Search pattern :reference -> M

Matches (801 - 850 of 990)
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  1. Mangrove genetics. I. mating system and mutation rates of Rhizophora mangle in Florida and San Salvador, Bahamas
    Lowenfeld, R.(REJP0000773)
  2. Mangrove genetics. II out crossing and lower spontaneous mutaion rates in Puerto rican rhizophora
    Klekowski Jr, E.J.(REJP0000779)
  3. Mangroves: A methodology for oil pollution impact assessment
    Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REJP0000782)
  4. Meiofauna and macrofauna communities in a mangrove from the island of Santa catarina south Brazil
    Netto, S.A.(REJP0000789)
  5. Mangrove ecosystems: definitions, distribution, zonation, forest structure tropic structure, and ecological significance
    Mckee, L.K.(REJP0000815)
  6. Mangrove forest structure
    Smith, T.J.(REJP0000816)
  7. Methods of raising mangrove nurseries
    Khan, M.A.S.(REJP0000826)
  8. Maintaining genetic diversity in keora (Sonneratia apetala) plantation in the coastal areas of Bangladesh
    Kundu, S.K.(REJP0000830)
  9. Management of forest ecosystems on Islands: the mangrove in Hawaii as an Alien species
    Enoki, T.(REJP0000840)
  10. Mangroves, an area of conflict between cattle ranchers and fishermen
    Moreno-Casasola, P.(REJP0000853)
  11. Mangrove rehabilitation and coastal resources management project of Mabini-Candijay, Bohol, Philippines: Cogtong Bay
    Pomeroy, R.S.(REJP0000856)
  12. Mangrove forestry research in Bangladesh
    Akhtaruzzaman, A.F.M.(REJP0000858)
  13. Mangroves action plan
    Adeel, Z.(REJP0000863)
  14. Mangrove ecosystem research in Asia- a perspective
    Natarajan, R.(REJP0000865)
  15. Mangrove forest types and their distribution in Sundarbans, India
    Mukherjee, B.B.(REJP0000871)
  16. Mangrove forests of Burma
    Htay, U.T.(REJP0000872)
  17. Mangrove soils and their utilization in Thailand
    Changprai, C.(REJP0000904)
  18. Mining impacts upon mangrove forest in Thailand
    Kongsangchai, J.(REJP0000907)
  19. Mangrove ecosystem changes under induce stress: the case history of the Sundarban, West Bengal, India
    Mukherjee, A. K.(REJP0000914)
  20. Monitoring food borne pathogenic bacteria in estuarine fish and shellfish
    Natarajan, R.(REJP0000916)
  21. Mangrove swamp in southeast Asia as potential rice lands
    Ponnamperuma, F.N.(REJP0000918)
  22. Management of mangrove exploitation in Indonesia
    Burbridge, P.R.(REJP0000923)
  23. Management and utilization of mangrove forests in Sarawak
    Paul, P.K.(REJP0000925)
  24. Mangrove forests of Peninsular Malaysia- A review of management and research objectives and properties
    Tang, H.T.(REJP0000926)
  25. Mangroves of Terengganu
    Husain, M.L. (ed.)(REJP0000929)
  26. Mangroves of the wider Caribbean towards sustainable management
    Richard, B. (ed.)(REJP0000937)
  27. Mangrove ecology and biodiversity in south Asia
    Rizvi, S.H.N.(REJP0000942)
  28. Mangrove resource management in Thailand
    Havanond, S.(REJP0000953)
  29. Mangrove resources management in Indonesia
    Wiroatmodio, P.(REJP0000956)
  30. Mangrove afforestation on newly-formed mudflats of the Pattani bay in southern Thailand
    Bamroongrugsa, N.(REJP0000957)
  31. Mangrove resources and management in southeast Asia
    Kashio, M.(REJP0000961)
  32. Mangrove mitigation in Hong Kong
    Gordon, M.S.(REJP0000965)
  33. Mangrove forest: Paradise in coastal land (Chinese)
    Baba, S.(REJP0000970)
  34. Mangrove forest at Rhyll inlet, Australia (Chinese)
    English, A.(REJP0000971)
  35. Mangrove forest under sound protection in Florida (Chinese)
    Hangqing, F.(REJP0000972)
  36. Macrofaunal community structure and food chain at the mangals
    Shokita, S.(REJP0000975)
  37. Mangrove resources and the socio-economics of dwellers in mangrove forests in Thailand
    Aksornkoae, S.(REJP0000978)
  38. Mangrove forest destruction in Indonesia and its impact on community system
    Andriawan, E.(REJP0001008)
  39. Mangrove soils of Indonesia
    Hardjowigeno, S.(REJP0001009)
  40. Mangrove planting in Hai phong and its problems to be solved
    Sot, T.T.(REJP0001029)
  41. Mangrove ecosystem and the silvo-fishery production at can Gio district (Ho Chi Minh City)
    Lien, L.T.(REJP0001030)
  42. Mangrove vegetation in Thua Thien-Hue coastal tourists sites
    Lan, N.K.(REJP0001034)
  43. Mangroves at Ha Long Bay
    Thanh, L.T.(REJP0001039)
  44. Mangrove forests in Vietnam: Current status and challenges
    Hong, P.N.(REJP0001045)
  45. Mangrove management in Taiwan
    Chiau, W.Y.(REJP0001049)
  46. Mangrove ecosystem research and conservation in Sabah
    Mohamed, M.(REJP0001050)
  47. Management and conservation of mangroves at Bangladesh
    Haque, M. E.(REJP0001054)
  48. Mangrove ecosystems of Asia and the Pacific
    Rao, A.N.(REJP0001065)
  49. Mangrove information management
    Jara, R.S.(REJP0001090)
  50. Mangrove litter production and dynamics in fringe and riverine mangals in Dutch bay, Sri Lanka
    Amarasinghe, M.D.(REJP0001100)

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