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- Replobamiento experimental de Avicennia germinans en setores adyacentes al Canal Clarin - Delta exterior del Rio Magdalena
Arango-Estevez, X(REBR1001505)
- Restauração de um manguezal utilizando Laguncularia racemosa
Menezes, G.V.(REBR1001515)
- Rates of sediment accumulation and particle mixing based on radiochemical measurements from some Brazilian coastal sediments
Patchineelam, S.R.(REBR1001519)
- Recuperação de manguezais aterrados na Baixada de Jacarepaguá, RJ
Teixeira, M.L.F.(REBR1001527)
- Restoration of mangrove habitat
Lewis, R.R.(REBR1001586)
- River or mangrove? Tracing major organic matter sources in tropical Brazilian coastal waters
Dittmar, T.(REBR1001596)
- River basin activities, impact and management of anthropogenic trace metal and sediment fluxes to Sepetiba bay, Southeastern Brazil
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001611)
- Resultados parciais da analise palinologica de um testemunho do manguezal da Baia de Sepetiba, RJ
Santos, D.S.(REBR1001707)
- Registro da ação antropica na região da Baia de Sepetiba, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, atraves do estudo palinologico
Coelho, L.G.(REBR1001708)
- Roles of larval supply and behavior in determining settlement of barnacles in a temperate mangrove forest
Satumanatpan, S.(REBR1001723)
- Rooting and vegetative propagation in Laguncularia racemosa
Elster, C.(REBR1001763)
- Rehabilization of the Cienaga Grande de Santa marta, a mangrove-estuarine system in the Caribbean coast of Colombia
Botero, L.(REBR1001766)
- Root proliferation in decaying roots and old roots channels: a nutrient conservation mechanism in oligotropic mangrove forests
McKee, K.L.(REBR1001842)
- Role of ultraviolet radiation in maintaining the three-dimensional structure of a cyanobacterial mat community and facilitating nitrogen fixation
Middleton, B.A.(REBR1001844)
- Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems
Schimel, D.S.(REBR1001860)
- Relevance of mangroves for the production and deposition of organic matter along tropical continental margins
Jennerjahn, T.C.(REBR1001884)
- Restoration Geoenvironmental characterization of the Orinoco Delta: A process approach
Echezuría, H.(REBR1001902)
- Rhizolith evidence in support of a late Holocene sea-level highstand at least 0.5 m higher than present at Key Biscaine
Froede, C.R.(REBR1001911)
- Regeneration of fringe mangrove forests damaged by Hurricane Andrew
Baldwin, A.(REBR1001917)
- Relações entre sulfetos ácido-voláteis e metais simulataneamente extr´dos em sedimentos costeiros e fluviais do Rio de Janeiro, SE do Brasil
Carvalho, M.F.(REBR1001921)
- Restoration trajectory of structural and functional processes in a tropical mangrove-estuarine ecosystem (Cienaga Grande de Santa marta) in Caribbean Colombia
Botero, L.(REBR1001934)
- River discharge and sediment load variability in South America
Kjerfve, B.(REBR1001936)
- River damming and changes in mangrove distribution
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001962)
- Role of fiddler crabs of a subtropical intertidal flat on the fate of sedimentary fatty acids
Meziane, T.(REBR1001965)
- Regeneration of Rhizophora mangle in a Caribbean mangrove forest: interacting effects of canopy disturbance and a stem-boring beetle
Sousa, W.P.(REBR1001973)
- Relation of water transport to leaf gas exchange properties in three mangrove species
Sobrado, M.A.(REBR1001982)
- Recognition of the main geobotanical features along the Bragança mangrove coast (Brazilian Amazon Region) from Landsat TM and RADARSAT-1 data
Souza Filho, P.W.M.(REBR1002016)
- Reproduction of blackchin Tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, within an impounded mangrove ecosystem in East-central Florida
Faunce, C.H.(REBR1002031)
- Reproductiive biology of the introduced Mayan cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus, within an estuarine mangrove habitat of Southern Florida
Faunce, C.H.(REBR1002032)
- River discharge, sediment load and sediment yield estimates for Magdalena River and other Caribbean rivers of Colombia: environmental implications
Restrepo, J.D.(REBR1002075)
- Responses of coastal wetlands to rising sea level
Morris, J.T.(REBR1002099)
- Release of dimethylsulfide from dymethylsulfonioproprionate by plant-associated salt marsh fungi
Bacic, M.K.(REBR1002104)
- Rates of spontaneous mutation
Drake, J.W.(REBR1002106)
- Report on the Americas Workshop on the sustainable Management of Mangrove Forest Ecosystems
Macintosh, D.J.(REBR1002131)
- Response of late carboniferous tropical vegatation to transgressive-regressive rhythms at Joggins, Nova Scotia
Falcon-Lang, H.J.(REBR1002143)
- Reproductive output of Uca vocator (Herbst, 1804) (Brachyura, Ocypodidae) from three subtropical mangroves in Brazil
Colpo, K.D.(REBR1002144)
- Retrospective analysis of the impacts of major hurricanes on seidments in the lower Everglades and Florida Bay
Kang, W.J.(REBR1002175)
- Reconstructing estuarine conditions: oyster shells as recorders of environmental change, Southwest Florida
Surge, D.M.(REBR1002187)
- Retençaõ e distribuição de iodo em sedimentos do canal de maré do manguezal de itacurussá, Baía de Sepetiba, Sudeste do Brasil
Machado, E.C.(REBR1002220)
- Recuperação das áreas de manguezal no Município de Icapuí - Ceará
Silva, L.F.F.(REBR1002249)
- Ritmo de Desova e abundância da larva zoea-I do caranguejo-uça, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae) (Linnaeus, 1763, no estuário do Rio Caeté, Bragança, Pará
Sousa, O.S.(REBR1002254)
- Ritmo de Aspectos populacionais de Uca mordax (Smith, 1870) no manguezal de Itamambuca, Ubatuba, SP, Brasil
Mortari, R.C.(REBR1002255)
- Reprodução do peixe-rei, Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard) (Atheriniformes, Atherinidae), em uma planície de maré adjacente à gamboa do Baguaçu, Baía de Paranaguá, Paraná, Brasil
Favaro, L.F.(REBR1002272)
- Relationship of metal contaminants with acid-volatile sulfides (AVS) in tropical estuarine sediments: Potential influence on metal distribution and bioavailability
Carvalho, M.F.(REBR1002314)
- Research on anaytical chemistry in Brazil: an overview
Andrade, J.B.(REBR1002346)
- Reactive sulfides relationship with metals in sediments from an eutrophic estuary in southeast Brazil
Machado, W.(REBR1002347)
- Relative importance of interlinked mangroves and sea grass beds as feeding habitats for juvenile reef fish on a Caribbean Island
Nagalkerken, I.(REBR1002353)
- Role of first-order consumers in ecosystem carbon flow
Cebrian, J.(REBR1002363)
- Reflorestamentyo de manguezais e o valor de resgate para o sequestro de carbono atmosférico
Fonseca, S.M.(REBR1002380)
- Replacement of corn with mangrove seeds in bluespot mullet Valamugil seheli diets
Belal, I.E.H.(REBR1002382)
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