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  1. Mangrove related ecosystems
    Vannucci, M.(REJP0001732)
  2. Mangrove swamp at a saline/fresh water interface near Creek Town, Southeastern Nigeria
    Ukpong, I.E.(REJP0001757)
  3. Mangrove habitat formation and response to Holocene sea-level changes on Kosrae Island, Micronesia
    Fujimoto, K.(REJP0001807)
  4. Mangrove conservation in Singapore: A physical or a psychological impossibility
    Hsiang, L.L.(REJP0001814)
  5. Mangrove: Enticing ordinary people onto the semantic web via instant gratification
    McDowell, L.(REJP0001821)
  6. Mariculture development in Kenya: alternatives to siting ponds in the mangrove ecosystem
    Rasowo, J.(REJP0001828)
  7. Mangroves as filters of shrimp pond effluent: predictions and biogeochemical research needs
    Robertson, A.I.(REJP0001834)
  8. Mapping and characterizing subtropical estuarine landscapes using aerial photography and GIS for potential application in wildlife conservation and management
    Zharikov, Y.(REJP0001851)
  9. Macrobenthos of Kakinada Bay in the Godavari delta, East coast of India: comparing decadal changes
    Raut, D.(REJP0001857)
  10. Meiofaunal recruitment to mimic pneumatophores in a cool-temperate mangrove forest: spatial context and biofilm effects
    Gwyther, J.(REJP0001860)
  11. Mangrove wetland change analysis in the conext of coastal projects construction with remote sensing
    Li, T.(REJP0001867)
  12. Mangroves and brackish water pond in the Philippines
    Primavera, J.H.(REJP0001898)
  13. Micropropagation of grey mangrove Avicennia marina
    Al-Bahrany, A.M.(REJP0001914)
  14. Molecular phylogeny of mangroves VIII: Analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation for species identification and relationship in Indian mangrove Rhizophoraceae
    Lakshmi, M.(REJP0001985)
  15. Meiobenthos of hypersaline tropical mangrove sediment in relation to spring tide inundation
    Olafssson, E.(REJP0001995)
  16. Molecular characterization of three Heritiera species using AFLP markers
    Mukherjee, A.K.(REJP0001997)
  17. Mapping disturbances in a mangrove forest using multi-data landsat TM imagery
    Kovacs, J.M.(REJP0002008)
  18. Methanogenic bacteria in mangrove sediments
    Mohanraju, R.(REJP0002016)
  19. Movement within and between different habitats by the portunid crab Scylla serrata
    Hyland, S.J.(REJP0002040)
  20. Molecular cloning and characterization of genes encoding BURP domain-containing protein in the mangrove, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
    Banzai, T.(REJP0002065)
  21. Menotaktische orientierung nach polarisiertem und unpolarisiertem lixht bei der mangrovekrabbe Goniopsis
    Schone, H.(REJP0002073)
  22. Molecular phylogeny of mangroves VI. intraspecific variation in mangrove species Excoecaria agallocha L. (Euphorbiaceae)
    Lakshmi, M.(REJP0002078)
  23. Mangrove soil community analysis using DGGE of 16S rDNA V3 fragment polymerase chain reaction products
    Wang, Y.K.(REJP0002085)
  24. Mosquitoes of the mangrove forests in India:Part 1-Bhitarkanika, Orissa
    Rajavel, A.R.(REJP0002096)
  25. Mosquitoes of the mangrove forests in India:Part 2-Sundarbans West Bengal
    Rajavel, A.R.(REJP0002097)
  26. Mating system and population genetic structure of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (Rhizophoraceae), a viviparous mangrove species in China
    Ge, J.P.(REJP0002118)
  27. Modern pollen–vegetation relationships along transects on the Whangapoua Estuary, Great Barrier Island, northern New Zealand
    Deng, Y.(REJP0002147)
  28. Modeling secondary succession of neotropical mangroves: Causes and consequences of growth reduction in pioneer species
    Berger, U. (REJP0002152)
  29. Mangrove palynology in recent marine sediments off Cameroon
    Van Campo, E. (REJP0002153)
  30. Methane in pristine and impaired mangrove soils and its possible effect on establishment of mangrove seedlings
    Strangmann, A.(REJP0002167)
  31. Mangrove rehabilitation: choice and necessity
    Field, C.D.(REJP0002169)
  32. Mangroves as a coastal protection from waves in the Tong King delta, Vietnam
    Mazda, Y.(REJP0002181)
  33. Mangroves as indicators of coastal change
    Blasco, F.(REJP0002184)
  34. Mangrove forests: Resilience, protection from tsunamis, and responses to global climate change
    Alongi, D.M.(REJP0002185)
  35. Mangrove forest distributions and dynamics (1975-2005) of the tsunami-affected region of Asia
    Giri, C.(REJP0002186)
  36. Mangrove Restoration: A Potential Tool for Coastal Management in Tropical Developing Countries
    Kaly, U.L.(REJP0002187)
  37. Mangrove Retreat with Rising Sea-level, Bermuda
    Ellison, J.C.(REJP0002189)
  38. Multi-functional pollution mitigation in a rehabilitated mangrove conservation area
    Wickramasinghe, S.(REJP0002196)
  39. Mangrove community recovery potential after catastrophic disturbances in Bangladesh
    Harun-or-Rashid, S.(REJP0002197)
  40. Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) populations may sometimes be best managed locally
    Ewel, K.C.(REJP0002203)
  41. Mangrove crabs as ecosystem engineers; with emphasis on sediment processes
    Kristensen, E.(REJP0002211)
  42. Mangrove forests: Resilience, protection from tsunamis, and responses to global climate change
    Alongi, D.M.(REJP0002217)
  43. Mixed shrimp-mangrove farming practices: A manual for farmers
    Tuan, V.A.(REJP0003001)
  44. Mangrove restoration without planting
    Kamali, B.(REJP0003021)
  45. Mapping ecosystem processes and function across shallow seascapes
    Eyre, B.D.(REJP0003027)
  46. Major role of marine vegetation on the oceanic carbon cycle
    Duarte, C. M.(REJP0003035)
  47. Mangrove for charcoal. A vanishing sustainable woodfuel resource system (the case of Yeesarn, Upper Gulf of Thailand)
    Aksornkoae, S.(REJP1100001)
  48. Mangrove productivity
    America, L.C.(REJP1100002)
  49. Mangrove forests in Pakistan
    Jan, U.A. (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Cooperation, Islamabad)(REJP1100004)
  50. Mangroves of Vietnam
    Hong, P.N.(REJP1100013)

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