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  1. Microbial decomposition of Excoecaria agallocha leaves immersed in the brackish water
    Sekhar, S.R.(REJP0001102)
  2. Morphology and anatomy of the root system of Sonneratia alba in relation to functioning
    Samarakoon, A.B.(REJP0001114)
  3. Mangroves in the west coast of Sri Lanka with special reference to their macrofauna (Abstract)
    De Silva, K.H.G.M.(REJP0001116)
  4. Mangrove palynology: evolution of mangrove flora from cretaceous to recent (Abstract)
    Thanikaimoni, G.(REJP0001117)
  5. Management political awareness
    Zamora, P.M.(REJP0001123)
  6. Mangrove resources management policies
    Camacho, A.S.(REJP0001124)
  7. Macroalgal flora in mangrove brackish Areas of East Indonesia
    Tanaka, J.(REJP0001129)
  8. Microalgae of mangroves and characteristics of the community
    Inouye, I.(REJP0001130)
  9. Molusca resources (Meretrix, mactra) in coastal and estuarine tidal flats in Nam Dinh and Ninh Binh Province
    Duc, N.X.(REJP0001172)
  10. Meretrix farming in Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City advantages and disadvantages
    Lai, B.(REJP0001196)
  11. Mangrove forest restoration for enhancing coastal ecosystem in Vietnam
    Hong, P.N.(REJP0001237)
  12. Mangrove restoration and coastal fishery resources: Thailand's experiences
    Paphavasit, N.(REJP0001242)
  13. Managing the coastal ecosystems resources in the 21st Century:the Ranong experience
    Jalk, H.R.(REJP0001244)
  14. Mangrove succession and rehabilitation in a mud lobster (Thalassina anomala Herbst.) area
    Havanond, S.(REJP0001251)
  15. Mud crab-the collaboration research between department of fisheries and Danish/SE-Asian TCE project
    Pripanapong, S.(REJP0001268)
  16. Mangroves enhance the biomass of coral reef fish communities in the Caribbean
    Mumby, P.J.(REJP0001306)
  17. Migration, markets, and mangrove resource use on Kosrae, Federate States of Micronesia
    Naylor, R.L.(REJP0001318)
  18. Mollusks associated to the submerged roots of the red mangrove, Phizophora mangle (L.), in the Gulf of Santa Fe, sucre State, Venezuela (In Spanish)
    Marquez, B.(REJP0001323)
  19. Mollusks of Manuel Antonio National Park, Pacific Costa Rica
    Wills, S.(REJP0001356)
  20. Morphometric relationships and reproductive maturation of the mudskipper, Periophthalmus barbarus from subsistence catches in the mangrove swamps of IMO estuary, Nigeria
    Udo, M.T.(REJP0001377)
  21. Mangrove fish: a comparison of community structure between forested and cleared habitats
    Huxham, M.(REJP0001392)
  22. Mass mortality of hatchery-reared milkfish (Chanos chanos) and mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) caused by Amyloodinium ocellatum) (Dinoflagellida)
    Cruz-Lacierda, E.R.(REJP0001395)
  23. Mangrove-bank sedimentation in a mesotidal environment with large sediment supply, Gulf of Papua
    Walsh, J.P.(REJP0001397)
  24. Microsatellite analysis of genetic structure in the mangrove species Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. (Avicenniaceae)
    Maguire, T.L.(REJP0001417)
  25. Molecular characterization of cDNA encoding oxygen evolving enhance protein 1 increased by salt treatment in the mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
    Sugihara, K.(REJP0001418)
  26. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of two kinds of betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase in betaine-aacumulating mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh
    Hibino, T.(REJP0001423)
  27. Morphological and physiological responses of Hawaiian hibiscus tiliaceus (hau) populations to light and salinity
    Santiago, L.S.(REJP0001456)
  28. Methanosarcina semesiae sp. nov., a dimethylsulfide-utilizing methanogen from mangrove sediment
    Lyimo, T.J.(REJP0001460)
  29. Monitoring the changes of redox potential, pH and electrical conductivity of the mangrove soils in northern Taiwan
    Hseu, Z.Y.(REJP0001462)
  30. Mutagenicity of wood smoke condensates in the Salmonella/microsome assay
    Asita, A.O.(REJP0001464)
  31. Magnitude of faecal contamination of rural community well waters in Nigeria and its relationships to well and water properties
    Ogan, M.T.(REJP0001482)
  32. Manejo integral de manglares por comunidades locales caribe de Colombia
    Sa'nchez-Pa'ez, H.(REJP0001514)
  33. Mangrove ecosystem collapse during predicted sea level rise-Holocene analogs and implications
    Ellison, J.C.(REJP0001532)
  34. Mangroves - a carbon source and sink
    Eong, O.J.(REJP0001535)
  35. Middle Miocene palaeotopography at Little Bay, near Maroubra, New South Wales
    Pickett, J.W.(REJP0001568)
  36. Middle Eocene mangroves and vegetation changes in the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
    Rull, V.(REJP0001575)
  37. Mycotie involvement in epizootic ulcerative syndrome of freshwater fishes of Bangladesh: a histopathological study
    Ahmed, G.U.(REJP0001612)
  38. Managing mangroves in Bangladesh: a strategy analysis
    Iftekhar, M.S.(REJP0001615)
  39. Mangroves as a coastal protection from waves in the Tong King delta, Vietnam
    Mazda, Y.(REJP0001616)
  40. Molecular structures and some properties of starches from propagules of mangrove species
    Hanashiro, I.(REJP0001619)
  41. Mangrove ecosystem in the red river coastal zone
    Hong, P.N.(ed.)(REJP0001625)
  42. Micro- organisms in decomposing fallen leaves in the Kandelia obovata forest planted in Giao Lac Commune, Giao Thuy District, Nam dinh Province
    Tuan, M.S.(REJP0001646)
  43. Mangroves as a coastal protection from waves in the Tonkin delta, Vietnam
    Mazda, Y.(REJP0001653)
  44. Management and sustainable use of estuarine wetlands of Nghia Hung District, Nam Dinh Province
    Thang, H.V.(REJP0001663)
  45. Mangroves as a habitat for fish and prawn
    Sasekumar, A.(REJP0001681)
  46. Macroecology of mangroves: large - scale patterns and processes in tropical coastal forests
    Ellison, A.M.(REJP0001683)
  47. Mangroves of Oman during the late Holocene; climatic implications and impact on human settlements
    Lezine, A.M.(REJP0001695)
  48. Molecular phylogeneic analysis of mangroves: independent evolutionary origins of vivipary and salt secretion
    Shi, S.(REJP0001701)
  49. Mangrove conservation along the coast of Sonmiani, Balochistan, Pakistan
    Rasool, F.(REJP0001719)
  50. Mangrove mapping using landsat imagery and aerial photographs: Kemaman District, Terengganu, Malaysia
    Sulong, I.(REJP0001731)

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