Search pattern :reference -> R
Matches (1 - 50 of 372)
- Regional variations in the distribution of trace metals in modern intertidal sediments of Northern Spencer Gulf, South Australia
Harbison, P.(REBR1000007)
- Role of mangrove vegetation in mercury cycling in Florida Evergaldes
Tripp, M.(REBR1000013)
- Release of trace metals by sewage sludge and the subsequent uptake by members of a turtle grass mangrove ecosystem
Montgomery, J.R.(REBR1000027)
- Restingas Brasileiras: Uma bibliografia
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000049)
- Rapid fluctuations in sea level recorded at Huon Peninsula during the penultimate degaciation
Esat, T.M.(REBR1000052)
- Reduced toxicity of Cu and Zn to mangrove seedlings (Kandelia candel (L.) Druce.) in saline environments
Chiu, C.Y. (REBR1000066)
- Redox stratification and heavy metal partitioning in Avicennia-dominated mangrove sediments: a geochemical model
Clark, M.W.(REBR1000084)
- Registros adicionales de cangrejos braquiuros (crustaceae, Brachyura) de laguna de Terminos, Campeche
Raz-Guzman, A.(REBR1000133)
- Registros adicionales de cangrejos braquiuros (crustaceae, Brachyura) del sistema lagunar de Alvarado, Vera Cruz
Raz-Guzman, A.(REBR1000134)
- Regimes of Coastal Change
Kremer, H.(REBR1000148)
- Recent accretion in mangrove ecosystems based on 137Cs and 210Pb
Lynch, J.C.(REBR1000181)
- Reproduction of Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan) (Teleostei, Sciaenidae) at the Guaratuba Bay, Paraná, Brasil
Chaves, P.D.T.C. (REBR1000211)
- Reproductive indices from species of Citharichthys bleeker (Teleostei, Pleurorectiformes) at the Guaratuba Bay, Paran*, Brazil
Chaves, P.D.T.C. (REBR1000212)
- Recent changes of the mangroves of the Saloum River Estuary, Senegal
Diop, E.S.(REBR1000223)
- Recent foraminifera and thecamoeba from the Guaratuba estuary, Parana Brazil
Barbosa, C.F(REBR1000258)
- Reproducao da tainha Mugil curema Valenciennes, 1836, em aguas estuarinas de Pernambuco, Brasil.
Couto, L.M.M.R.(REBR1000311)
- Rotatoria da area estuarina lagunar de Suape, Pernambuco (Brasil). I. Especies referidas pela primeira vez para o Brasil
Neumann-Leitao, S.(REBR1000351)
- Rotiferos de Pernambuco. III. Ocorrencia de Lecane grandis (Rotatoria) em viveiros estuarinos de Itamaraca- PE (Brasil)
Neumann-Leitao, S.(REBR1000352)
- Rotiferos de Pernambuco. II. Especies planctonicas que ocorrem nos viveiros do cabo -PE
Paranagua M.N.(REBR1000369)
- Revisao e atualizacao do zooplancton no estuario do Rio Ariquindu Rio Formoso - Pernambuco
Santana-Barreto, M.S.(REBR1000383)
- Regime alimentar dos Camorins (Centropomus undecimalis, Bloch, 1792) e Centropomus parallelus (Poey, 1860) do Canal de Santa Cruz (Pernambuco - Brasil)
Vasconcelos Filho, A.L.(REBR1000397)
- Relacao peso/largura, fator de condicao e tamanho de primeira maturação de Callinectes danae Smith, 1869 (Crustacea, Portunidae) no manguezal do Itacorubi, SC, Brasil
Branco, J.O.(REBR1000453)
- Relacao peso total/comprimento total e fator de condicao da manjuba Cetengraulis edentulus (Cuvier, 1828) (Clupeiformes-Engraulididae) no manguezal do Itacorubi, SC, Brazil
Clezar, L.(REBR1000458)
- Resistance of red mangrove Rhizophora mangle seedlings to Lead, Cadmium and Mercury
Walsh, G.E.(REBR1000484)
- Replanto de plantulas de Laguncularia racemosa visando o seu uso em programas de recuperação de manguezais degradados
Eysink, G.G.J.(REBR1000542)
- Razão C:N da serapilheira do mangue de Cananéia, Estado de São Paulo
Schmidt, G.(REBR1000604)
- Resíduos praguicidas em águas e sedimentos de fundo do sistema estuarino de Santos (SP)
Tommasi, L.R.(REBR1000624)
- Role of seagrasses and mangroves in estuarine food webs: temporal and spatial changes in stable isotope composition and amino acid content during decomposition
Zieman, J.C.(REBR1000715)
- Revisao taxonomica das especies amazonicas de Rhizophora
Prance, G.T.(REBR1000724)
- Rhizophora mangle L. seedling development into the sapling stage across resource and tree gradients in subtropical Florida
Koch, M.S.(REBR1000761)
- Retratos da Baia
Lima, E.P.(REBR1000815)
- Relacao preliminar dos peixes da Ilha de Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brasil
Martins-Juras, J.A.G.(REBR1000922)
- Recursos faunisticos do Estado de Rio de Janeiro
Maciel, N.C. (REBR1000965)
- Role of riverine mangrove forests in organic carbon export to tropical coastal ocean: A preliminary mass balance for the Fly Delta (Papua New Guinea)
Alongi, D.M.(REBR1000984)
- Restoration of the mangrove vegetation in the Mahanadi delta, Orissa, India
Das, P.(REBR1001114)
- Relationship between particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in estuarine mangrove area of Bay of Todos os Santos (Bahia State Brazil)
Paredes, J.F.(REBR1001151)
- Riley encased methodology: principles and processes of mangrove habitat creation and restoration
Riley, R.W.(REBR1001169)
- Rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems
Field, C.D.(REBR1001182)
- Rehabilitation of saline wetlands, Olympics 2000 site, Sidney, Australia. I: Managment strategies based on ecological needs assessment
Burchett, M.D.(REBR1001189)
- Rehabitation of coastal ecosystems
Edwards, A.(REBR1001196)
- Respuestas del mangle salado Avicennia germinans (Avicenniaceae) ante la erosion y acresion marina en la Isla de Salamanca, Colombia
Alvarez-Leon, R.(REBR1001202)
- Research information needs on US mangroves: Recommendations to the United States national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Ocean Program from an estuarine habitat program funded workshop
Thayer, G.W.(REBR1001272)
- Recovery of tropical mangrove forest following a major oil spill: A study of recruitment, growth and the benefits of planting
Duke, N.C.(REBR1001273)
- Regime hidrodinamico do estuario do Rio Pacoti
Freire, G.S.S.(REBR1001293)
- Reproductive patterns of Aratus pisonii (Decapoda, Grapsidae) from estuarine areas of Sao Paulo Northern coast, Brazil
Leme, M.H.A.(REBR1001326)
- Reproductive activity of birds in a mangrove of northwest Costa Rica
Barrantes, G.(REBR1001327)
- Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) litter fall response to selective pruning (Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA)
Parkinson, R.W.(REBR1001339)
- Restoration and biogeochemical function in mangrove forests
McKee, K.L.(REBR1001375)
- Remote sensing and GIS potentialities in the study of estuaries, lagoons and bays
Bonetti Filho, J.(REBR1001397)
- Regeneração de bosques de mangue do litoral do Piaui
Deus, M.S.M.(REBR1001430)
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