Search pattern :reference -> M

Matches (951 - 990 of 990)

  1. Multiple use potential of mangrove in the Ayeyarwady Delta
    U. Ohn(REJP1100014)
  2. Mangrove for production and protection. A changing resource system: case study in Can Gio district, southern Vietnam
    Nam, V.N.(REJP1100023)
  3. Mangrove harvesting and transportation in Sundarbans
    Larseb, R.S.(REJP1100037)
  4. Mangroves of the Sundarbans v. 1: India, v. 2: Bangladesh
    Chaudhuri, A.B.(REJP1100038)
  5. Mangrove destruction and shrimp culture systems
    Menasveta, P.(REJP1100054)
  6. Marine biodiversity conservation and mangement
    Menon, N.G.(REJP1100058)
  7. Mangroves or fishponds? valuation and evaluation of alternative uses of a mangrove forest in the Philippines; CREED(collaborative research in the economics of environment and development) final report
    Janssen, R.(REJP1100066)
  8. Management of fisheries, coastal resources and coastal environment in Bangladesh; legal and institutional perspectives
    Habib, E.(REJP1100074)
  9. Mixed shrimp farming-mangrove forestry models in the Mekong Delta. Termination report: part A: main report and executive summary, part B: technical appendices
  10. Mangrove restoration in Orissa, south India: an experiment
    Thatoi, H.N.(REJP1100088)
  11. Man in the mangrove forest: a socio-economic case study in southern Thailand
    Priebprom, S.(REJP1100101)
  12. Mangrove management: its ecological and economic considerations (proceedings)
    Soerianegara, I.(REJP1100106)
  13. Mangrove forests of Pakistan
    Beg, A.R.(REJP1100116)
  14. Management of fisheries and aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems in Thailand
    Potaros, M.(REJP1100127)
  15. Management strategies for fisheries and aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems in Sri Lanka
    Jayasekara, A.M. (REJP1100134)
  16. Mangrove ecosystems of Asia and the Pacific: status, exploitation and management
    Field, C.D. (ed.)(REJP1100135)
  17. Mangrove Ecosystems
    Mepham, R.H. (ed.)(REJP1100137)
  18. Many people, few forests; An interview (English, Spanish, French)
    Mahmoud, S.A.(REJP1100148)
  19. Monograph on mangrove forests in Asia
    Rahman, L.M.(REJP1100152)
  20. Mangrove management in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia (English, Spanish, French)
    Forest Resources Division, Rome, Italy(REJP1100157)
  21. Mangrove forests in Asia-Pacific region. A summary of available information
    FAO, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. (REJP1100166)
  22. Morphological, hydrological and ecological aspects of the Sundarbans
    Chowdhury, M.I.(REJP1100171)
  23. Microhabitat distribution of juvenile Penaeus merguiensis de man and other epibenthic crustaceans within a mangrove forest in subtropical Australia
    Meager, J.J.(REJP1100182)
  24. Mangrove forest management in Thailand
    Anan Nalampoon(REJP1100186)
  25. Maximizing benefits from shrimp fisheries (Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission region)
    Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission region(REJP1100206)
  26. Marine survey report of the Segara Anakan/Nusa Kambangan area, Java
    Kvalvaagnaes, K.(REJP1100209)
  27. Mammals of the Thailand mangroves (swamps)
    McNeely, J.A.(REJP1100225)
  28. Mangroves and their utilization for aquaculture in the tropics
    Rabanal, H.R.(REJP1100230)
  29. Mangrove reforestation, second mission
    Kogo, M. Y. (ed.) (REJP1100240)
  30. Mangrove oceanography
    Wolanski, E. (ed.)(REJP1100241)
  31. Measurements and modeling of the water circulation in mangrove swamps
    Wolanski, E. (REJP1100242)
  32. Mangrove microbiology: role of microorganisms in nutrient cycling of mangrove soils and waters
    Agate, A.D. (ed.) (REJP1100245)
  33. Manual on mapping and inventory of mangroves
    Benessalah, D. (ed.)(REJP1100247)
  34. Marine mycology; the higher fungi
    Kohlmeyer, J. (ed.)(REJP1100256)
  35. Mangrove vegetation
    Chapman, V.J. (ed.)(REJP1100261)
  36. Mangroves, fisheries, and aquaculture
    Kapetsky, J.M. (ed.)(REJP1100271)
  37. Mangroves - what are they worth?
    Christensen, B.(REJP1100277)
  38. Mangrove management and shrimp aquaculture
    Massaut, L. (ed.)(REJP1100281)
  39. Mangrove silviculture HUBERMAN MA , 1959 FAO 1959 -
    Huberman, M.A. (REJP1100288)
  40. Mangrove ecosystems
    Efmon (ed.)(REJP1100290)


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