Search pattern :reference -> S
Matches (1 - 50 of 802)
- Sediment composition and metal concentrations in mangrove leaves from the Saudi coast of the Arabian Gulf
Sadiq, M.(REBR1000012)
- Some heavy metals in sediments from Darwin Harbour, Australia
Peerzada, N.(REBR1000039)
- Subsidios ecologicos para um plano de gestao integrada na zona costeira da Ilha de Santa Catarina
Ledo, B.S.(REBR1000071)
- Some Basidiomycetes from mangroves in Sao Paulo State
Almeida-Filho, O.M.D.A.(REBR1000088)
- Simulation of deforestation in eastern Amazonia using a high-resolution model
Gandu, A.W.(REBR1000090)
- Situacion de los manglares en America Latina y la cuenca del Caribe
Suman, D.(REBR1000104)
- Status of mangroves in Latin America and the Caribbean basin
Suman, D.(REBR1000105)
- Situacion dde los bosques salados en El Salvador
Funes, C.A.(REBR1000112)
- Situacion de los manglares de Panama
Osorio, O.(REBR1000119)
- Status del manejo y reglamentacion de los manglares en Puerto Rico
Martinez, R.F.(REBR1000120)
- Situacion actual de los manglares en Venezuela
Rodriguez, D.(REBR1000122)
- Stress and adaptation in mangroves
Schnetter, M.L.(REBR1000144)
- Soil physicochemical patterns and mangrove species distribution - reciprocal effects?
Mckee, K.L.(REBR1000157)
- Seasonal biomass and diversity of estuarine fishes coupled with tropical habitat heterogeneity (southern Gulf of Mexico)
Yanez-Arancibia, A.(REBR1000175)
- Structure, litter fall, decomposition and detritus dynamics of mangroves in a Mexican coastal lagoons and ephemeral inlet
Flores-Verdugo, F.J.(REBR1000179)
- Sources, sinks, and export of organic carbon through a tropical semi-enclosed delta (Hinchinbrook Channel, Australia)
Alongi, D.M.(REBR1000206)
- Seasonal succession of the phytoplankton in the Bay Paranagua (Parana, State-Brasil).
Brandini, F.P(REBR1000207)
- Sedimentological-geomorphological studies and environmental impacts caused by the harbour implantation at the Suape Lagoon (Northeastern Brazil)
Neumann, V.H.(REBR1000227)
- Some insights on mangrove porewater sampling
Aragon, G.T.(REBR1000255)
- Seasonal variation of biomass and production dynamics for above and belowground components of Spartina alterniflora marsh in a euhaline sector of Paranaguá Bay (SE Brazil)
Lana, P.C.(REBR1000269)
- Sediment mixing and accumulation in a mangrove ecosystem: evidence from 210Pb, 234Th and 7Be
Smoak, J.M.(REBR1000273)
- Situacao atual e perspectivas dos manguezais no nordeste brasileiro
Braga, R.A.P.(REBR1000291)
- Spatial variation of groundwater salinity in a mangrove-salt flat system, Cocoa Creek, Australia
Sam, R.(REBR1000338)
- Scale-dependent spatial and temporal variability in biogeography of mangrove root epibiont communities
Farnsworth, EJ.(REBR1000346)
- Study of heavy metals in bottom active sediments from Iguape's Bay - lagoon estuarine complex of Paraguay River - Bahia - Brazil
Paredes, J.F.(REBR1000422)
- Standing crop na area estuarina SW da Baia de Todos os Santos
Peixinho, V.M.C.(REBR1000423)
- Small tropical islands
Falkland, A.C.(REBR1000478)
- Spartina alterniflora como fonte potencial de materia organica no manguezal de Itacorubi, Ilha de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brasil)
Panitz, C.M.N.(REBR1000516)
- Sambaquis da regiao lagunar de Cananeia I. Observacoes geograficas. II Especulacoes pre-historicas
Ab'saber, A. (REBR1000518)
- Stichosiphon mangle sp. nova, a new cyanophyte from mangrove environments
Branco, L.H.Z.(REBR1000530)
- Sedimentacao atual do estuario e baia de Santos: um modelo geológico aplicado a projetos de expansão da zona portuária
Fulfaro, V.J.(REBR1000546)
- Seasonal variation and phytoplankton distribution in Cananeia region, Brazil
Kutner, M.B.B.(REBR1000558)
- Stratigraphy of the Iguape-Cananéia region sedimentary deposits, São Paulo State, Brasil. part 1: Field observation and grain size analysis
Suguio, K. (REBR1000613)
- Status of mangrove research in Latin America and the Caribbean
Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.(REBR1000638)
- Severe hail damage to mangroves of Port Curtis, Australia
Houston, W.A.(REBR1000653)
- Saba, Netherlands Antilles
Buchan, K.(REBR1000684)
- San Salvador, Bahamas
Gerace, D.T.(REBR1000688)
- Structural comparisons of mangrove forests near shrimp ponds in Southern Ecuador
Lachmann, E.J.(REBR1000692)
- Sea-level fingerprint as a direct test for the source of meltwater pulse IA
Clarck, P.U.(REBR1000746)
- Salinity response in two populations of viviparous Rhizophora mangle seedlings
Smith, S.M.(REBR1000753)
- Soil characteristics and vegetation structure in a heavily deteriorated mangrove forest in the Caribbean coast of Colombia
Noske, R.A.(REBR1000760)
- Structure de la vegetacion et production primaire dans la mangrove de la Baie de Fort-de-France, Martinique, FWI
Imbert, D.(REBR1000762)
- Structure of benthic diatom assemblages from a mangrove environment in a Mexican subtropical lagoon
Beltrones, D.A.S.(REBR1000768)
- Significance of quaternary sea-level fluctuations for delta construction along the Brazilian coast
Suguio, K.(REBR1000796)
- Status and uses of mangroves in the Republic of Panama
D'Croz, L.(REBR1000802)
- Sobre a reproducao do caranguejo-uca*, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus), em manguezais do Estado do Ceara (Brasil).
Alves, M.I.M.(REBR1000871)
- Sobre alimentacao do peixe-pedra, Genyatremus luteus (Bloch, 1795) Jordan & Fesler, 1893 (Teleostei, Pomadasyidae)
Fernandes, G.L.(REBR1000912)
- Size and metal concentration in the mangrove mussel Mytella guyanensis (Mollusca: Bibalvia) from Baia de Sepetiba, Brazil
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1000959)
- Sediment accretion and variability of sedimentological characteristics of a tropical estuarine mangrove: Kemanan, Terengganu, Malaysia
Saad, S.(REBR1000990)
- Sap pressure in Vascular plants
Scholander, P.F.(REBR1000996)
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