanian, P.(REIN0000734)
  7. Manoeuvre of mangrove aquaculture for integrated rural development
    Subramanian, P.(REIN0000735)
  8. Manual for mapping coastal wetlands/landforms and shoreline-changes using satellite data
    Nayak ,S.(REIN0000737)
  9. Marine algae of mangrove delta region of West Bengal, India: Benthic forms
    Santra, S.C.(REIN0000738)
  10. Marine fungi from India. III. Acrocordiopsis patilii gen. et. sp. nov. from mangrove wood
    Borse, B.D.(REIN0000741)
  11. Marine fungi from India
    Borse, B.D.(REIN0000742)
  12. Marine c - 7
    Borse, B.D.(REIN0000743)
  13. Marine fungi from Indian mangroves
    Patil, S.D.(REIN0000745)
  14. Marine fungi on decaying wood from Mangalore Coast
    Sridhar, K.R.(REIN0000746)
  15. Marine macrophytes of Minicoy (Lakshasweep) coral atoll of the Arabian Sea
    Untawale, A.G.(REIN0000749)
  16. Marine microbial studies of mangrove swamps of Killai backwaters
    Venkatesan, V.(REIN0000750)
  17. Marine phytoplankton of the mangrove delta region of West Bengal, India
    Santra, S.C.(REIN0000751)
  18. Marine pollution - What are we heading for?
    Zingde, M.D.(REIN0000752)
  19. Marine pollution and coastal zone management
    Subramanian, B.R.(REIN0000753)
  20. Marine wood-borers from mangroves along Indian coasts
    Santhakumaran, L.N.(REIN0000754)
  21. Massarina armatispora sp. nov, a new intertidal Ascomycete from mangroves
    Hyde, K.D.(REIN0000755)
  22. Measurement of cadmium, copper and mercury toxicity of Crassostrea cucullata (Born, 1778)
    O'omolo, S.(REIN0000756)
  23. Mechanism of salt tolerance in some plant species
    Dutt, S.K.(REIN0000757)
  24. Meiobenthos of mangrove mudflats from shallow region of Thane Creek, central west coast of India
    Goldin, Q.(REIN0000758)
  25. Meiofauna of the mangrove sediments in South Andaman
    Rao, G.C.(REIN0000759)
  26. Meiofaunal stratification in relation to microbial food in a tropical mangrove mud flat
    Ansari, Z.A.(REIN0000760)
  27. Metabolic changes during rooting in pre-girdled stem cuttings and air-layers of Heritiera
    Das, P.(REIN0000761)
  28. Microbial production of antibiotics from mangrove ecosystem
    Kala, R.R.(REIN0000762)
  29. Microbiological processes of mangrove swamps
    Agate, A.D.(REIN0000763)
  30. Microflora of Avicennia officinalis Linn
    Nair, L.N.(REIN0000765)
  31. Microfungi from mangrove swamps of West Bengal, India. 2. Some new
    Chowdhery, H.J.(REIN0000766)
  32. Microphytoplankton of the Pitchavaram mangals, southeast coast of India : Species composition and population density
    Kannan, L.(REIN0000767)
  33. Molecular Phylogeny of mangroves - III Parentage analysis of a Rhizophora hybrid using random amplified polymorphic DNA and restriction fragment length polymorphism markers
    Lakshmi, M.(REIN0000771)
  34. Molecular phylogeny of mangroves - V. analysis of genome relationships in mangrove species using RAPD and RFLP markers
    Parani, M.(REIN0000773)
  35. Monitoring of ecological changes in Marine National Park using satellite data
    Anjali, P.(REIN0000776)
  36. Monitoring of wetland and shoreline on the part of Gujarat coast using Landsat data
    Nayak, S.(REIN0000778)
  37. Morphological excellence, feeding and breeding behaviour of Saccoglossus spp. (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta) from a mangrove mudflat of Sundarbans, India
    Singh, B.(REIN0000781)
  38. Mosquito larvicidal activity of mangrove plant extracts and synergistic activity of Rhizophora apiculata with pyrethrum against Culex quinquefasciatus
    Thangam, T.S.(REIN0000782)
  39. Mullet seed resources of Pichavaram mangrove, southeast coast of India
    Chandrasekaran, V.S.(REIN0000783)
  40. Multibranching of Rhizophora seedlings
    Kathiresan, K.(REIN0000784)
  41. Muthupet mangrove forests - sending out an 'SOS'
    Kannan, L.(REIN0000785)
  42. Mycoflora of mangrove swamps: ecological aspects
    Garg, K.L.(REIN0000786)
  43. Mycoflora of soil around pneumatophores of Soneratia acida L. in Andaman Islands
    Chauhan, S.K.(REIN0000787)
  44. Myopilumnus andamanicus n. gen., n. sp., a xanthid crab from Andamans
    Deb, M.(REIN0000789)
  45. Mangrove afforestation monitoring using remote sensing
    Bhuiyan, A.K.M(REIN0000810)
  46. Management strategies for fisheries and aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems
    Chowdhury, A.Q.(REIN0000840)
  47. Mangrove ecosystem study of Chakoria Sunderbans at Chittagon with special emphasis on shrimp ponds by remote sensing techniques
    Quader, O.(REIN0000841)
  48. Mangroves of Pakistan
    Rehman, L.M.(REIN0000842)
  49. Mud crab -- a potential aqua-resource of Bangladesh
    Ahmed, K.(REIN0000843)
  50. Mangrove wetlands as wastewater treatment facility: a field trial
    Wong, Y.S.(REIN0001142)

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