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  1. Mapping and characterization of mangrove plant communities in Hong Kong
    Tam, N.F.Y.(REIN0001143)
  2. Mangrove bivalves
    Morton, B.(REIN0001199)
  3. Mangrove soils as sinks for wastewater-borne pollutants
    Tam, N.F.Y.(REIN0001200)
  4. Mangrovispora pemphii gen. et sp. nov., a new marine fungus from Pemphis acidula
    Hyde, K.D.(REIN0001203)
  5. Marine fungi from Seychelles, Rhizophila marina, a new ascomycete from mangrove prop roots
    Hyde, K.D.(REIN0001204)
  6. Marine insects of Hong Kong
    Cheng, L.(REIN0001205)
  7. Melaspilea mangrove sp. nov., from Australian and Hong Kong mangroves
    Vrijmoed, L.L.P.(REIN0001206)
  8. Morphological, allozymic, and karyotypic distinctions between Neritina (Dostia) violacea and N. (D.) cornucopia (Gastropoda: Neritoidea)
    Qin, H.(REIN0001207)
  9. Movement of ions in tropical mangroves
    Field, C.D.(REIN0001209)
  10. Macroalgae in Indonesian mangrove forests
    Tanaka, J.(REIN0001255)
  11. Mangrove forest resources in Indonesia
    Choong, E.T.(REIN0001256)
  12. Modelling economy-ecology linkages in mangroves: Economic evidence for promoting conservation in Bintuni Bay, Indonesia
    Ruitenbeek, H.J.(REIN0001258)
  13. Morphology of bostrychia radicans (Montagne) montagne (Rhodophyceae) in Indonesia
    Tanaka, J.(REIN0001259)
  14. Malaria control by engineering measures: Pre-world-war-II examples from Indonesia
    Snellen, W.B.(REIN0001318)
  15. Management of coastal ecosystems in eastern Sumatra: The case of Berbak wildlife reserve, Jambi Province
    Claridge, G.(REIN0001319)
  16. Mangrove management: An economic analysis of management options with a focus on Bintuni Bay, Irian Jaya prepared by H. Jack Ruitenbeek for the Environmental management development in Indonesia project (EMDI)
    Ruitenbeek, H.J.(REIN0001320)
  17. Morphology of Bostrychia tenella (Rhodophyceae) in Indonesia
    Tanaka, J.(REIN0001321)
  18. Multiple-use practices for establishing eco-development policies in Indonesia
    Sudirman, S.(REIN0001322)
  19. Management and harvesting of Klang mangrove forests
    Soo, N.P.(REIN0001396)
  20. Mangrove litter production and decomposition at Phang-Nga Bay and Ban Don Bay, Thailand
    Angsupanich, S.(REIN0001411)
  21. Mangrove forests of Sarawak
    Chai, P.P.K(REIN0001424)
  22. Mangrove forests of Sabah
    Liew, T.C.(REIN0001425)
  23. Management of mangrove forests in Peninsular Malaysia
    Muktar, A.(REIN0001427)
  24. Mangrove swamps in South and Southeast Asia as potential rice lands
    Ponnamperuma, F.N.(REIN0001553)
  25. Management and utilization of mangrove forests in Sarawak
    Chai, P.K. Paul(REIN0001559)
  26. Mangrove forests of Peninsular Malaysia - A review of management and research objectives and priorities
    Tang, H.T.(REIN0001560)
  27. Macrobenthos of mangrove shores in Malaysia
    Sasekumar, A.(REIN0001607)
  28. Methods for food-chain analysis in aquatic ecosystems
    Hayase, S.(REIN0001611)
  29. Mound construction and litter consumption by macrobenthos population on the mangrove forest floor
    Kosuge, T.(REIN0001629)
  30. Marine Wood Borers on the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
    Singh, H.R.(REIN0001641)
  31. Macrobenthos of Mangrove Forests in Selangor
    Sasekumar, A.(REIN0001642)
  32. Mangrove Mammals and Birds
    Norma-Rashid, Y.(REIN0001645)
  33. Management of the Matang mangrove forest
    Gan, B.K.(REIN0001661)
  34. Mangrove reforestation project in Southeast Asia - A case of a partnership among Tokio Marine, NGOs and local communities
    Shuto, K.(REIN0001663)
  35. Mangrove detritus as source of nutrition for juvenile prawns: A dual stable isotope study in the Matang mangrove forest, Malaysia
    Chong, V.C.(REIN0001668)
  36. Meiofauna of Matang mangrove forests
    Ibrahim, S.(REIN0001672)
  37. Main characteristics of Indian mangroves
    Blasco, F.(REJP0000020)
  38. Mangrove de Picharavam (Tamil Nadu-Inde du sud) Phytogeographie et Palynologie
    Blasco, F.(REJP0000021)
  39. Mangroves as indicators of coastal change
    Blasco, F.(REJP0000029)
  40. Mangroves of arid environments of Latin America
    Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REJP0000032)
  41. Mangrove forests: Ecology and response to natural and man induced stressors
    Cintron, G.(REJP0000033)
  42. Mangroves of the United Arab Emirates: Ecotypic diversity in cuticular waxes at the bioclimatic extreme
    Dodd, R.S.(REJP0000035)
  43. Mangrove evolution and palynology
    Blasco, F.(REJP0000039)
  44. Mangroves fungi of Karachi, Pakistan
    Mehdi, F.S.(REJP0000053)
  45. Marine benthic diatoms in mangrove habitat of Sandspit, Karachi
    Saifullah, S.M.(REJP0000056)
  46. Marine algal epiphytes on the pneumatophores of mangroves growing near Karachi
    Saifullah, S.M.(REJP0000057)
  47. Mangrove ecosystem of Red Sea coast (Saudi Arabia)
    Saifullah, S.M.(REJP0000059)
  48. Management of the Indus Delta mangroves
    Saifullah, S.M.(REJP0000060)
  49. Meiofauna of a mangrove shore on the West coast of Peninsular Malaysia
    Sasekumar, A.(REJP0000064)
  50. Mangrove habitat dynamics and Holocene sea-level changes in the southwestern coast of Thailand
    Fujimoto, K.(REJP0000066)

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